University of Virginia Library


"The greatest tribute that you can pay
to him is that he is a humanist," said A. E.
Howard, Associate Dean of the University
School of Law, when interview concerning
Hardy C. Dillard, the retiring Dean of the
Law School.

"He has been more than an administrator,"
Mr. Howard continued, "I don't
think you can measure his accomplishments
as Dean only in terms of tangibles, although
such accomplishments of his are

Mr. Dillard, 65, wil step down as Dean
of the Law School, a position he has held
since 1963, on July 1, and will be succeeded
by Monrad G. Paulsen, a professor of law
at Columbia University. He will continue
teaching at the University as James Monroe
Professor of Law.

Mr. Howard observed that, during his
administration, Mr. Dillard has been highly
successful in conducting relations with both
the state legislature and the alumni, from
which he has drawn a "significant amount
of support" for the Law School.

Since 1963, the law school has developed
a "strong, young faculty," according to Mr.
Howard, and he attributes this largely to
Mr. Dillard. In addition, he noted, "I think
in terms of international law development
at the law school, Mr. Dillard has set the

Louisiana Native

A native of Louisiana, the law school dean
began his college career at the University in
1921. After one year of study, he transferred
to the U. S. Military Academy from
where he graduated with a B.S. He returned
to the University for his LL.B., which he
earned in 1927, and went on to study at
the University of Paris as a Carnegie Fellow
from 1930-31.

Mr. Dillard joined the University faculty
in 1927 as an acting associate professor. In
1933 he became an associate professor, and
five years later stepped up to a full professorship.
In 1958 he was designated
James Monroe Professor of Law.

Successor To Ribble

Since that time, Mr. Dillard served as
Director of the Institute of Public Affairs
at the University, and spent a year at
Columbia as visiting professor of law. In
1963 he succeeded F. D. G. Ribble as Dean
of the law school.

Mr. Dillard was last year's recipient of
the Thomas Jefferson Award, presented
every Founder's Day to the outstanding
member of the University community. The
citation of the award read, "He cares deeply
about the University, and gives of himself
not only to the students of his school,
but with similar generosity to undergraduates
and to the students of the other professional

Teaches First Year

Contrary to suggestions made in deference
to his heavy work load as Dean, Mr. Dillard
has insisted on teaching each year a
basic course to the entering law class.

Currently, Mr. Dillard is serving on the
Local Government Committee of the Virginia
Commission on Constitutional Revision.
The commission is headed by former
governor Albertis S. Harrison and will submit
its report next January 1.

A specialist in international law, Mr.
Dillard is a past president of the American
Society of International Law, and has served
as Carnegie Lecturer at the Hague Academy
of International Law in 1957. Five years
later, he spoke before the Egyptian Society
of International Law on "Conflicting Ideologies
and the Role of Law."