University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Due to the rather scarce response
to the University Blood
Drive last semester, I would like
to announce that there will be a
second semester Blood Drive to
begin on March 13 and continue
through May 3. There will be
no "scheduling" of fraternities
as there was last semester and
again the University Union will
offer an award of a free keg
of beer to any organization or
dormitory hall or a pair of suites
which manages to contribute 100
percent, hopefully by Easters'
Weekend so that they can enjoy

There is a much increased
need in this area for blood, because
Washington, D.C., which
used to supply most of the area's
blood, has now ceased sending
it. The hospital here, as well as
the other institutions supplied by
the Central Virginia Chapter of
the American Red Cross in Charlottesville,
is counting heavily on
local support, which means heavy
student support. To date, only
two organizations have received
awards for 100 per cent participation
as opposed to such
organizations last year, a considerable

There will be a blood mobile
at Westminster Presbyterian
Church on Rugby Road at the
Beta Bridge on March 20, and we
are hoping for a good turnout.
The Blood Bank in the Barringer
Wing of the University Hospital
opposite the East Range is open
from 8:30 A.M. — 4:30 P.M.,
Monday through Friday. Those
under 21 years of age must have
a permission slip signed by their
parents; these may be obtained
from the Union office, fraternities,
and dorm counselors. Each
donor receives credit from any
Red Cross Center to meet the
blood needs of any of his immediate
family for a year.

It is very important that the
University share in the responsibility
of the local blood needs
and earnestly support this semester's
drive. Thank you.

Edward A. Mitchell, III
Blood and Fund Drive
University Union