University of Virginia Library

Essence Of Turning On

"The essence of turning on is
an internal proposition," the self-styled
guru continues, in which
one "turns off the external chessboard,
the game." Just as the
chanting, incense and dancing of
other religions seek to bring about
a physiological change, so do the
psychedelic sacraments. This
change cannot be brought about
by the mind alone, because it is
external. But he again warned that
his sacrament is dangerous.

Doing your own thing also
means dropping out. "By dropping
out, I mean dropping out
of the American robot game," said
Mr. Leery. He went on to say
that the young people of today
are the victims of "the most insane
society of human history."

Two reasons were given as the
cause of this insanity. The first
was the American depression which
"blew the cool and stole the soul
of your parents," making them
materialistic monsters. The second
was prohibition which forced
alcohol to become regarded as

The result is a materialistic,
alcoholic society in which "groovy
clothes and convertible cars" are
exchanged for souls.

Mr. Leery stated that dropping
out involved obtaining more education
but not by our present system
in which one learns the "simplicity
of the American TV chessboard."
What is needed is intimate
learning in small groups with individual

During his talk someone asked
Mr. Leery to rebut the fact
that LSD can have harmful effects.
He replied that not enough
research has been done to prove
that LSD can actually harm the
body. But even if it was proved
harmful, the government "cannot
pass a law telling me what I can
do inside my own body," he