University of Virginia Library


The President reported on some changes be was making in the organization of the Arts and Sciences,
which were to be effective on 1 July 1962. He explained in detail the reasons for these changes and
reported that he had sent a letter under the date of 1 June 1962 to each member of the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences describing these changes. This letter is as follows

Office of the President
Dear Colleague

I am today reporting to the Rector and Visitors a new administrative structure
which I believe will permit more effective operation of the College and Graduate School
of Arts and Sciences than has previously been possible.

At present, the Dean of the College is burdened with more duties than one man
should be called upon to discharge. In addition to administrative details of the
undergraduate College, he is responsible for obtaining suitable replacements and
additions to the faculty of Arts and Sciences without having any responsibility for
the graduate teaching which many of the new members of the faculty actually will engage
in and must be employed to do

The plan set forth below, to become effective 1 July 1962, (a) changes the title
of the present position of Dean of the College to Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
(b) relieves the Dean of the Faculty of the day-to-day duties of administering the undergraduate
College, which are delegated to a new position (although its title is not new) to
be known as Dean of the College, and (c) makes the Dean of the Faculty responsible for
appraising and co-ordinating both the graduate and undergraduate curricula and for recommending
to the President persons to join the faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Direct responsibility for administering the undergraduate College is placed under
the new position of Dean of the College, and the present position of Associate Dean of
the College is discontinued

The position of Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is only slightly
modified to include responsibility for research policy in Arts and Sciences and to provide
for active participation with the Dean of the Faculty in obtaining members of the faculty
of Arts and Sciences who will participate in graduate instruction

I have appointed, effective 1 July 1962, Mr. Frank L. Hereford, Jr., Dean of the
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Mr. Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences

In a short time I hope to be able to announce the appointment of the Dean of the
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

The duties and responsibilities which will be assigned to the three positions are
as follows

(1) Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to serve as the chief staff
advisor to the President on all matters related to the undergraduate and graduate
curricula in Arts and Sciences, to appraise the existing faculties of the several
Departments in Arts and Sciences, and in consultation with the Dean of the Graduate
School, the Dean of the College, and the Chairmen of Departments, to recommend to the
President persons to fill vacancies on the faculty and to staff positions for expansion     to staff
into areas not now covered, to prepare tables of organization for each of the several Departments p
Departments, to consult with the Comptroller on the preparation of the annual and
biennial budgets and other matters of a financial nature involving Arts and Sciences,
on behalf of the President, to interview prospects for election to the faculty and
make recommendations to the President on all such elections, and, in general, to
conduct a continuous re-appraisal of the faculty strengths and weaknesses and needs
of the faculty as expansion of enrollment occurs. The President will continue to
interview all candidates for tenure appointments

(2) Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences to advise the
President and the Dean of the Faculty on all matters relating to graduate instructional
and research policy in Arts and Sciences, to develop and expand the graduate
enrollment in Arts and Sciences, to counsel graduate students on appropriate matters
relating to graduate instruction, and to participate actively with the Dean of the Faculty
in obtaining faculty members whose duties will involve graduate instruction


(3) Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences to undertake all duties
with respect to the academic programs of undergraduate students in the Arts and
Sciences, to advise the Dean of the Faculty with respect to undergraduate faculty
staffing and curricula, to advise the Dean of the Faculty on such matters involving
undergraduate educational policy as he may deem advisable or as may be requested
by the Dean of the Faculty, and to undertake such other duties as may be assigned
by the Dean of the Faculty

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.
Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.