University of Virginia Library


December 9, 1954.

The Mary Washington Committee met at Mary Washington College at 10:00 a.m., December 9th,
with all members present, with President Darden of the University.

Prior to Dr. Combs' appearance with the Committee, President Darden outlined the situation
as he saw it at the present time, pointing out that there had, in his opinion, been an improvement
in the general morale of students and faculty. He also stated that through the functioning of
several committees he felt that definite progress was being made in the improvement of academic
standards, both as they relate to admissions and fetentions in college. He related plans to
purchase a patrol car to provide more adequate policing of the grounds; the functioning of the
joint University and Mary Washington College Faculty Committee, giving consideration to improvement
of present faculty and faculty additions, and to the effectiveness of faculty members
serving as hostesses not only in the dormitories, but in classes as well.

Dr. Combs appeared before the Committee and was requested to bring attention to any matters
he considered pertinent and desired to discuss. He spent some time in telling of capital
outlay needs as presented to the Legislative Committee, and of a plan worked out with Mr. Bradford
for a loan for capital outlay at an interest rate of 1½%. He responded to several questions
from members of the Committee regarding enrollment and future plans for expansion.

After rather general discussions, Dr. Combs expressed a desire to present to the Committee
his point of view regarding the treatment he had received during the past year. The Committee
listened intently to a long discussion, giving Dr. Combs complete freedom and extending to him
every courtesy, interrupting occasionally to raise questions for clarification

No attempt was made to record the details presented — for summary, it is stated that
Dr. Combs feels that he has been badly treated, that while he agreed to the plan proposed by his
attorney, he did so under stress and tension; that he had complete and documented statements
to refute statements made by his accusers and it appeared that he had been convicted primarily
for talking four hours to the students who were involved in the instances fomenting the
difficulty. He spoke at length concerning what he considered conspiracy to remove him from
the office of President. Members of the Committee interrupted to state that they knew nothing
of any such plan and felt that he had drawn the wrong conclusion.

When asked how he obtained the quotations given from numerous letters, he replied that
a complete record of all correspondence and other materials incident to the case, about which
he knew nothing, had been left at the college following a meeting of the Board.

Dr. Combs left with the Committee statements which he considered to be his side of the
case and urged consideration by the Board. He requested reconsideration of the entire case.
Dr. Combs' statement is made a part of the record.

Dean Alvey was invited to discuss his problems with the Committee.

He reviewed in more detail a number of the matters presented by President Darden reemphasizing
the improvement in academic standards, effectiveness of committees, and general
improvement of faculty and student morale. He directed attention to the improved salary
schedule approved by the Governor, stating that effective February 1, 1955, Professors and
Associate Professors would move to a schedule providing a $200.00 increase, Assistant Professors,
a $180.00 increase. No increase in schedule was approved for instructors, but they would be
advanced one step in the present schedule.


Dr. Alvey presented a tentative statement from the Academic Standards Committee for consideration
by the faculty at a meeting scheduled for Monday, December 13th. The Committee was
unanimous in their approval of the idea, but felt it inappropriate to take definite action before
consideration by the faculty.

Dr. Alvey presented a statement outlining briefly an archeological study being contemplated
by the Smithsonian Institute in connection with a discovery of an old Colonial Town of Marlboro
and vicinity in Stafford County on the Potomac Neck. Dr. Oscar H. Darter of the Mary Washington
faculty has worked with the Institute and requested, through Dr. Alvey, that his work be given
status by the Board of Visitors.

Dr. Alvey was requested to tell the Committee his feelings regarding the relationships in
administration. He stated briefly the situation as he saw it, pointing out that certain conflicts
remained, but that it was his judgment that the college was showing gradual but positive improvement

Mr. Woodward was given the same privilege as Dr. Combs and Dr. Alvey. He told of the
details involved in putting the new salary schedule in effect, recommended an increase in library
fees and reported tuition changes as follows

Virginia students on campus  $402.50 
Virginia students in dormitories
off campus 
Non-Virginia students on campus  572.50 
Non-Virginia students in dormitories
off campus 

Dr. Alvey requested that the City of Fredericksburg be permitted to take over the maintenance
of that portion of Highway 1-A at Hazel Run and maintain the Mary Washington Wayside as it is
after the Highway Department no longer has jurisdiction, due to annexation of property by the
City, effective January 1, 1955.

As in the case of Dr. Alvey, Mr. Woodward was requested to express himself regarding his
judgment of the effectiveness of the present plan of administration. He expressed some concern
about certain apparent misunderstandings regarding certain strained relationships, but indicated
a complete desire, as did Dr. Alvey, to cooperate fully.

The Committee was impressed by the spirit of cooperation manifested by Dr. Alvey and
Mr. Woodward, and with the manner in which they are carrying out their responsibilities


The Committee makes the following recommendations for approval of the Board

  • 1. That, effective beginning session 1955-56, the library fee be increased from
    $5.00 to $10.00 per semester, making a total yearly library fee of $20.00.

  • 2. That the Board expresses interest in the archeological study contemplated by
    the Smithsonian Institute, offers their cooperation, and expresses pleasure
    in having the college represented in the study by Dr. Oscar H. Darter.

  • 3. That the following request from Mr. F. Freeman Funk, Assistant City Manager
    of Fredericksburg (see letter dated December 6, 1954, from R. E. Greene, State
    Highway Department) be approved -

    "When the City of Fredericksburg takes over the maintenance of that portion
    of Highway 1-A at Hazel Run we would like to maintain the Mary Washington
    Wayside in place, as is, if a suitable agreement can be reached with the
    owners of the land."

    The Committee recommends an agreement similar to the agreement maintained
    between the college and State Department of Highways.

  • 4. That the Board give consideration to and act on the request of Dr. Combs
    to review the case as he presented it in the communication to the Committee

  • 5. That effective February 1, 1955, salaries of Professors, Associate Professors,
    and Assistant Professors be increased in accordance with the Schedule approved
    by President Darden, and that it be requested that instructors be advanced
    one step on their present salary schedule

The Committee desires to express the belief that the time spent from 10:00 A.M. to
4:15 P.M. at Mary Washington College on Thursday, December 9th, was beneficial to them in their
efforts to better understand the problems presented by the existing situation.

The Committee recognized the difficulties presented to Mr. Darden, Dr. Alvey and Mr.
Woodward and commends them for the spirit with which they are assuming their responsibilities

After a brief discussion of the foregoing Report, the following Resolution, duly seconded,
was unanimously adopted

RESOLVED that the Report of the Mary Washington College Committee of this date with
respect to Dr. Combs be accepted and spread on the minutes of the Board and that the Rector be
requested to prepare and spread on the minutes a statement of the facts concerning the matter of
the Board's action with respect to Dr. Combs and that a copy of the letter of February 12, 1954,
from Dr. Combs to the Board and a copy of the Resolution of the Board accepting Dr. Combs'
proposal be appended thereto