University of Virginia Library


The Rector presented a letter from Mr. W. H. McFarlane, Secretary of the University
Committee on Scholarships, requesting clarification of instructions for the award by the
Committee of student grants from the Alumni Association and the Virginia Student Aid Foundation,
and reading in part as follows

"Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution of the NCAA, as revised by the
47th Annual NCAA Convention, January 9-10, 1953, states: "Any college
athlete who receives financial assistance other than that administered by
his institution shall not be eligible for intercollegiate competition,
provided, however, that this principle shall have no application to
assistance received from anyone upon whom the athlete is naturally or
legally dependent, nor shall it have application to any financial
assistance awarded on bases having no relationship whatsoever to
athletic ability."

This section (Article III Section 4) is supplemented by an Official
Interpretation. "The phrase `administered by' is interpreted as
follows: A scholarship or grant-in-aid is `administered' by an
institution if the institution, through its regular committees or other agencies
for the awarding of scholarships and grant-in-aid to students generally,
has the final determination of the student who is to receive the award and the amount
of value of the award he is to receive. Special committees appointed to award
grants-in-aid or scholarships to athletes do not meet this requirement."

The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that it is the sense of this Board that no conflict exists between the instructions given to the
Scholarship Committee and the Constitution of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, that
the Scholarship Committee retains the right of rejection of nominees for awards, but that in the
awarding of grants of pre-determined amounts from the Virginia Student Aid Foundation, the question
of need does not arise, and the Scholarship Committee shall make no change in the amounts

RESOLVED further that the Chairman of the Athletic Committee shall prepare for the
signature of The Rector a letter to Mr. McFarlane conveying the sense of the resolution