University of Virginia Library


The President read the following letter from Mr. Gus Tebell, Director of Athletics

Mr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
President University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Mr. President.

I respectfully submit the following names for appointment to our coaching staff.

Ned L. MacDonald as head coach of football and by his request and with my full approval, Robert P.
Fuller as his first assistant. These men will also perform such other duties as may be requested
of them by the Athletic Director.


I further recommend that these men be awarded a three year contract as of March 1, 1953. Our football
fortunes, because of shortage in material, will be at low tide for the next two years and
these men will need more time to work out our problems and prove themselves. A three year contract
will add measurably to their working conditions.

Mr. Fuller will continue his present post as coach of Lacrosse. A workable agreement for the
coaching of both sports by Fuller will be compatible to both men.

I also recommend that MacDonald be paid an annual salary of $8,000 and Fuller $6,500, with a token
raise being granted sometime during the contract. Details of the contract to be worked out by the
University Administration.

The nomination of other football assistants will be made at a later date by the head coach.

These recommendations are submitted after full deliberations and with the unanimous approval of
the Advisory Athletic Council.

Thanking you for your consideration on the above recommendations, I am

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Gus K. Tebell
Director of Athletics
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The President stated that the Charlottesville Alumni Chapter unanimously recommended
MacDonald and that he had also received a petition signed by 37 members of the football squad
endorsing MacDonald for the position as head football coach. The President said that it was his
recommendation that MacDonald and Fuller be appointed at the salaries and for the terms set forth
in Mr. Tebell's letter. A resolution was adopted accepting the recommendations of the President.