University of Virginia Library


Dr. M. L. Combs and Mr. E. E. Woodward, Bursar, were present for discussion of the
following matters.


The following elections were approved.

Miss Guenndolyn A. Beeler as Acting Professor of Home Economics at a salary of $5,200
for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 17, 1951. This appointment is to
fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Dr. Alice Edwards.

Miss Sallie B. Harrison as Acting Associate Professor of Home Economics at a salary of
$4,200 for the session of nine months, incumbency to begin September 17, 1951.


The report of the Mary Washington Committee was presented by the Chairman, Mrs. Wailes,
with action by the Board as noted below.

September 14, 1951

The Mary Washington Committee met at Mary Washington College on August 30th, 1951 with
all members present. Meeting with the group were President Combs and Mr. Woodward, college

Student Accident Insurance

At its July meeting the Board referred the matter of group accident insurance for Mary
Washington students to the Mary Washington Committee with power to act. Since the Student Accident
Medical Reimbursement Plan of the Indemnity Insurance Company of America had operated successfully
for Mary Washington students last year, and since time for investigating thoroughly possible
alternatives was limited, the committee decided to continue the above plan with James A. Scott and
Son, Inc., for the coming year.

However, the committee asked for deletion of postscript in the proposed letter to parents
of students: "P.S. The above-mentioned plan is the only plan which has received the approval
of the Board of Visitors of Mary Washington College for the year 1951-52."

Approval of this plan does not bar any other company from securing such business. The
committee would like to study the whole matter of group accident insurance for Mary Washington
students during the spring of 1952.

Biennial Budget 1952-54

The committee considered the biennial budget of the college, and while several questions
were raised concerned specific items, such as proposed faculty salaries, the committee recommends
its approval by the Board. The requests for capital outlay - for a science building and for a
dormitory to relieve congestion have been approved previously by the Board, and conditional
appropriations were made for both. The need for them is still acute

A petition addressed to Governor Battle and signed by about sixty members of the faculty
was presented to the committee by President Combs. The petition is a request for "a cost of living
salary increase commensurate with that which was recently allotted to certain other State employees."
The petition has been turned over to the Rector.

(This budget was approved by the Board, with the exception of Dr. Combs' salary, which
was left unchanged. A salary increase was recommended by the Board for the Mary Washington faculty
as it was for the University of Virginia faculty.)

Degree Program in Medical Technology

The Board at its meeting on July 13, 1951, approved a cooperative program for the training
of medical technologists by Mary Washington College and the University of Virginia leading to
the B.S. degree to the awarded by Mary Washington College

The Committee offers an amendment to the motion, viz., that on completion of the required
courses and laboratory work the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology be
awarded by Mary Washington College, and asks that the suggestion for the change be referred to
the faculties concerned.

(The change suggested by the Committee was approved by the Board.)


Degree Program in Physical Therapy

The committee recommends for approval by the Board the cooperative program in physical
therapy worked out between Mary Washington College and the Medical College of Virginia leading to
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy to be awarded by Mary Washington College
upon successful completion of the requirements.

(The following resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College, in cooperation with the Medical College of Virginia, be and is
hereby authorized to offer courses leading to the degree of B.S. in Physical Therapy effective for
the session 1951-52, in accordance with the program outline presented to the Board.)

Admission of Male Student

The Committee considered a request from Mr. John F. Barrett, a druggist and resident
of Fredericksburg for the past ten years, for permission to pursue certain courses at Mary Washington
College which would enable him to get a B.S. degree in Pharmacy at the University of Pittsburgh.
These courses are prerequisite to his final year in pharmacy. He is a graduate of the
University of Pittsburgh and is qualified for admission to Mary Washington. The support of a
family of nine children has made it impossible for him to take the necessary work elsewhere.

The Committee recommends that applications of this kind be considered by the Board on
their individual merits and that Mr. Barrett be permitted to take the necessary courses at Mary
Washington. This recommendation has the approval of President Combs and Dean Alvey.

(The Board approved Mr. Barrett's enrollment at Mary Washington College, subject to
investigation by Mr. Perkins of the legality of such admission

A report was received later in the day from Mr. Perkins, Attorney for the University,
stating that under Virginia statute the Board did not have authority to admit Mr. Barrett to
Mary Washington College.)

Admission of Negro Students

A questionnaire addressed to President Combs from the Virginia Teachers Association's
Commission on Democracy in the Schools concerning admission of Negroes to Mary Washington
College was referred to the Rector for disposition.

(Mr. Howard stated that the other women's colleges had received similar letters and
had referred them to the Attorney-General. Accordingly, the matter was referred to the AttorneyGeneral.)