University of Virginia Library


Dr. Combs stated to the Board that on January 3, 1950, sealed bids were received for the
construction of the new infirmary building and certain equipment. A tabulation of the base bids received
is shown as follows

For Building: 
R. H. Wattinger  $231,000.00 
Southeastern Construction Company  243,300.00 
Blackwell Engineering Company  252,500.00 
C. Elmo Nuckols  257,000.00 
For Metal Cabinets: 
Fred G. Todman Company  10,612.60 
Art Metal Construction Company  11,810.00 
Kewaunee Manufacturing Company  13,653.25 
Flowers School Equipment Company  20,073.85 
For Sterilizers: 
Ohio Chemical & Manufacturing Company  1,987.42 
American Sterilizer Company  2,316.10 
For Kitchen Equipment: 
Federal Manufacturing Company  7,369.00 
The Straus Company  7,497.00 
Atlantic Equipment Company  7,984.40 
Sheris Company  8,278.00 


Our architects concur in the following recommendations that contracts be awarded to the

R. H. Wattinger, Richmond, Virginia  $231,000.00 
Metal Cabinets: 
Art Metal Construction Company  11,810.00 
American Sterilizer Company  2,316.10 
Kitchen Equipment: 
It is recommended that no award be made for kitchen equipment
at this time and new bids will be received at a future date. 

The total cost of this building and the proposed equipment, including architects' fees,
amounts to approximately $266,500.00. The State appropriation is approximately $158,837.00. We
propose, therefore, to provide the additional funds from the bond issue previously approved by the
Board. Letters of recommendation from the architects are submitted herewith as a basis for the
awards of these contracts.

The following resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED that the President of Mary Washington College be and he is hereby authorized to
award and execute contracts to R. H. Wattinger, $231,000.00, for the Infirmary Building, to Art
Metal Construction Company, $11,810.00, for metal cabinets; to American Sterilizer Company,
$2,316.10, for sterilizing equipment; and that all bids for kitchen equipment be rejected.