Enclosed in the preceding Letter.
Hail, delight-restoring Spring!
Balmy pleasures with thee bring;
Aromatic gales dispense,
Misty vapours banish hence.
Blithe the jocund hinds appear,
Joy supports returning care,
Mirth the ready hand attends,
Pleasing hope the toil befriends.
Hark! the shady groves resound,
Love and praise re-echo round;
Music floats in every gale,
Peace and harmony prevail.
Here no stormy passions rise;
Here no feuds impede our joys;
Here ambition never roams,
Pride or envy never comes.
Come, Matilda; ruddy morn
Tempts us o'er the spacious lawn;
Enclosed in the preceding Letter.
Hail, delight-restoring Spring!
Balmy pleasures with thee bring;
Aromatic gales dispense,
Misty vapours banish hence.
Blithe the jocund hinds appear,
Joy supports returning care,
Mirth the ready hand attends,
Pleasing hope the toil befriends.
Hark! the shady groves resound,
Love and praise re-echo round;
Music floats in every gale,
Peace and harmony prevail.
Here no stormy passions rise;
Here no feuds impede our joys;
Here ambition never roams,
Pride or envy never comes.
Come, Matilda; ruddy morn
Tempts us o'er the spacious lawn;
Spring's reviving charms invite
Every sense to taste delight.
Such delights as never cloy,
Health and innocence enjoy.
Youth's the spring-time of our years,
Short the rapid scene appears:
Let's improve the fleeting hours!
Virtue's noblest fruits be ours.
Every sense to taste delight.
Such delights as never cloy,
Health and innocence enjoy.
Youth's the spring-time of our years,
Short the rapid scene appears:
Let's improve the fleeting hours!
Virtue's noblest fruits be ours.