University of Virginia Library


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Courses for Teachers in Service.—Saturday courses in any subject offered
in the School of Education will be arranged for teachers in service,
if requested by at least five teachers. Degree credit will be allowed on the
same basis as in regular courses, provided that not more than one and one-half
session-hours of credit shall be given for the work in any course for
one year.

Recommendation of Teachers.—The recommendation of teachers is in
charge of the Bureau of Appointments, through which positions are secured,
not only for students in the School of Education, but for other students
who are known to be fitted to fill vacancies reported. In response
to requests from the proper authorities, teachers are recommended for positions
as instructors in colleges and normal schools, as superintendents, as
supervisors in special subjects, as principals or department teachers in high
schools, and as principals of elementary schools. The demand for teachers
has been greater than the supply. Correspondence in regard to this
matter may be addressed to the Bureau of Appointments, University, Virginia.

[39] Education C1: The Place of the Child in Society: Two B courses in
Education prerequisite.
—First term: History of child life. Second term:
Survey of present problems. Third term: The out-of-school life of school
children.—Hours by appointment.

Education C2: School Administration: Education B7 and one other B
course in Education, prerequisite.
—An advanced course in school administration,
dealing with the following: (a) Problems in the application of the
principles of scientific management to education: (b) School surveys: aims,
scope, method, and possibilities; (c) Principles governing the derivation,
standardization and application of standard education tests.—Hours by appointment.
Professor Manahan.


This course may not be given exactly as described, but in that case similar courses will be