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Edwin Anderson Alderman, Ph.B., D.C.L., LL.D.  Carr's Hill 
Francis Henry Smith, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.  West Lawn 
Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy. 
William Mynn Thornton, B.A., LL.D.  Monroe Hill 
Professor of Applied Mathematics. 
Francis Perry Dunnington, B.S., C.E., E.M.  University Heights 
Professor of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry. 
[1] Charles William Kent, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D.  West Lawn 
Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English Literature. 
William Minor Lile, LL.B., LL.D.  East Lawn 
James Madison Professor of Law. 
William Holding Echols, B.S., C.E.  East Lawn 
Professor of Mathematics. 
Richard Heath Dabney, M.A., Ph.D.  Rugby Road 
Corcoran Professor of History. 
Charles Alfred Graves, M.A., LL.B., LL.D.  East Lawn 
Professor of Law. 
John Staige Davis, M.A., M.D.  Rugby Road 
Professor of the Practice of Medicine. 
Raleigh Colston Minor, M.A., LL.B.  West Lawn 
James Monroe Professor of Law. 
Richard Henry Wilson, M.A., Ph.D.  Park Street 
Professor of Romanic Languages. 
James Morris Page, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  McCormick Road 
Professor of Mathematics. 
Thomas Fitz-Hugh, M.A.  West Lawn 
Professor of Latin. 
William Alexander Lambeth, M.D., Ph.D.  Carr's Hill 
Professor of Hygiene. 
Albert Lefevre, B.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  University Place 
Corcoran Professor of Philosophy. 
William Harry Heck, M.A., Ph.D.  East Lawn 
Curry Memorial Professor of Education. 
Thomas Walker Page, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Fry's Spring 
James Wilson Professor of Economics. 
William Douglas Macon, B.A., M.D.  East Market Street 
Professor of Obstetrics. 
Theodore Hough, B.A., Ph.D.  McCormick Road 
Professor of Physiology. 
Stephen Hurt Watts, M.A., M.D.  University Place 
Professor of Surgery and Gynecology. 
Thomas Leonard Watson, M.S., Ph.D.  University Place 
Corcoran Professor of Geology. 
Robert Montgomery Bird, B.A., B.S., Ph.D.  University Place 
Collegiate Professor of Chemistry. 
Halstead Shipman Hedges, B.S., M.A., M.D.  Park Street 
Professor of Diseases of the Eye. 
Harry Taylor Marshall, B.A., M.D.  Rugby Road 
Walter Reed Professor of Pathology. 
Robert French Compton, M.D.  Fry's Spring 
Professor of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. 
William Mentzel Forrest, B.A.  Preston Heights 
John B. Cary Memorial Professor Biblical History and Literature. 
[2] Armistead Mason Dobie, M.A., LL.B.  Monroe Hill 
Professor of Law. 
William Harrison Faulkner, M.A., Ph.D.  University Place 
Professor of Germanic Languages. 
John Lloyd Newcomb, B.A., C.E.  Monroe Hill 
Professor of Civil Engineering. 
James Carroll Flippin, M.D.  University Place 
Professor of Clinical Medicine. 
Harvey Ernest Jordan, M.A., Ph.D.  University Place 
Professor of Histology and Embryology. 
Charles Gilmore Maphis  Park Street 
Professor of Secondary Education. 
Robert Henning Webb, M.A., Ph.D.  University Place 
Professor of Greek. 
Samuel Alfred Mitchell, M.A., Ph.D.  Observatory Mountain 
Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Leander McCormick
Charles Hancock, B.S.  University Place 
Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 
Ivey Forman Lewis, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.  Preston Heights 
Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture. 
George Boardman Eager, Jr., B.A., LL.B.  Minor's Cottage 
Professor of Law. 
Llewelyn Griffith Hoxton, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.  Fry's Spring 
Professor of Physics. 
Robert Bennet Bean, B.S., M.D.  Preston Heights 
Professor of Anatomy. 
John Levi Manahan, B.S., M.A.  University Place 
Professor of Education. 
James Alfred Cole, Lt. Col. U. S. A., Ret.  Locust Grove 
Professor of Military Science and Tactics. 
Walter Sheldon Rodman, S.M.  University Place 
Professor of Electrical Engineering. 
James Alexander Waddell, B.A., M.D.  Monroe Hill 
Professor of Pharmacology, Materia Medica and Toxicology. 
William Allison Kepner, M.A., Ph.D.  University Place 
Professor of Biology. 
John Calvin Metcalf, M.A.  University Place 
Edgar Allan Poe Professor of English. 
Richard Chapin Jones, B.A.  Jefferson Park 
Associate Professor of Forestry. 
William Hall Goodwin, B.A., M.D.  Monroe Hill 
Associate Professor of Surgery and Gynecology. 
Albert George Adam Balz, M.A.  Jefferson Park Avenue 
Associate Professor of Philosophy. 
Carroll Mason Sparrow, B.A., Ph.D.  Monroe Hill 
Associate Professor of Physics. 
Charles Wakefield Paul  McCormick Road 
Adjunct Professor of Public Speaking. 
James Sugars McLemore, M.A., Ph.D.  University Place 
Adjunct Professor of Latin. 
James Cook Bardin, M.D.  Madison Park 
Adjunct Professor of Romantic Languages. 
Charles Pollard Olivier, M.A., Ph.D.  Observatory 
Adjunct Professor of Astronomy. 
Herman Patrick Johnson, M.A.  University Place 
Adjunct Professor of English Literature. 
William Edward Bray, B.A., M.D.  West Main Street 
Adjunct Professor of Medicine. 
Jared Stout Lapham, M.E.  Chancellor Street 
Adjunct Professor of Experimental Engineering. 
Lindsay Rogers, B.A., LL.B., Ph.D.  Monroe Hill 
Adjunct Professor of Political Science. 
James Kerr, M.A.  Colonnade Club 
Adjunct Professor of Romanic Languages. 
John Jennings Luck, M.A., Ph.D.  Colonnade Club 
Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. 
Albert William Giles, B.A., M. S.  Rugby Road 
Adjunct Professor of Geology. 
[3] William Sumner Appleton Pott, M.A.  Colonnade Club 
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy. 
John Henry Neff, B.A., M.D.  University Place 
Adjunct Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery. 
Charles Scott Venable, M.A., Ph.D.  Colonnade Club 
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. 
Forrest Jesse Hyde, Jr., LL.B.  Colonnade Club 
Acting Adjunct Professor of Law. 
Edwin Francis Shewmake, Jr., M.A.  Wertland Street 
Adjunct Professor of English. 
Raymond Freas, B.A., Ph.D.  Colonnade Club 
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. 


Wilmer Baker, M.D.  Anatomy 
Harold Lee Alden, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.  Astronomy 
Judson Hall Robertson, B.S.  Chemistry 
Forrest Jesse Hyde, Jr., LL.B.  Economics 
Frank Lee Bruce, M.A.  English Literature 
Charles Herbert Huffman, M.A.  English Literature 
Stephen Philip Holt, E.M.  Geology 
James Sugars McLemore, M.A., Ph.D.  Greek 
[4] George Lloyd Barton, Jr., M.A.  Latin 
Ernest Linwood Lehman, M.A.  Latin 
Garland Baird Briggs, B.S.  Mathematics 
[5] Edward Tankard Browne, M.A.  Mathematics 
Dudley Crofford Smith, B.S., M.D.  Medicine 
Samuel Abraham Wofsy, LL.B.  Spanish 
Hunter Samuel Woodberry, B.A., M.D.  Surgery 
Joseph Lee Wright, M.D.  Surgery 


Thomas Henry Daniel, M.D.  Medicine 
Edward May Magruder, M.D.  Medicine 
[6] Hugh Thomas Nelson, M.D.  Medicine 
Monte Lewis Rea, M.D.  Pediatrics and Dermatology 




Page 22
Garland Baird Briggs, B.S.  Astronomy 
Philip Ayres Dales, B.A.  Astronomy 
Lawrence Sinclair Cannon  Chemistry 
Henry Wyatt Easterwood  Analytical Chemistry 
Samuel James Hart  Economics and Latin 
Charles Henderson  Engineering (Drawing) 
James Ewell Brown Stuart, Jr.  Engineering (Drawing) 
George Washington Crickenberger  Engineering (Shop-work) 
Crawford Patterson Livesay  Engineering (Shop-work) 
Alfred Sheldon Wise  Engineering (Shop-work) 
Charles Claude Carroll  Civil Engineering 
George Edward Clark  Civil Engineering 
Paul Frank Brown  Civil and Experimental Engineering 
Thomas Fitzgerald Carroll, B.A.  History 
Henry Haden Lannigan  Physical Training 
Frank Wesley Davies  Physical Training 
Fletcher Drummond Woodward  Physical Training 
Robert Battaile Hiden  Physics 
John Major Nalle  Physics 
Roger Garber Wolcott  Wireless Telegraphy 


Allan Stewart Gish  Biology 
Charles Bruce Morton, II  Biology 
Conway Zirkle  Biology 
Kurt Walter Franke  Chemistry 
James Archibald Leach, Jr.  Chemistry 
William Ellis Pinner  Chemistry 
Ernest Haywood Swift  Chemistry 
James Duff  English Literature 
Gustav Adolph Pagenstecher  Histology and Embryology 
Burr Noland Carter, B.A.  Pathology 
Frank McCutchan, M.A.  Pathology 
James Edward Marable  Pathology 
Roy Michael Hoover, B.A.  Physiological Chemistry 
Francis Milton Massie, B.A.  Physiological Chemistry 
David Cole Wilson, B.A.  Physiological Chemistry 
William Wyatt Strange  Physiology and Pharmacology 
George Breaker Setzler, B.A.  Physiology and Pharmacology 
Allen Tupper Hawthorne  Surgical Pathology 

Died October 5, 1917.


Absent on leave for military service.


Absent on leave for military service.


Resigned November 1, 1917.


Resigned October, 1917, to enter military service.


Absent on leave for military service.