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Local Prize Contest—Track and Field Days.

Prizes Offered by "The Richmond Times-Dispatch."

(Under direction of the Virginia High School Literary and Athletic
League, University, Va.




I. These contests will be open to all secondary schools of Virginia
whether public or private.

II. The rules of the Inter-Collegiate Amateur Athletic Association,
published by Spalding & Company, will govern these contests.

III. If a school wishes to participate in these track and field day
exercises, the principal must notify the secretary of same prior to
February 1, 1917, in order to obtain the necessary official entry and
Prize Standards.

IV. Records of student try-outs must be made out in the triplicate,
one copy to be retained by the school and two copies to be
forwarded by the principal within five days after making of record
to A. R. Boyd, Secretary, University, Va.

V. If the principal so desires men from the General Athletic Association
of the University of Virginia will be sent at the schools
expense to assist in conducting the track and field days; secretary
should have ten days notice of such desire.


Any boy a bona fide pupil of any secondary school of Virginia who
equals or surpasses three of the following standards will be presented
by The Richmond Times-Dispatch with medals. If the student is able
to equal or surpass four standards he will be presented with two
medals; for equaling or surpassing five, three, etc.

Events for High School Boys.

Track.  Time. 
50-yard dash  7 sec. 
100-yard dash  11 4/5 sec. 
220-yard dash  27 sec. 
440-yard run  60 sec. 
880-yard run  2 min. 20 sec. 
1 mile run  5 min. 10 sec. 
120-yard low hurdles  17 sec. 
Chinning the Pole  10 times. 
Field.  Heighth or Distance. 
Pole vault  8 ft. 6 in. 
High jump  4 ft. 10 in. 
Shot put  30 ft. 
Discus  78 ft. 
Javelin  120 ft. 
Broad jump  16 ft. 8 in. 


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Events That May Be Entered, If So Desired.

120 high hurdles  19 sec. 
220 low hurdles  30 sec. 
Hammer throw  100 ft. 

Events for Grammar School Boys—6th, 7th and 8th Grades.

Track.  Time. 
100-yard dash  14 sec. 
Chinning Pole  6 times. 
Stand Broad jump  6 ft. 6 in. 

All age, weight and height classifications are abandoned in these
contests, and boys are given medals according as they qualify to the
above standards.


Any girl a bona fide pupil of any secondary school of Virginia who
equals or surpasses two of the following standards will be presented
by The Richmond Times-Dispatch with a medal.

Events for High School Girls.

1. All up Indian Club Race  30 sec. 
2. Basketball throw  48 ft. 
3. Bean Bag target toss  150 points, 2 min. 

Events for Grammar School Girls—6th, 7th and 8th Grades.

(a) Potato race  38 sec. 
(b) Basketball throw  42 ft. 
(c) Balancing with bean bag on head  24 ft. 

All age, weight and height classifications are abandoned in these
contests, and boys are given medals according as they qualify to the
above standards.


Basketball Throw.—The girls must stand back of the throwing line
and throw with one hand. She must not run before the throw. She
must not step over the line in throwing; to do so is a trial without
result. Three trials are allowed.

Potato Race.—At one end of a line, 20 yards long, place a basket
containing three potatoes. Draw three 2-foot circles at intervals
of 5 yards along this line, the nearest one being 5 yards from the
basket. At the opposite end of the line from the basket is the
starting line. The circle nearest to starting line is No. 1, the next
No. 2, and the next No. 3. A girl starts at the starting line, runs to
the basket, gets one potato and places it in circle No. 1. She then
gets another and places it in circle No. 2, and then places the third
potato in circle No. 3, passing between basket and starting line each
time. She then runs to the starting line, and returns and replaces
potato No. 1 in the basket, then No. 2, and No. 3, passing around the
basket each time. She then finishes in a dash across the starting line.
Only one trial is allowed.

All-up Indian Club Race.—Two tangent circles each 3 feet in diameter
are 30 feet in front of starting line. In one circle are three
1-lb. model BS Indian clubs, upright. A girl runs from starting line,


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and transfers clubs to the other circle, using only one hand. She returns
to the starting line, then makes two more trips, transferring
clubs each time. The clubs must be left upright each time. She then
finishes in a dash across the starting line. One trial is allowed.

Bean Bag Target Toss.—Draw on the ground three concentric
circles with diameters of 2 feet, 4 feet, and 6 feet, respectively. A
girl stands back of a line 10 feet from outer circle, and tosses a bean
bag 6 inches square and containing one-half pound of beans. If the
bag falls within the inner circles, it counts 15 points; if between the
inner and middle circle, it counts 10 points, and if between middle and
outer circle it counts 5 points. Only one and three-quarters minutes
are allowed each contestant in group contests and two minutes in
pin contests. After each throw a girl must run and pick up her bag
and return to throwing line. Two trials are allowed.

Balancing with Bean Bag on Head.—A beam or piece of timber 2
feet wide and 12 feet long is used. The girl must with bean bag on
her head start at the center, walk to the end, then without turning
she must walk to the center, then walk forward to the end, and
then turn and walk back to the center. Two trials are allowed. The
bag must not be touched with the hands.

The other requirements relating to the boys' contests will also
apply to the girls' contest.