University of Virginia Library



I. This contest is open to all secondary schools of Virginia, whether
public or private.

II. Each school shall furnish a debating team of two members.

III. The contests are open to boys and girls.

IV. The question for debate, including suggested arguments and
material, will be found in this bulletin immediately following these

V. If any school desires to take part in this contest, the principal
shall notify the secretary of the same prior to the first of January.
Upon receipt of such notice the secretary will pair this school with
another school for the purpose of holding a preliminary debate. The
status and standards of the schools, their proximity, accessibility,
and convenience of location will be considered in making the pairs.
The secretary will be very glad if each principal will send a list of
the other schools with which he thinks such a contest desirable, and
as far as possible the secretary will try to arrange a contest for him
with one of the schools on this list.

VI. All preliminary debates between the schools must be held prior
to the fifteenth of March.

VII. Each debater shall be given fifteen minutes, no more than
five of which may be used for rebuttal. Debates can not be read in
toto, but reference may be made to notes.

VIII. The details of the preliminary debates are to be decided by
the principals of the two schools debating. It is suggested, however,
that one school shall have choice of sides, the other choice of
place, and lots shall be cast as to which of the two options a school
shall take.

IX. The school that wins the preliminary debate is entitled to send
its team to the University to compete in the final debates.

X. The final debates will be held at the University on the twentieth
and twenty-first of April.

XI. The teams coming to the University for the final debates must
be prepared to take either side of the question.


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XII. To the school that wins the final debates a silver cup will be
presented by the Board of Visitors of the University.

XIII. All debaters coming to the University will be met at Union
Station, Charlottesville, Virginia, between 7 a. m. and 1 p. m. on
Thursday, April twentieth, and will be entertained as guests of the
Literary Societies while at the University. This entertainment will
be extended also to any principal or teacher who desires to accompany
his team.

XIV. It is suggested that those schools who expect to participate
in the debating contest as well as the public reading contest should
hold the contest in public reading with the same school with which
their debate is held, and that both contests take place on the same
occasion. However, this is merely suggested.

XV. No pupil who represents his school in the public reading contest
will be allowed also to represent his school in the debating contest.

XVI. All correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary of
the Virginia High School Literary and Athletic League,
University, Virginia.

Committee on High School Debates,
Prof. Chas. G. Maphis,

A. R. Boyd,
E. H. Hall.