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[Blessed are the pure in heart]


Blessed are the pure in heart,
Those who never disobey,
Never from their Lord depart,
Never leave His perfect way.
From all sin entirely freed,
Here they walk with God above;
Born again, and saints indeed,
Fully perfected in love.
Blessed are the creatures new,
Who the law Divine fulfil,
God with all their powers pursue,
Answer all His holy will.
They in thought shall sin no more,
They in all His righteous ways
Walk, beyond the tempter's power;
To the utmost saved by grace.


Thou hast charged us, Lord, to' obey
All Thy words with all our heart;
From the rule we may not stray,
May not in our thoughts depart.
O might I through life be led
By the unction from above,
In Thy every statute tread,
Keep the law by perfect love.
Then, and not before, shall I
Stand above the reach of shame;
Sin and Satan's charge defy,
Free from every touch of blame.
When I Thy commandments keep,
When I have respect to all,
Then my foot shall never slip,
Then from Thee I shall not fall.
Soon as I have learn'd Thy ways,
With a perfect heart and pure
Thee I shall for ever praise,
Faithful to the end endure.
Only keep me, Lord, till then;
Do not from my weakness move
Till my soul is born again,
Strong in all the life of love!


How shall a weak, sinful youth
Find his conscience purified?
Let him heed the voice of truth,
Let him in Thy word abide.


There the inward Guide shall meet,
Teach his sprinkled heart to' obey,
Back recall his starting feet,
Lead him in the perfect way.
All my heart hath sought Thy face;
Do not suffer me to rove
From Thy own appointed ways,
From the precepts of Thy love.
I have stood in constant awe,
Treasured up Thy word within,
Lest I should transgress Thy law,
Grieve Thee by the smallest sin.
Source of happiness Thou art;
Me, even me, vouchsafe to bless;
Wisdom in Thy law impart;
Teach me, Lord, Thy righteous ways.
With my lips have I declared
All the words that came from Thine:
Toil is here its own reward,
Happiness and duty join.
In the records of Thy love
I have found a mine of joy;
All my treasure is above,
While Thy words my thoughts employ.
Still to search Thy word of grace,
This my sweet employ shall be;
Still to know Thy pleasant ways;
Still to love and walk in Thee.



Thy unworthy servant, Lord,
With abundant grace receive;
That I may fulfil Thy word,
Bid me by Thy mercy live.
Open Thou mine inward eyes,
From the book the veil remove,
That I may discern the prize,
The high prize of perfect love.
Known on earth to none but Thee,
Here a banish'd man I roam;
Let me Thy commandments see,
Show the light that guides me home
All their deep design reveal,
All their inward power impart,
'Grave them with Thy Spirit's seal
On the tables of my heart.
Faints my soul with strong desire
All Thy counsels to fulfil;
Only this I still require,—
Let me do Thy perfect will.
Wretched and accursed are they,
Bruised by Thy afflictive rod,
Who from Thy commandments stray,
Proudly sin against their God.
Far from me, O Lord, remove
Foul reproach and guilty shame;
I to keep Thy law have strove,
I have suffer'd for Thy name.


Mighty men and princes sat,
Threatening, in the scorner's chair;
All their haughty anger's weight
Meekly I rejoiced to bear.
Still I own'd Thee for my Lord;
Thee I fear'd, and Thee alone;
Musing in the written word,
In the power of God went on.
Strength, and counsel, and delight,
By the word I still receive;
By the word I walk aright,
By the word for ever live.


To the dust my spirit cleaves,
Quicken me, my Life, my Lord!
Thee my humbled soul receives,
Trembling hangs upon Thy word.
I have all my sin declared;
Once Thou didst my pardon seal:
Show me now my prayer is heard,
Teach me now Thy perfect will.
Teach me Thy commands to do,
So shall I proclaim Thy praise,
Joyfully to sinners show
All the wonders of Thy grace.
Melts my soul, with guilt dismay'd,
Heavy laden and oppress'd;
Send me, Lord, the promised aid,
Give the weary sinner rest.


Every evil word and way
Far from me, O God, remove!
Teach my willing heart to' obey
All the gracious law of love.
I have chose the better part,
The true way of life Divine;
Thou my only portion art;
All Thy pleasure shall be mine.
Lord, I unto Thee have cleaved:
Put me not to endless shame,—
Me, who have Thy truth received,
Me, who all Thy promise claim!
Set my heart at liberty,
Swiftly then my soul shall move,
Run the way prescribed by Thee,
All the way of perfect love.


Teach me, Lord, the perfect way,
Me, who on Thy love depend;
Then I in Thy laws shall stay,
I shall keep them to the end.
Wisdom from above impart;
Taught according to Thy will,
I shall then, with all my heart,
All Thy kind commands fulfil.
Cause me in Thy paths to go,—
All my comfort and delight;
All my happiness below
Is—with Thee to walk aright.


Set my heart on things above;
Heavenward let it still aspire,
Far from every creature-love,
Far from every low desire.
Turn away my roving eyes
From beholding vanity;
Let me in Thine image rise,
Find my hidden life in Thee.
O fulfil the hallowing word,
Perfected in filial fear;
Make the servant as his Lord,
Holy, pure, and spotless here.
Turn away my dire disgrace,
Turn away the dreaded ill;
True and righteous are Thy ways,
Full of love unsearchable.
I have long'd Thy ways to know;
Quicken this dead soul of mine,
Wholly sanctified below,
Fill'd with all the life Divine.


Show me Thy salvation, Lord,
Visit me with pardoning grace;
O be mindful of Thy word,
Let the promise now take place;
That to him who dares upbraid
Boldly I may make reply,
“I have God my refuge made,
Still I on Thy word rely.”


The good word of truth from me
Do not utterly remove:
I have long'd, Thou know'st, to see,
See, and taste Thy faithful love;
I have long'd to do Thy will;
I (if Thou vouchsafe the power)
All Thy pleasure shall fulfil,
Keep Thy law, and sin no more.
Following after righteousness,
I the blessing shall attain;
Slavish fear and sin shall cease;
I shall soon be born again;
Walk in glorious liberty;
Bold to kings Thy truth proclaim,
Tell them, they may reign like me,
More than kings through Jesu's name.
Thee, O Lord, I will obey;
Thee with vast delight pursue;
Walking in Thy pleasant way,
Glad Thy dear commands to do;
Lo! for this I lift my hands,
With a solemn oath approve
All Thy merciful commands,
All Thy gracious law of love.
Still to search the sacred word
My delightful task shall be;
Waiting here to meet my Lord
Fully manifest in me;
Sweetly musing day and night
On the dear Redeemer's grace,
Till I gain that heavenly height,
Till I see Thee face to face.



Thee, O Lord, the good, the just,
True and faithful, I receive;
Keep Thy word, in which I trust,
Thou who gavest me to believe;
Hoping for Thy promised aid,
Comfort in my grief I find;
This my fainting mind hath stay'd,
Still it stays my fainting mind.
Me the proud have greatly scorn'd;
Yet I still unshaken stood,
Never from Thy statutes turn'd,
Never left the narrow road.
On Thine ancient works I thought,
Look'd again the same to see;
Thou of old hast wonders wrought,
Wonders Thou shalt work for me.
Fearless of the scorners' power,
Fearful for their souls I was,
Saw hell open to devour
All who break Thy righteous laws:
Lord, Thy laws my songs have been
In my pilgrimage below,
Kept by them from woe and sin,
In a world of sin and woe.
Thee I have remember'd, Lord,
Musing in the silent night,
Loved Thy name, and kept Thy word:
Pure and permanent delight


I did in Thy precepts prove:
Heaven on earth obedience is,
Perfect liberty and love,
Perfect power, and perfect peace.


Thou my portion art, O Lord!
Long-resolved through Thee I am
To fulfil Thine every word,
Give me but the help I claim:
All my heart hath sought Thy face,
Still Thy favour I implore;
Grant me now the promised grace,
Bid me go and sin no more.
All my sins I call'd to mind,
Own'd, and left them all for God;
Labour'd the right way to find,
Thee with earnest zeal pursued;
Turn'd my feet without delay;
Long'd Thine utmost will to prove,
Eager all Thy law to' obey,
Restless to retrieve Thy love.
Spoil'd and hated for Thy sake,
Thee I never would forego,
Would not from Thy law turn back;
O my Life, my Heaven below,
Thee I all day long will praise,
Thee I will at midnight sing!
True and righteous are Thy ways,
Glory to my God and King!


Join'd to all who fear the Lord,
Them my dearest friends I own;
Them that keep Thy holy word,
Saved by grace through faith alone.
Earth is full of love Divine;
Love Divine for all is free;
Teach me then the law benign;
Guide, and save, and perfect me.


Lord, Thou hast Thy word fulfill'd,
Good and gracious as Thou art,
On my heart the promise seal'd,
Wrote forgiveness on my heart!
Teach me then Thy perfect will,
I Thine every word receive;
All Thy law in me fulfil;
Lord, I dare, I dare believe.
Long I wander'd from my God
Till affliction call'd me back;
Now I in Thy paths have trod,
Them I will no more forsake.
Good Thou art, and good Thou dost,
Full of truth and full of grace;
Save me, Lord, to the' uttermost,
Teach me all Thy righteous ways.
Me the proud with lies pursued;
I observed Thy precepts still,
Waiting in the ways of God
To perform Thine utmost will.


Gross and callous is their heart,
Nothing can their hardness move;
But my whole delight Thou art,
Thee and all Thy laws I love.
Good it is for me to' have known
The sad lesson of distress,
That I might my Teacher own,
That I might my Saviour bless.
Taught by Thine afflictive hand,
Now I know Thy law to' obey;
Now I clearly understand
Suffering is the perfect way.
Truth and grace unsearchable
In the sacred volume shine:
Who the worth immense can tell
Of that oracle Divine?
Precious are Thy sayings, Lord!
What a depth in each I see!
What a treasure is Thy word!
More than all the world to me!


Thou, O Lord, my Maker art;
Mould and fashion Thy own clay;
Give me a wise and docile heart;
Teach Thy creature to obey.
Then the servants of my Lord
Me, with holy joy, shall see;
Me, who hang upon Thy word;
Me, who only trust in Thee.


Just and right are all Thy ways,
By affliction taught, I know;
Faithful to Thy word of grace,
Thou hast laid my spirit low.
Lord, I in Thy promise hope:
All Thy mercy I implore;
Let Thy mercy lift me up,
Lift me up to fall no more.
Visit me in tender love,
For Thy law is my delight;
Fain I all Thy life would prove,
Walk accepted in Thy sight.
Put my haughty foes to shame;
Men of hearts perverse are they;
But I ever fear Thy name,
Ever in Thy statutes stay.
Those that have Thy precepts known,
Those that fear and worship Thee,
Turn and gather into one,
Join them to Thyself and me.
Make my heart, like theirs, sincere,
That I may triumphant rise,
Bold before my Judge appear,
Claim my mansion in the skies.


Weary, faint, through long delay,
Waiting for Thy saving love,
On Thy word my soul I stay,
Trust Thine utmost grace to prove:


Fail mine eyes with looking up,
Long Thy promises to see;
When, Thou Object of my love,
Wilt Thou come and comfort me?
Shrivell'd and dried up am I;
Yet Thy law I do not leave;
“Lord, how long,” I ever cry,
”Shall Thy helpless servant grieve?
When shall all my griefs be past?
When shall all my sins be o'er?
Judge and slay my foes at last,
Make me more than conqueror.”
Sinners have Thy law broke through,
My unwary soul to' ensnare;
Yet Thy laws are good and true,
True their awful sanctions are:
Me the persecuting foe
Is still ready to devour;
Help me, Lord, my sins o'erthrow,
Save me from the tempter's power.
Here my soul had almost fail'd,
Sunk into the burning pit;
But I still Thy precepts held,
Would not Thy commands forget.
Give me now Thy life to feel,
Quicken this dead soul of mine,
So I shall perform Thy will,
All Thy will in love Divine.



Faithful, everlasting Lord,
Standard of all truth and good!
Thy invariable word
From eternity hath stood;
To eternity it stands:
This fair universal frame,
'Stablish'd by almighty hands,
Speaks its great Creator's fame.
Such as Thou didst first ordain,
Heaven and earth continue still;
Still Thy word doth all sustain,
All obey Thy sovereign will.
Had I not with joy abode
In the word of truth and grace,
I had sunk beneath my load,
I had never seen Thy face.
From the precepts of Thy law
Never will I, Lord, depart;
They have kept my soul in awe,
They have comforted my heart.
Save me, Lord, for I am Thine;
I have all Thy precepts sought,
Long'd to keep the law Divine,
Spotless both in word and thought.
Sinners have beset my way,
Sought my ruin to ensure;
But I in Thy precepts stay,
Here I stand and walk secure.


All of excellence beside
Here I see its doom receives;
But Thy word shall still abide,
But Thy word for ever lives.


How do I Thy precepts love!
Musing on Thy word all day,
Through the sacred leaves I rove;
Here I could for ever stay.
Wiser than mine enemies
I through Thy commandments am;
Kept thereby in perfect peace,
All Thy promises I claim.
More than all my teachers I,
Through Thy testimonies, know;
I to these my heart apply,
Let all other knowledge go.
Wiser than ungracious age
I, who in Thy statutes tread,
Guided by the sacred page,
Virtue is the hoary head.
I from every evil way
Have refrain'd my wary feet,
That I might Thy word obey,
Might to all Thy will submit.
I have not Thy paths forsook;
Thou Thyself hast been my Guide,
Kept me by the sacred book,
Made me in Thy word abide.


O what manna in Thy word!
O what vast delight I meet!
When I taste my gracious Lord,
Honey is not half so sweet.
Heavenly wisdom here I gain,
Walking in Thy word with Thee,
Every evil way disdain;
Thou art all in all to me.


Lord, Thy word's unerring light
As a lamp my path doth show,
Guides my steady feet aright;
Every one that doth shall know.
I have sworn to do Thy will;
Through Thine all-sufficient grace,
I shall all my vows fulfil,
Shall fulfil all righteousness.
Troubled and distress'd I am;
O be mindful of Thy word!
Grant the promised help I claim,
Speak me now to life restored.
Thanks for all Thy former grace
From a willing heart receive;
Still instruct me in Thy ways,
Bid me to Thy glory live.
Lord, my life is in my hand,
Ever sinking into hell;
Yet I in Thy precepts stand,
In the paths of duty dwell.


Me the world hath sought to' ensnare,
Joining with my treacherous heart;
Yet from Thee I did not err,
Would not from Thy statutes start.
I have Thy commandments took
For my heritage below;
From the volume of Thy book
All my joys and comforts flow.
In obedience to Thy will
I have long'd my life to spend,
All Thy statutes to fulfil,
Serve and love Thee to the end.


Every evil thought and vain,
Lord, Thou know'st, I disapprove;
Sin with all my heart disdain;
Only Thy pure law I love.
Thou my shield on every side,
Thou my sure asylum art;
In Thy promise I confide,
Will not from Thy word depart.
Sinners, hence! be far away,
Ye that evil paths pursue!
I will only God obey,
I will His commandments do.
Hold my feeble goings up;
Lord, Thy promise I receive,
I shall then obtain my hope,
Free from sin for ever live.


O support me with Thy hand,
And I then shall walk secure,
Keep Thy every kind command,
Faithful to the end endure!
All who from Thy statutes stray
Thou, in wrath, hast trodden down;
False, deceitful souls are they;
They and wickedness are one.
Them Thou dost as dross at last
From the face of earth remove:
Therefore will I hold Thee fast,
Thee and Thy commandments love.
Thee, with reverential fear,
Just and merciful I see,
Tremble at Thy judgments near,
Triumph in Thy grace to me.


Lord, Thou know'st my uprightness;
I to all have justly done;
Suffer not my foes to' oppress
One that hurts and injures none.
Answer for Thy servant, Thou;
Let not haughty men devour;
Save mine innocency now;
Snatch me from the' oppressor's power.
Fail mine eyes with looking up
Thy salvation here to see;
Still I for the promise hope;
All the promise is for me.


With Thy meanest servant, Lord,
Deal according to Thy grace;
O fulfil Thy faithful word,
Teach me all Thy righteous ways!
Only Thee I serve below;
Grant me wisdom from above,
That I may Thy statutes know,
Know Thee by obedient love.
Lord, 'tis time to' apply Thy hand:
Sinners cry, “It cannot be;
God who gave the vain command,
Cannot keep it all in me.”
Therefore will I love Thee more;
All Thy dear commandments prize,
An inestimable store,
Good they are, and right, and wise;
Practicable all through Thee,
I shall find the perfect power;
See them all fulfill'd in me,
Live renew'd, and sin no more.


Wonderful Thy statutes are;
Therefore doth my soul regard,
Keep them with an awful care,
Find them here my great reward.
Soon as e'er Thy word takes place,
Light it doth and wisdom give;
Then the children learn Thy ways,
Then the simple hearts believe.


Lord, I have with strong desire
Panted to obey Thy will,
Give Thee all Thy laws require,
All Thy gracious words fulfil.
I Thy promised mercy claim;
See me, with compassion see!
Join to those who love Thy name,
Perfect all Thy love in me!
Help me in Thy steps to tread,
Let not sin dominion have,
Till Thou make me free indeed,
Till Thou to the utmost save.
Save me from the world and sin,
So will I Thy precepts do,
When Thy law is wrote within,
When I am a creature new.
Lord, I am and will be Thine;
Show me Thy enlightening grace,
Cause on me Thy face to shine,
Teach me all Thy righteousness:
Teach the souls o'er whom I weep,
For whose sins mine eyes o'erflow;
O that all Thy law would keep!
O that all Thy love would know!


Sovereign, everlasting Lord,
Thou art perfect righteousness;
Pure is Thine unerring word,
Upright are Thy high decrees:


Righteous all Thy statutes are;
Thee “the Merciful” they prove,
Thee “the Faithful” they declare,
Full of truth, and full of love.
Swallow'd up with fervent zeal
My presumptuous foes I see,
Who against my God rebel,
Slight the law prescribed by Thee.
Holy is Thy word and right;
Therefore doth my heart embrace,
Loves it with a pure delight,
Freely, joyfully obeys.
Small I am in mine own eyes,
Poor and despicably low;
Yet I still Thy precepts prize,
Will not from Thy statutes go:
Truth and righteousness Divine
Essence of Thy precepts is;—
Truth which shall through ages shine,
Everlasting righteousness.
Pain, and anguish, and affright
Oft my troubled soul assail;
Yet Thy law is my delight,
Stays when all my comforts fail:
Never can Thy word remove;
Thou the heavenly wisdom give;
I shall then be saved by love,
Free from sin for ever live.



Hear me, O my gracious Lord!
“Help,” with all my heart I cried;
“Fix'd I am to keep Thy word,
Save me, or my goings slide!
Save me,” still I cried to Thee,
“Save me from the tempter's will;
I shall then the promise see,
I shall all Thy law fulfil.”
Thee, before the dawn of day,
Hath my eager soul pursued,
Cried, and waited in the way,
Hoped for my redeeming God.
To behold Thy lovely face
Many a sleepless night I mourn,
Musing on the word of grace,
Watching for my Lord's return.
Hear me, Lord, in tender love,
Good and gracious as Thou art;
All the death of sin remove,
Quicken this poor drooping heart.
They that hunt my soul draw nigh,
Full of mischievous design,
Bold Thy threatenings to defy,
Tramplers on Thy law Divine.
But Thou nearer art, O Lord!
True Thy every precept is;
Sure is the annex'd reward,
Sure the dreadful penalties.


Damn'd are they that disbelieve,
Thou hast fix'd the firm decree;
Saved, whoe'er the truth receive,
Saved to all eternity!


See and save me in distress!
Lo! on Thee my soul I stay,
Looking for Thy kind release,
Longing all Thy law to' obey!
O my dear redeeming Lord,
Plead my cause with God above;
Mindful of Thy gracious word,
Quicken me by faith and love!
Strangers to Thy saving grace,
They who cast Thy laws behind,
Sinners will not seek Thy face,—
Thee, while all who seek, may find.
But Thy grace for all is free:
Lord, Thy proffer I receive,
Show Thy faithfulness on me,
Bid me by Thy mercy live.
Sin, the world, and hell oppose
This weak, helpless soul of mine;
Safe I walk through all my foes,
Do not from Thy paths decline.
Sinners I with pity saw,
Grieved for their iniquity,
Wretches that transgress'd Thy law,
Fled from happiness and Thee.


How do I Thy precepts love!
My desires to Thee are known:
All Thy life I long to prove;
Save me by Thy grace alone.
Lives the promise of Thy grace,
Stood from the beginning sure,
Every word of righteousness
Shall from age to age endure.


Princes have, with cruel rage,
Causelessly my soul pursued;
Resting on the sacred page,
I could only look to God.
Fill'd with reverential awe,
Still I in Thy word confide;
Fearing to transgress Thy law,
Nothing can I fear beside.
Joyful at Thy word, as one
That hath found a precious store,
There I search for bliss unknown,
Every other quest give o'er.
Hating all deceitful ways,
I Thy law with joy approve,
Offer Thee continual praise,
Bless Thee for Thy faithful love.
They that in Thy law delight,
Kept in perfect peace below,
Stand unshaken, by Thy might;
Nothing shall their steps o'erthrow.


I have languish'd for Thy grace,
Grace that makes salvation known;
Kept me in Thy righteous ways,
Gladly Thy commandments done.
Every word enjoin'd by Thee
Joyfully my soul approved,
With unfeign'd sincerity
All Thy testimonies loved.
All my ways are in Thy sight,
I on Thee alone depend;
Lord, direct my goings right,
Lead and save me to the end!


Lord, regard my earnest cry,
Hear me from Thy holy place;
Give me the enlighten'd eye,
Guide me by Thy promised grace!
O accept my humble prayer,
Bring the promised succours in;
Save me from the fowler's snare,
Save me from the world and sin!
Me when Thou hast taught Thy way,
By the unction from above,
I Thy glory shall display,
Show the wonders of Thy love;
Joyfully Thy name declare,
Never from Thy praises cease;
Righteous all Thy judgments are,
True are all Thy promises.


Reach me out Thy helping hand;
I have chose the better part,
Loved Thine every kind command,
Long'd to keep them, from my heart.
I have Thy salvation sought,
Happy could I do Thy will,
Pure in deed, and word, and thought,
Could I all Thy law fulfil.
Let me in Thine image live,
Fully by Thy word restore;
Thee I then Thine own shall give,
Love and praise Thee evermore.
Fain I would Thy statutes keep,
Spotless as my Master be;
Jesus, seek Thy wandering sheep,
Make me all-complete in Thee.