University of Virginia Library

April 21-27

Have my friend Emily with me. Her friendship has been a source of much happiness to me. I believed she understands me better and we have many thoughts in common than most of the people I know. She is the pattern of what a Christian ought to be, so self-denying and anxious to be about her Master's work. I feel that it is good for me to be with her and I consider it a privilege to be called her friend. We attend church together on Good Friday and Easter Sunday and have some nice chats ....Aunt Ria and Miss Vallant come up at the same time but they remain until May 9th. Aunt Ria is the same dear little person charming up all around her. We have some gay times walking, reading and sewing. Miss Vallant's health is much improved. I hope she may be able to come back to us next fall but she seems doubtful about it.