University of Virginia Library



“O my darling little daughters—
O, my daughters loved so well—
Who by Brighton's breezy waters
For a time have gone to dwell.
Here I come with spirit yearning
With your sight my eyes to cheer,
When this sunny day returning,
Brings my forty-second year.
“Knit to me in love and duty,
Have you been, sweet pets of mine,
Long in health, and joy, and beauty
May it be your lot to shine:
And at last, when God commanding,
I shall leave you good and kind
“May I leave my ‘Nan’ and ‘Pigeon,’
Mild of faith, of purpose true—
Full of faith and meek religion—
With many joys and sorrows few.
Now I part, with fond caressing,
Part you now, my daughters dear—
Take, then, take a father's blessing,
In his forty-second year.”