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The Shamrock

or, Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, The Original Production of Ireland. To which are subjoined thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen: with practical proposals for a reformation [by Samuel Whyte]

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Thanks to our Stars, our Poets, grown more wise,
Seem not so forward to adjudge the Prize;—
And, Grady now, and Bloomfield in our Days,
Shine out with equal, tho' with rival Praise.
But still the Muse seems faithful to her Task:
The Shannon murmurs, and his Naiads ask,
Are then our native Bards so partial grown,
To abandon us, for Beauties “not their own?”
Where parent Shannon rolls his kingly Tide.
Bathing fam'd Lomna's Walls on either Side,
The Graces fled, Love's Empire fall'n, no more,
“A native Beauty treads this barren Shore?”


Eliza spoke: Grief still enhanc'd her Charms,
When the fond Shannon press'd her to his Arms;
And, wiping from her Cheek the sparkling Tear,
My Child, he says, my darling Nymph, forbear;
High as the Shannon lifts his sovereign Head,
Far as his Name, and sounding Billows spread,
Wide as the Ocean bathes the Hibernian Coast,
Eliza fair is Shannon's reigning Toast.
