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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Septima est vie ostensio.

the seuen p[rofe]te whi he ȝode
to heuen blis now as this day,
Mathy sais was for our nede
to teche vs the redy way:

Mathie secundo: Ascendit pandens iter ante.

thenne beide Austyn witerly,
‘sithen Ihesu Crist our saueour
has made our way thurgh his mercy,
ryse and go & bide non howr.’
that is as muche for to say
as bidde vs rise vp of our synne,
then schun we finde euen way
to wele, that he has for to wynne.


Augustinus: Via tibi facta est ipse saluator & ambula, noli pigressere.