University of Virginia Library


Once wandringe forthe in Maye to take the ayre,
A court of gallant courtiers came me by;
With them A troupe of Ladyes sawe I ther,
Whose lyvely lookes did seme to scorne the skye.
Before these dames A nimphe I did espye,
Lyke Iuno dect, adorned with Pallas grace;
Not Paris chose, nor Phœbe chaste, thincke I,
Might matche that peirles pearle in anye case.
And as she walkt with graue & comly pace,
I askt hir name of one came last of all.
“hir name,” quod he, “a nimphe of heavenly race.”
“Thatis trew,” said I, “but what shall I hir call?”
Quod he, “if thou so curious be to knawe,
hir name beginis & endeth with an̄ A.”