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Poems of home and country

Also, Sacred and Miscellaneous Verse

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Oh! sing to the praise of the Saviour above,
Unchanging His wisdom, immortal His love;
Extolled be His mercy, and hallowed His name,
Who dwelt in the pillar of cloud and of flame.


His hand through the desert has guided our way,
Our shelter by night, and our glory by day;
The fathers are garnered at rest in the grave,—
But Jesus still triumphs, almighty to save.
The harvests are waving, as waves the ripe grain,
Fruit, once sown in tears, of the centuries twain;
The billows no more beat with furious shock;
The Church safely stands on its basis of rock.
More ages, still following, their circuit shall run;
More gems light the crown which our Saviour has won;
More trophies of grace to their Lord shall be given,—
Then echo the Jubilee anthem in heaven.