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John xvii. 20, &c.

Christ, our Head, gone up on high,
Be Thou in Thy Spirit nigh;
Advocate with God, give ear
To Thine own effectual prayer:
Hear the sounds Thou once didst breathe
In Thy days of flesh beneath;
Now, O Jesu, let them be
Strongly echoed back to Thee.
We, O Christ, have Thee received;
We the Gospel-word believed:


Justly then we claim a share
In Thine everlasting prayer.
One the Father is with Thee;
Knit us in like unity;
Make us, O uniting Son,
One as Thou and He are one.
If Thy love to us hath given
All the glory of His heaven,
(From eternity Thine own,
Glory here in grace begun,)
Let us now the gift receive,
By the vital union live,
Join'd to God, and perfect be,
Mystically one in Thee.
Let it hence to all be known,
Thou art with Thy Father one;
One with Him in us be show'd,
Very God of very God;
Sent our spirits to unite,
Sent to make us sons of light,
Sent that we His grace may prove,
All the riches of His love.
Thee He loved e'er time begun,
Thee the Co-eternal Son;
He hath to Thy merit given
Us, the' adopted heirs of heaven.
Thou hast will'd that we should rise,
See Thy glory in the skies,
See Thee by all heaven adored,
Be for ever with our Lord.
Thou the Father seest alone,
Thou to us hast made Him known:


Sent from Him we know Thou art,
We have found Thee in our heart:
Thou the Father hast declared:
He is here our great reward;
Ours His Nature and His Name;—
Thou art ours with Him the same.
Still, O Lord, (for Thine we are,)
Still to us His Name declare;
Thy revealing Spirit give,
Whom the world cannot receive:
Fill us with the Father's love;
Never from our souls remove;
Dwell in us, and we shall be
Thine to all eternity.