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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Sexta est spei nostre soliditas.

Sexta est spei nostre soliditas.

the sixt profit sikerly
ys studfast hope þat we mone haue
to cum after him astily,
that stegh to heuen mon-kinde to saue.
therfor the apostel her
sais that a grete bischop haue we,
Ihesu, Goddes son dere,
that percet h[e]uen thurgh his pouste.
haue we that hope, whitouten wer,
and we schun perce hit as did he,
ȝif our lif be clene and cler,
and whit him in that blis be:

Ad Hebreos iiijo: Habentes ergo pentecosten magnum, qui penetrauit celos, Ihesum filium Dei teneamus spei nostre confessione, &c.