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[Loved I am, and yet Complayne of Love]

Loved I am, and yet Complayne of Love,
As Loving not, accusde, in Love I dye,
When pitty moste I Crave, I Cruell proove,
Still seeking Love, Love founde, as muche I dye.
Burnde in my self, I muse at others fyer,
What I calle wronge, I do the same and more,
Barrd of my will, I doo beyonde desyer.
I wayle for want, and yet am chookt with store,


This ys thy worcke, thow God for ever blynde:
Thoughe thousandes olde a Boy entiteled still;
Thus Children do the silly byrdes they fynde,
With stroking, hurte, and too muche Cramming kyll.
Yet thus muche Love, (O Love) I crave of thee?
Let mee bee Loved, or els not Loved bee?