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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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14. On Servio .

Servio would thrive; and therefore, do's obay
Gods Law, and shuts up Shop oth' Sabbath day:
Servio would prosper in his home affaires,
And therefore dares not misse his Dyet-Prayres.
Servio must put to Sea, and do's implore;
Toth' end, that he might safely come ashore:


Servio's in Suit, and therefore must be tyed
To morning prayre, untill his Cause be tryed:
Servio begins to loath a Single life,
And therefore prayes for a high-portion'd Wife:
Servio would faine be thought religious too,
And therefore prayes as the Religious doe:
Servio still prayes for Profit, or Applause;
Servio will seldome pray, without a Cause.