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The Scourge of Folly

Consisting of satyricall Epigrams, And others in honour of many noble Persons and worthy friends, together, with a pleasant (though discordant) Descant upon most English Proverbs and others [by John Davies]

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Epig. 206. To the well deseruing Mr. Iohn Fletcher.
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Epig. 206. To the well deseruing Mr. Iohn Fletcher.

Loue lies a bleeding, if it should not proue
Her vttmost art to shew why it doth loue.


Thou being the Subiect (now) It raignes vpon;
Raign'st in Arte, Iudgement, and Inuention:
For this I loue thee: and can doe no lesse
For thine as faire, as faithfull Sheepheardesse.