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[Save me, O God! my griefs abound]


Save me, O God! my griefs abound,
Temptation's waves enclose me round,
And seas of trouble roll;
Sunk in the deepest mire of sin,
Floods of iniquity pour in
And deluge all my soul.
Spent with my own complaints and cries,
With pain I lift my weary eyes,
Which fail with looking up;
Cleaves to the roof my speechless tongue,
Or hardly asks my God, “How long
Dost Thou defer my hope?”
My foes are strong and numberless,
Who wrongfully my soul oppress;
Thou, Lord, their malice see;


Thee have I wrong'd, and Thee alone,
My follies, which with shame I own,
My sins, are known to Thee.
But let not them that seek Thy face
Be sharers in my foul disgrace,—
For Israel's sake I pray!
Thou Lord of Hosts, Thou God of love,
My fears and dire reproach remove,
Nor let me fall away!
For Israel's sake the sinner spare;
(I ask in agony of prayer!)
O never let it be
That those who wait to know Thy name
Should stumble at my guilty shame,
Or stand abash'd for me.
Me, Lord, Thou didst begin to turn,
I surely Thy reproach have borne,
Thy people's portion chose;
Stranger to my own flesh I was;
Despised and hated for Thy cause,
By my own household-foes.


Thy love did once my heart inspire,
I rose, inflamed with sacred fire,
To build the house of God;
I triumph'd in my Master's shame,
And, jealous for Thy glorious name,
Thy faithful witness stood.
Humbled in all Thy paths I stay'd,
Fasted, and mourn'd, and wept, and pray'd,
And long'd my Lord to find;


The theme of each opprobrious tongue,
The ruler's scorn, the drunkard's song,
The outcast of mankind!
But, O! my suit to Thee is known,
Thou wilt Thine humble suppliant own,
And graciously receive;
Save, in the riches of Thy grace,
Accept me through Thy righteousness,
And freely now forgive.
The truth of Thy salvation show;
Nor let the flood my soul o'erflow,
Nor let the pit devour:
O snatch me from the hell within,
From all the mire of inbred sin,
From all the tempter's power!
Lord, for Thy mercy's sake draw near,
In all Thy tender love appear,
Make haste to my relief;
No longer hide from me Thy face,
But hear, and save me by Thy grace
From all my sin and grief.
Now to my helpless soul draw nigh,
Redeem me at the point to die,
From sin and hell redeem;
My guilt and shame to Thee are known,
But, O! my foes are all Thy own!
Discharge Thy wrath on them.


Long have I groan'd my sin to feel,
And, sinking into my own hell,
For succour look'd in vain;


No pitying comforter was near,
No tender friend my grief to cheer,
Or mitigate my pain.
Conform'd to an expiring God,
I bear my portion of His load,
And taste His bitter cup:
Saviour, at last display Thy face,
Enrich the needy by Thy grace,
And lift the mourner up.
So shall I magnify Thy name,
My Saviour-God in songs proclaim,
Which Thou wilt deign to' approve;
Better than bulls and goats to Thee
The thankful heart's sincerity,
The sacrifice of love.
The humble shall behold His grace;
Your heart shall live who seek His face,
Rejoice in steadfast hope;
He never hath the poor abhorr'd;
The mournful prisoners of the Lord
He hears, and lifts them up.
Let heaven and earth His goodness sing,
The sea, and every moving thing
That breathes below, above;
For God His Sion shall repair,
And save, and fix His people there,
Possessors of His love.
Their faithful seed shall still increase,
Heirs of His precious promises;
Who lovingly adore,


And bow their hearts to Jesu's name,
Their station in His house shall claim,
And never leave it more.