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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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Turn thou me, and I shall be turned.”—Jer. xxxi. 18.

Dear Lord, those whom Thou dost anoint
With care or sorrow as a crown,
Find in some truth the turning-point—
Deeps into which they must go down;
Blank walls start up a stubborn prison,
Before their lives have rearisen.
They find no opening at the first,
No gateway through which feet may go,
No fountain that will quench their thirst,
No Altar fires with gracious glow;
But while they seem from God so banished,
At faith's bright touch the bounds have vanished.
Just at the one dim dreadful stop
Which looks the very close of all,
When weary flesh and blood would drop
In final shame and utter fall;
Then, like a cloud, the barriers lifting
Show roads of Glory through their rifting.
The end of everything was but
A fair beginning of the new,
The door in darkness grimly shut
Into God's Arms of welcome grew;
The loss was full free life's salvation,
The shroud our robes of coronation.