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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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Idyll iii.

I envy noe Man; nor I scarce admire
Any Man's Fancy to my owne desire;
Wee looke at one Same thing; & the formes come
But only differ'd by the medium.
False Glasse of Ayre, or ye weake Opticke Scarce


Receives her Rayes, or can her Atomes peirce;
Purblind in Ethicks, as ye Running Hare,
Gloats either way; Fore-rights nor Hope nor Feare;
And Crownéd Ioy rackes Sence; while Reason (yet
Frustrate in Levies) Depos'd Prince doth Sitt
In a Cold Corner; ye Swolne Passions, now
(Growne-Courtiers late) contemne ye Loyall few.
See Iustice, Pietie, & Prudence plac'd
Worthy a King, the Honour of one Breast;
Make Syracusa blush, to see a Prince
Above her Numbers, whose Experience
Might well praise little Things; & Tiptoe crye
The Lagi Stemme, in bright-Hair'd Ptolomy
A God-like linage Sūm'd; whose Mother Spred
A part of Heaven; Vowéd Tribute of her Head,
A Constellation Stands; let Truth assert
What flatterie may force; Power Malapert
Vnder the wing of Vertue, Vulture proves;
And hatch'd by Innocence, Blood seekes & Loves.
Were Maiestie as Calme as we have knowne
It in one Starre, through the whole Horizon;
Vnstain'd as our Ideas; or the Hand
More Spotles, who late rul'd ye Land;
Who if a place be Lawfull to assigne
In heaven, for Soules departed, there doth raigne.
Yet Name of a Prince, & Shade of Royall Power,
Warmes Insolence in others; Names, noe more
Delude the World; Kings Suffer, when they give
Inhærent Light, long-fixt Prærogative,


To fill a glareing Office; or confer
It to the Civetts of an Officer,
Whose Tooth-picker, like ye officious Bird
Betrayes him Sleeping; & ye Ratt has Stirr'd
His bleeding Entrayles, Ere aware; Soe delves
Ichneumon Fraud, & Kings but Sell themselves.
I cannot weane my selfe soe perfectly
But with Affection I name Royaltie;
And whimper to the Teat, though Strong enough
To digest meat, less Savory & more Tough.
Have you not tooke mee tardy from my Theam?
Led out a Gazer to the falling Beame?
Strucke in a Village Fright, to see the Tayle
Of such a Comet; growne Star-gazers All;
Our ignorant Gvesses please the neighbourhood,
Fate, in a Comet, Seen & vnderstood.
Wee, who low-read in Mathematicks, beard
Planets & Meteors, equally enspir'd,
And know noe Region higher then the Moone;
Admit noe lower, but whip vp & downe
The grateing Orbes; all in a tracke, t'enflame
Their Naffes drye-worne & crack their stretchéd Teeme
The Aire dry Tinder to ye Sparkes, wch Stop;
In the right Box fir'd, wee light Candles vp.
How Passions rise in Men! Everie Thing
Adds to the Circle, to make Dæmon Spring.
Had wee laid out a Systeme of ye Sphære
(And form'd iust Motions, by a Regular
Transition, to the Old, or new Designe


Tycho, or harder names to fill a Line;)
Y' had knitt a Brow, our Glasses could not peirce;
Now all looks faire; your Eyes (the vtmost Starres
Of our discoverie) bright Seen; portend
A gratefull Omen; Laughter, cannot Spend
A vaine Breath; Folly takes it, wth full Sayle,
And hardly Witt but Tackles to that Gale.
Wee're tight & readie-rigg'd; one purchast Knott
Helps at a need, and we can draw it out;
The Advantage of our voyage; all the world
Trades, in this magicke; though the foole be hurl'd
Spleen-Shittle-Cocke; Witt to emprove the worke
Will often Spare a Feather to the Corke.
This, though it fall in Trifles, is but what
Runs with full Streame, in the affaires of State;
Where Tyrranny enthron'd, laughs Murder out,
Makes Truth a Solæcisme; whirls a Doubt,
State-Tarriers; Provocations, to the Raw
Triall of Witts; Concealments good in Law.
The Imposture, boasts his head, whose velvet brow
Shunn'd weaker Twigs; antler'd & Palméd now,
By the Herd prick't on Cheife; combats at length
Huge Trees, to trye his horne; & sūm'd in full Strength
Proud in Prærogative, he goares them out
Stand in his way, now rageing at the Rutt.
The Lust of Tyrants (over-bauded still
By hooded Law) carnalls the world at Will.
Prostitute Men, are by Corruption led,
Sinners; & weepe away their Maidenhead;


Their Boast, their Glory, the īmaculate
Seale of their Reason, Green Wax of the State;
Th' Old Charter, lost, new Letters-pattents give
Vs Libertie to wander with a Breife;
Irresiant, now content; the Trade emproves,
And Sturdy Rogve, Setts vp; if Vertue loves
The Cell of Quiet, happie, may She Sitt;
The World is Busines; & wee Trafficke it;
To this dere Sphinx; wrackt Thebans all ye world
Are Prey by turnes; as had the Furies hurl'd
A brand of knotted Sulphur, to Surprise
Men Sleeping; Nero, laughs, when flames arife.
But 'tis an easie Chord; ye Flax of Law
Makes a Soft Trāmell; let a higher Awe
Stifle affrighted Reason, & put on
Chains, lock't & Bolted, by Religion;
Let Numa's will, Stand next Divinitie;
And the dread Whisper, publish't, Sacred be;
Cannons inviolate: what creeping Power
Wants? The fine Artifice, to plaister o're
These Vlcers with a Balsamum, may bring
The Mouth clos'd vp! & walke a very King!
For vnto everie Power, the Attribute
Is proper, though perhaps the Name not Suite.
Legions of Men, whom Men had ner restrain'd
Are Cow'd, to obey the Dictates of a Hind:
Dumbe Innocent! the Forgeries of Power,
May levie, Lead, & Conquer; men noe more
(Chill'd with these fallacies) dispute the true


Right, of their Being; but the Dreames pursue
Made to amaze them; if some bolder wakes
The Mangie Scribe tells what ye Pigeon speakes.
Let Mecha rant to all the vanities
Of long-lost Hāmon; Alexander, tryes
Vntrodden Sandes, to his Ambition;
And the God (still to freind) affirmes him One;
Now, what the Sultan Seekes, may nearer home
Be gott; when Camells Dedicated, come
Backe to fatt Pastures, freed from any Charge
Of future Burthen, happie Beasts, enlarge
Themselves, to Act our Follies, & at length
May to their Naturall vse, bestow their Strength:
Not the great Tyrant, (who like vermin may
Snap Man as Easily as you a Flea)
Dare touch this Pilgrim-Camell; as 't wer done
A Reverence to 't; but this maintains his owne;
For his loud Ancestor enacted all
Their Superstitions, in this wheele to fall;
And he but lives, a Prophet to ye Sway
Of Empire as he taught them to Obay.
Let Sainted Fooles & Madmen Cannoniz'd,
Advance the Rule; where Witt & Art despis'd
Vpbraid the Boast of old Civilitie:
Greece, more a fable then her Fables be;
And put the lye vpon our Admiration
That ever there was Glory, in that Nation;
Who rul'd the World, in Letters, & præscrib'd
Rome famous, & the Westerne Earth beside


Now Sitts, our Pitty; and weake Clearkes, may raise
Some doubts, what Socrates or Plato, was;
Bestride their Academie, and Despise
Laconia Valiant, or Olivia wise:
And take the Old Scandall, (now a Truth) to heart;
What will not lyinge Greece, written insert?
Convince the Stagyrite, in Puny Witt,
From th' Arrogant vncertainties he writt;
And his long-venerated Axioms, bind
Postill' t'Heredotus; that Truth shall find
A Narrow Roome to tread in, & the few
Vn-bearded Criticks, Cloth her out a new.
Soe Shrinks the world, though Men & Names yet keepe
The Ephori, broad-wakeing, in the Sleepe
Of Sparta, long-forgotten, & the Rest
Like drunken Helots, either Act the Iest,
Their Rigours Shall impose, or weare their Lives
Prest in the Yoke of their Prerogatives.
The World's an Ant-hill, & the little Grubbs
Stocke themselves warme, till ye swoln Paddock rubbs
Them out of Freehold, to enthrone himselfe
Lord of their Lives, & Maister of their Wealth.