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1 occurrence of "Whit was his face as payndemayn
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1 occurrence of "Whit was his face as payndemayn
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"Cometh alle to-gidre now, ye that ben ykaught and ybounde with wikkide cheynes by the desceyvable delyt of erthly thynges enhabitynge in yowr thought! Her schal ben the reste of your labours, her is the havene stable in pesible quiete; this allone is the open refut to wreches. (Glose. This to seyn, that ye that ben combryd and disseyvid with worldly affeccions, cometh now to this sovereyn good, that is God, that is refut to hem that wolen come to hym.) Textus. Alle the thinges that the ryver Tagus yyveth yow with his goldene gravelis, or elles alle the thinges that the ryver Hermus yeveth with his rede brinke, or that Indus yyveth, that is next the hote partie of the world, that medleth the grene stones with the white, ne scholden not cleren the lookynge of your thought, but hiden rather your blynde corages withynne here derknesse. Al that liketh yow here, and exciteth and moeveth your thoughtes, the erthe hath norysschid it in his lowe caves. But the schynynge by whiche the hevene is governed and whennes that it hath his strengthe, that eschueth the derke overthrowynge of the soule; and whosoevere may knowen thilke light (of blisfulnesse), he schal wel seyn that the white beemes of the sonne ne ben nat cleer."