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Professor Newcomb.


12-1, T. Th. S.

702. Railroad Engineering.

Lectures on reconnoissance and preliminary surveys, office location,
field location; the construction, maintenance and operation of railroads.
Special attention is given to questions of railway economics. (Fall.)

714. Materials of Construction.

A descriptive study of the materials used in engineering structures, together
with their characteristics and proper preparation. Lectures on the
design and construction of foundations for bridges and buildings. (Winter.)

703. Roads; Streets; Street Railways.

Lectures on the principles of road location; the construction and maintenance
of earth roads, broken stone roads, gravel roads; the pavements
for city streets and sidewalks; the location and construction of street railways.


10-11, T. Th. S.

701. Curves and Earthwork.

Lectures on simple, compound, transition and vertical curves; the form
of excavations and embankments, earthwork surveys, computation of volumes,
formation of embankments, computation of haul, cost of earthwork,
blasting. Practical exercises in map drawing and topography. (Fall.)

705. Bridges.

Lectures on the design and construction of standard types of steel and
timber bridges. (Winter.)

718. Masonry Structures.

Lectures on the theory of reinforced concrete; the design and construction
of selected types of masonry structures. Practical exercises in design,
together with structural drawing. (Spring.)


8-9, T. Th. S.

707. Waterworks and Sewers.

Lectures on the quality, sources, collection, conveyance, purification,
and distribution of city water supplies; the laws of flow in pipe lines and
aqueducts; the drainage of houses and streets; the collection and conveyance
of sewage; the disposal of sewage; the construction and maintenance
of works. Practical exercises in the design of pipe lines and sewers..