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[Thou hast chastised Thine own, O God!]

Thou hast chastised Thine own, O God!
Cast off and scatter'd us abroad:
O turn Thee to Thy church again,
Nor let us seek Thy face in vain!


Thou hast our guilty nation shook
In wrath; its strongest pillars broke;
Our land doth by Thy judgments reel:
Return, and all our breaches heal.
To us Thou grievous things hast shown,
And made us drink the potion down,
The bitter draught of deadly wine,
The dreadful cup of wrath Divine!
Yet hath Thy tender mercy spread
A banner o'er Thy people's head,
That all who humbly Thee revere
May triumph in redemption near;
The glorious gospel-truth receive,
And, ransom'd by Thy mercy, live.
Lord, to Thy standard-cross I flee;
Stretch out Thine arm, and ransom me.
God in His holiness hath sworn,
That all who to their Saviour turn
His all-victorious grace shall prove,
And more than conquer in His love.
Wherefore, I will with joy obey
His call, and fly upon the prey;
The pardon take, the spoil divide,
And trample down all self and pride.
In praises with His people join,
For all His chosen tribes are mine:
The world shall to my faith submit,
And Satan fall beneath my feet.
But who shall his strongholds o'erthrow,
And lay the lofty fortress low?
Will not our God again assert
Our cause, and take His people's part?


With pity, Lord, Thine outcasts see,
And lead us forth to victory.
Help us in our distress; for vain
Is all the help of feeble man.
Surely, our God His arm shall show,
And we, through Him, shall all things do:
In Jesu's strength our foes tread down,
And win the fight, and wear the crown.