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[Save me, Lord, by Thy great name]

Save me, Lord, by Thy great name,
Avenge me by Thy might;
Hated for Thy sake I am,
O vindicate my right!
Let my prayers Thy help engage,
Give ear to my continued cry;
Save me from the' oppressor's rage,
O save me, or I die!
Strangers to my God have rose,
And seek my soul to slay;
God Himself they dare oppose,
And cast His yoke away:


But with me my Helper stays,
The Lord doth still my soul defend;
He upholds me by His grace,
And loves me to the end.
Evil He shall soon reward
To all mine enemies:
Cut them off, O righteous Lord,
Let sin for ever cease:
Satan and his works destroy,
But O! his hapless servants spare,
That I may with thankful joy
Thy faithful love declare!
I shall then mine all to Thee
A free-will offering give;
Praise the Lord, so good to me
Who in His name believe;
He hath from all trouble freed,
Mine eyes have seen His perfect power;
All my inbred foes are dead,
And sin subsists no more.