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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Hec Augustinus. Quarta est nostra securitas.

The furth profit in gode fay
That he stegh for to heuen blisse,
to mak vs siker soth to say
& preue vs for his ther he is,
And our aduocate to be in nede
to his fadur all-welding,
that whil thar vs haue no drede
to com ther-as he is wonyng.
Herto acordes gode saint Iohn
& sais, ‘a gode vocate han we
to the fader of heuen vp-gon,
Ihesu Crist that deghet on tre.’

Iohannis ijo: Aduocatum habemus apud patrem Ihesum Christum iustum & ipse est propitiatio pro peccatis nostris.

of whiche sicurnesse said before
that mon schuld haue on heuen blisse,
Bernard in his liking lore
ful wittely declares this,


Right as sinful men shuld say
that where represent priuely,
so spekes Bernard, in gode fay,
to preue gode to that blisse worthy,

Bernardus: Securum accessum habes, o homo, ad Deum vbi mater ante filium, filius ante patrem, mater ostendit filio pectus & vbera, filius ostendit patri latus & vulnera: Nulla ergo poterit esse repulsa, vbi tot concurrunt caritatis insignia.

And sais, ‘mon, thow has sicur way
to go to God graciousely,
theras is redy for to pray
bothe moder and sone ful of mercy;
‘Thenne moder to the son in blisse,
the son to the fadur on hegh,
I con wit no way i-wis
how help might schap him more negh.
‘For the moder showes the son
brest and pappes that soek he,
whenne son is mynnet opon that wone
on monkind he most haue pite,
‘And shewes the fader side & woundes
that he tholet on rode tre,
thus bothe biholden the blisset boundeȝ
of werray loue and charite.
‘Ther may be none aȝayn-puttyng
when all these seignes shewet byn,
ny for to help mon ma[ke] fluttyng,
God may not schutte him, wel is sene.’