University of Virginia Library

Under the Emperours West as Arnulph. 12 902 East as Leo. 900


In Europe.

Justice her Tribute of Europeans takes.
Still Italy she in her furnace bakes.
While Charles doth live Duke Beringary, and
Duke Guido part the prey, and France they hand
To Guido: and to Beringarie's Share
Came Italy. When dead, Guido doth repare
To Rome to be annointed by the pope.
The French that while do design to ope
Unto the throne, who now doth Guido mump.
Wherefore he Cou[n]sill take how he may thump


Out Beringary from his Italy.


And beats him out, with th'Emperours Supply[.]

The following yeare Arnulph with hosts did come
On Lombardy, and Pergamenus won
And Ambrose Earle there of in halter hangd
Up at the Gate to Rome went and down bangd
Its wall, and quelld the Pope's disturbers, so
Tor'ds Guido mooves. He flies. His wife bestow
Doth on Arnulph a Cup of poison high
Which lai'd him three dayes in a Lethargy.


Then being waked he Sick returned home.

The Saracens too Italy did num.
The Gauls, and French are harrasst greatly Still.
Radulphus now Burgundy king it will.
The Norman Scourge Still jearks and so the Danes
Untill that Arnulph fought, and overcame
Them at the Tily where with small loss hewd
He down an hundred thousand as is shewd.
Turks or Ungares in Bulgaria brought
By Leo soon Pannonia up caught.
These and such other Stirs did Europe Claw
The Hagarens on Asia laid their paw.
Regner King of the Danes Christ Cause would stroy:
And did restore cursed Idolatry.
Till Hellis whom he banisht took him and
By Serpents long in jayle him tortur'd, damnd,
Untill he perisht. Justice in these woes
Throughout this Century still onward goes,
Shewing her glorious Selfe that we may say
When Sins are frollick She will Shew fare play.

The Glory of Divine Efficiency Miraculous.

Let's view Efficiency, and eye her shine
Wherewith she doth emplaster ore this time
When Charles after his dubbing did advance
Unto Spoleto. Italy did dance
Upon a dismall Earthquake's tottering back


That Overturnd mountains, and Cities flat.
Shooke down both Roofe and Beams of Pauls Church gay


This was at two aclock in th'night fore May.

Soon after, certain places by the Rhine
Did take this dance. And France attends this Rhime.
And Plague persues the same. Also this Strain


At Charles his Palace toots at Aquisgrane

And bordering places where this Earthquake wheeles.
And Pestilence did follow at its heels[.]


Locusts from Africk jump to Italy

And all things there devour egregeously.


The year that shut up Charles his peepholes, shown

An Earthquake, Prodigies to Ears made known.
And to mens Eyes, a Comet that did Change
Its Shape and like an headless man did range.