I. |
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XII. |
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XV. |
XVI. |
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XX. |
XXI. |
XXV. |
XXX. |
XL. |
XLI. |
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LI. |
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XC. |
XCI. |
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C. |
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CXL. |
CL. |
CLI. |
CLV. |
CLX. |
CXC. |
CC. |
CCI. |
CCV. |
CCX. | CCX. Edward Waterhouse. "A Declaration of the State of the
Colony and ... A Relation of the Barbarous Massacre ..."
1622 |
CCL. |
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
CCX. Edward Waterhouse. "A Declaration of the State of the
Colony and ... A Relation of the Barbarous Massacre ..."
Brown Library, New York Public Library, New York Historical Society, New-
berry Library, British Museum, Lambeth Palace Library[267]
A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia. With
a Relation of the Barbarous Massacre in the time of peace and League,
treacherously executed by the Natiue Infidels vpon the English, the
22 of March last. Together with the names of those that were then
massacred; that their lawfull heyres, by this notice giuen, may take
order for the inheriting of their lands and estates in Virginia. And a
Treatise Annexed, Written by that learned Mathematician Mr
Henry Briggs, of the Northwest passage to the South Sea through the
Continent of Virginia, and by Fretum Hudson. Also a Commemo-
ration of such worthy Benefactors as haue contributed their Chris-
tian Charitie towards the aduancement of the Colony. And a Note
of the charges of necessary prouisions fit for every man that intends
to goe to Virginia. Published by Authoritie.[268]
Imprinted at London
by G. Eld, for Robert Mylbourne, and are to be sold at his shop, at
the great South doore of Pauls. 1622.
Right Honorable and Worthy:
The fame of our late vnhappy accident in Virginia, hath spread it selfe, I
doubt not, into all parts abroad, and as it is talked of of all men, so no
question of many, and of most, it cannot but be misreported, some carryed
away with ouer-weak lightnesse to beleeue all they heare, how vntrue
soeuer; others out of their disaffection possibly to the Plantation, are
desirous to make that, which is ill, worse; and so the truth of the Action,
a part of some acceptable seruice in me towards you, whose fauors haue
preferred me to be a member of your Company, to present you with these
my poore labours, the Collection of the truth hereof, drawne from the
relation of some of those that were beholders of that Tragedie, and who
hardly escaped from tasting of the same cup, as also from the Letters sent
you by the Gouernour and other Gentlemen of quality, and of the Councell
in that Colonie, read openly here in your Courts: That so the world may
see that it was not the strength of a professed enemy that brought this
slaughter on them, but contriued by the perfidious treachery of a false-
hearted people, that know not God nor faith. No generous Spirit will
forbeare to goe on for this accident that hath hapned to the Plantation,
but proceed rather chearfully in this honorable Enterprize, since the
discouery of their bruitish falshood will proue (as shall appeare by this
Treatise following) many waies aduantageable to vs, and make this
forewarning a forearming for euer to preuent a greater mischiefe.
Accept it from me, I most humbly beseech you, as the first fruits of my
poore seruice. Time may happily make me able to yeeld you some other
worke whose subiect may bee Ioy, as this is a Theame of Sadnesse: Meane-
time, I commit You and the Noble Colony to Gods good blessing, as he
that shall alwaies be
Page. | Line. | Faults. | Amend. |
10 | 10. | French Vignerous | French Vignerons. |
24 | 17. | Mastiues to teare them | Mastiues to seaze them. |
ibid. | ibid. | which take this naked | which take these naked |
26 | 12. | non s'ing a muu | non s'inganna. |
29 | 4. | with his brothers | with his brother. |
ibid. | 10. | auaritious quarrels | ambitious quarrels. |
40 | 4. | Shinhow | Swinhow. |
ibid. | 10. | Weynoack. | Weyanock. |
45 | 5. | by Fretum Hudsen. | and by Fretum Hudson. |
[1] A Declaration of the state of the Colonie and Affaires in Virginia.
With a Relation of the barbarous Massacre in the time of peace and League,
treacherously executed vpon the English by the natiue Infidels, 22 March last.
Although there haue been many and sundry Treatises writ of Virginia,
and the Commodities thereof; whereat malitious men may take occasion
to cauill, but godly men will finde good cause to praise the Almighty,
whose wonders are seene in the deepe, through the which we haue sailed
to the discouery of this good Land: Yet I haue not thought it amisse
(since I am to expresse some late Accidents) before-hand to summe vp the
benefits of that Countrey; partly because they daily encrease by new Dis-
coueries made, to the glory of our most gratious King, and euer renowned
to all posteritie, for the founding and supporting of this most Royall and
blessed work of Plantation, to the great honor, wealth [2] and happinesse
of his most famous Kingdomes; and partly, because such is the customary
daintinesse of Readers, that they seldome take the paines to gather together
all that hath beene written of any subiect, that so they might take the whole
businesse into their consideration, (which is the onely way to make a true
iudgement,) but vsually content themselues with one or two Bookes set
out occasionally, and with reference to some former Treatises, whereby
they gaine but a lame and parcell-knowledge, and so oftentimes both
preiudice themselues and the truth.
The Countrey called Virginia (so named by the late Virgin-Queene Eliza-
beth of blessed memory) being the rightfull inheritance of his Maiesty, as
being first discouered at the costs and charges of that most prudent Prince
of famous memory, King Henry the Seauenth, his Maiesties great Grand-
father; The Patent whereof still extant to be seene, was granted to Iohn
Cabot and diuers other of his subiects, who went thither with sixe Saile
of Ships, and discouered as farre as from Cape Florida to New-found-land,
all along the Coast, and tooke possession thereof to the Kings vse, about
that time when Ferdinando and Isabella discouered the Westerne Indies:
(by which title of first discouery the King of Portugal and Spaine hold
and enioy their ample and rich Kingdomes in their Indies East & West:)
A coast where King Edward the Sixt after planted his fishing to the New-
found-land by publike Act in Parliament, and of which Philip Amadas
and Arthur Barlow tooke againe possession to the vse of the late Queene
Elizabeth: and after them, [3] Sir Richard Greenfield, Sir Ralph Lane, and
Sir Walter Rawleigh; at what time seuerall Colonies were there placed.
And since his Maiesties most happy comming to the Crowne, being an
the Fift was wont to tearme Officina gentium, the shop or forge of men,)
finding his Subiects to multiply by the blessed peace they enioy vnder
his happy gouernment, did out of his high wisedome and Princely care of
the good of his Subiects, grant a most gratious Patent to diuers Honour-
able persons, and others of his louing Subiects, authorizing them thereby
to goe on in the Plantation of this his lawfull and rightfull Kingdome of
Virginia, which by the blessing of Almighty God is growne to good
This spatious and fruitful Country of Virginia, is (as is generally knowne
to all) naturally rich, and exceedingly well watered, very temperate, and
healthfull to the Inhabitants, abounding with as many naturall blessings,
and replenished with as goodly Woods, and those full of Deere and sundry
other beasts for mans sustenance; and the Seas and Riuers thereof (many
therein being exceeding fayre and nauigable) as full of excellent fish of
diuers sorts, and both water & land yeelding as great variety of fowle, as
any Country in the world is knowne to afford. The situation whereof
being neere the middest of the world, betweene the extremities of heate
and colde, seemes to partake of the benefits of both, and therby becometh
capable of the richest commodities of most parts of the Earth. From
whence ariseth an assurance [4] that (by the assistance and skill of industry)
those rich Furres, Cordage, and other Commodities, which with difficulty
and danger are now drawn from Russia, will be had in Virginia and the
parts adioyning, with ease and safety. And the Masts, Plancks, and
Boards, the Pitch and Tarre, the Pot-ashes and Sope-ashes, the Hempe
and Flaxe, which now are fetched from Norway, Denmarke, Poland, and
Germany, will there be had in abundance. The Iron, which hath so wasted
our English Woods, (that it selfe in short time must decay together with
them) is to be had in Virginia (where wasting of Woods is an ease and
benefit to the Planter) for all good conditions answerable to the best Iron
of the world, whereof proofe hath beene made. The Wines, Fruits, and
Salt of France and Spaine: the Silkes of Persia and Italy, will be had also
in Virginia, in no kinde of worth inferiour, where are whole Woods of
many miles together of Mulberry trees of the best kindes, the proper food
of the Silke-worme, and a multitude of other naturall commodities. Of
Woods, Roots and Berries, for excellent Dyes; of Plants and other Drugs
and other vse; of Cotton-wooll, Silke-grasse and Sugar-Canes, will there
be had in abundance, with many other kindes. And for Corne, Cattell,
and Fish, (which are the substance of the food of man) in no place better:
the Graine also of our owne Country prospering there very well; but their
Maize (being the naturall Graine of Virginia) doth farre exceed in pleasant-
nesse, strength, fertilitie, and generalitie of vse, the Wheat of England.
[5] The Cattell which were transported thither (being now growne neere to
fifteene hundred) doe become much bigger of body then the breed from
whence they came. The Horses also (through the benefit of the Climate,
and nature of their feeding) more beautifull and fuller of courage. And
such is the extraordinary fertilitie of that soyle, that the Does of their Deere
(a kinde differing from ours in England, yet no way inferiour) yeeld two
Fawnes at a fall or birth, and sometimes three. And the Fishings along
our Coasts are in plenty of Fish equall to those of New-found-land, and in
greatnesse and goodnesse much superiour, and twice in the yeare to be
taken, in their going and returne, which is not else-where found in such
plenty and varietie; So as there went this yeare from diuers parts of this
Kingdome, neere thirty Saile thither, who are well returned and richly
To conclude (but out of certaine aduertisements so often reiterated from
thence, as well as by the constant relations of many hundreds now yearely
comming & going) they auow, that it is a Country which nothing but igno-
rance can thinke ill of, and which no man but of a corrupt minde & ill
purpose can defame, which as it paralelleth the most opulent and rich
Kingdomes of the world, by lying in the same Latitude with them, so doth
it promise richer Mynes of the best and most desired mettals with them,
when the Colonie shall be of sufficient strength to open and defend them.
And for the Passage thither, and Trade there, it is free from all restraint by
forren Princes, whereunto most of our other accustomed trades are subiect:
there is neyther danger in the way, through [6] the encountring of the Enemy
or Pyrate, nor meeting with Rockes or Sholes (by reason of the fayre and
safe passage thorow the maine Ocean) nor tediousnes of iourney, which by
reason of better knowledge then in former yeares (the fruit of time and
obseruation) is oftner made and in fewer weekes, then formerly it was wont
Summer this effect, that in the Fleet of nine Saile of ships, transporting
aboue seauen hundred Passengers out of England and Ireland, for the
Plantation, but one person (in whose roome another at Sea was borne)
miscarryed by the way. And for them after ariuall, there are conuenient
lodgings now in building, and carefull attendance in Guests-houses
prouiding, till those that ariue can prouide for themselues.
In the three last yeares of 1619. 1620. and 1621. there hath beene prouided
and sent for VIRGINIA forty two Saile of ships, three thousand fiue hundred
and seauenty men and women for Plantation, with requisite prouisions,
besides store of Cattell, and in those ships haue beene aboue twelue hundred
Mariners imployed: There hath also beene sent in those yeares nine ships
to the Sommer Ilands with about nine hundred people to inhabite there, in
which ships two hundred and forty Mariners were imployed. In which
space haue beene granted fifty Patents to particular persons, for Plantation
in VIRGINIA, who with their Associates haue vndertaken therein to trans-
port great multitudes of people and cattell thither, which for the most part
is since performed, and the residue now in preparing, as by the seuerall
Declarations of [7] each yeare in their particulars, (manifested and approued
in our generall and publike Quarter-Courts) and for the fuller satisfaction
of all desirous to vnderstand the particularities of such proceedings, hath
beene by printing commended to the vnderstanding of all.
The Letters written from the Gouernor and Treasurer in VIRGINIA in the
beginning of March last, (which came hither in April,) gaue assurance of
ouercomming and bringing to perfection in this yeare, the Iron-works,
Glasse-works, Salt-works, the plentifull sowing of all sorts of English graine
with the Plough, hauing now cleared good quantitie of ground; setting of
store of Indian Corne or Maize, sufficient for our selues, and for trucke with
the Natiues; restraint of the quantity of Tobacco, and amendment of it in
the quality, learned by time and experience; The planting of Vines and
Mulberry-trees neere to their houses, Figg-trees, Pomgranats, Potatoes,
and Cotton-wooll seedes, Pocoon, Indico, Sugar-Canes, Madder, Woade,
Hempe, Flaxe, and Silke-grasse; and for the erecting of a fayre Inne in
Iames-Citie for the better entertainment of new commers, whereto and to
other publike workes, euery old planter there offered freely and liberally
Discouery made, a few moneths before by some of them to the South-
ward, they had past thorow great Forrests of Pines, fifteene or sixteene
miles broad, and aboue threescore miles long, very fit for Mastes for ship-
ping, and for Pitch and Tarre, and of other sorts of woods fit for Pot-ashes
and Sope-ashes, and came vnto a most fruitfull Country, blessed with abun-
dance of Corne, [8] reaped twice ayere (within the limits of VIRGINIA)
where also they vnderstand of a Copper-myne, an essay whereof was sent,
and vpon tryall here found to be very rich; and met with a great deale of
Silk-grasse there growing, which monethly may be cut, of which kindes, and
Cotton-wooll, all the Cambaya and Bengala stuffes are made in the East-
Indies: and of which kindes of Silke-grasse was heretofore made a peece of
Grogeram giuen to Queene Elizabeth. And how that in December last they
had planted and cultiuated in VIRGINIA Vines of all sorts, (as well those
naturally growing, as those other Plants sent them from these parts of
Europe) Orenge and Lemon-trees, Figge-trees, Sugar-Canes, Cotton-
wooll, Cassaui Rootes, (that make very good bread) Plantanes, Potatoes,
and sundry other Indian fruits and plants not formerly seene in VIRGINIA,
which at the time of their said Letters beganne to prosper very well: as
also their Indico-seedes, for the true cure whereof there is lately caused a
Treatise to be written.
Furthermore, they write that in a Voyage made by Lieutenant Marmaduke
Parkinson, and other English Gentlemen, vp the Riuer of Patomack they
saw a China Boxe at one of the Kings houses where they were: Being
demanded where he had it, made answer, That it was sent him from a
King that dwelt in the West, ouer the great Hils, some tenne dayes iourney,
whose Countrey is neare a great Sea, hee hauing that Boxe, from a people
as he said, that came thither in ships, that weare cloaths, crooked swords,
& somwhat like our men, dwelt in houses, and were called Acanack-China:
and he offered our people, that he would send [9] his Brother along with
them to that King, which offer the Gouernor purposed not to refuse; and the
rather, by reason of the continual constant relations of all those Sauages
in VIRGINIA, of a Sea, and the way to it West, they affirming that the
heads of all those seauen goodly Riuers, (the least wherof is greater then
the Riuer of Thames, and nauigable aboue an hundred and fifty miles,
and not aboue sixe or eight miles one from another) which fall all into one
South and North: whereby they doubt not but to finde a safe, easie, and
good passage to the South Sea, part by water, and part by land, esteem-
ing it not aboue an hundred and fifty miles from the head of the Falls,
where wee are now planted; the Discouery whereof will bring forth a most
rich trade to Cathay, China, Iapan, and those other of the East Indies,
to the inestimable benefit of this Kingdome.
But for the further proofe hereof, and of the North-west passage thither
by Sea, I referre the Reader to the Treatie annexed at the end of this
Booke, written by that learned and famous Mathematician, Mr Henry
Briggs, which I hauing happily attained vnto, haue published for the
common good.
Moreouer, the Letters of Mr. Iohn Berkley, sometimes of Beuerstone
Castle in the County of Glocester, (a Gentleman of an honorable Familie)
likewise certifie, that a more fit place for Iron-workes (whereof he was made
Master & ouer-seer) then in VIRGINIA, both for wood, water, mynes, and
stone, was not to be found: And that by Whitsontide then next (now past)
the Company might relye vpon good quantities [10] of Iron made by him:
which also by Letters from Mr. George Sandis the third of March last, was
confirmed, with this farther description of the place (called The falling
Creeke) to be so fitting for that purpose, as if Nature had applyed her selfe
to the wish and direction of the Workeman; where also were great stones
hardly seene else where in VIRGINIA, lying on the place, as though they
had beene brought thither to aduance the erection of those Workes.
The Letters of the French Vignerous or Vine-men, procured out of France
& sent ouer into VIRGINIA, did likewise assertaine, that no Countrey in
the world was more proper for Vines, Silke, Rice, Oliues, and other Fruits,
then VIRGINIA is: and that it farre excelled their owne Countrey of
Languedocke; the Vines of diuers sorts being in abundance naturally ouer
all the Countrey: and they hauing planted some cuttings of Vines at
Michaelmas last, in their Letters affirme that these bare Grapes already
this Spring, to their great wonder, as being a thing they suppose not heard
of in any other Countrey. A taste of Wine made of the wilde grape, they
last year sent, with hope to send a good quantitie this next Vintage; and
that the Mulberry-trees where they abode were in wonderfull abundance,
Country of Languedocke: and that those Silke-wormes they haue, prosper
exceeding well, and some Silke they hope to send this yeare, there wanting
nothing to set vp that rich Commodity but store of hands wherewith
England doth abound. Of the fruit of which Mulberry-trees (as of a Plum
there plentifully grow[11]ing) they would make wholsome drinkes for the
Colony and people there.
The Letters of Mr Porey (verified also from the Gouernor and Councell)
aduertised of a late Discouery by him and others made into the great Bay
Northward, (reseruing the sounding of the bottome thereof for a second
Voyage,) where hee left setled very happily neare an hundred English,
with hope of a good trade for Furres there to be had. From thence was
brought by Lieutenant Perkinson, in his voyage, some of that kind of
Earth which is called Terra Lemnia (there to be had in great abundance)
as good as that of Turkey.
By this (though it be but in part) the Reader may vnderstand the great
riches and blessings of this excellent Countrey, which euen ordinary
diligence and care must needes strangely improue. But that all men may
see the vnpartiall ingenuity of this Discourse, we freely confesse, that the
Countrey is not so good, as the Natiues are bad, whose barbarous Saua-
genesse needs more cultiuation then the ground it selfe, being more ouer-
spread with inciuilitie and treachery, then that with Bryers. For the land
being tilled and vsed well by vs, deceiued not our expectation, but rather
exceeded it farre, being so thankfull as to returne an hundred for one. But
the Sauages though neuer Nation vsed so kindly vpon so small desert,
haue in stead of that Haruest which our paines merited, returned nothing
but Bryers and thornes, pricking euen to death many of their Benefactors:
yet doubt wee not, but that as all wickednes is crafty to vndoe it self,
so these also, thorow our sides, haue more wounded [12] themselues then
vs, God Almighty making way for seueritie there, where a fayre gentlenesse
would not take place. The occasion whereof thus I relate from thence.
The last May there came Letters from Sir Francis Wiat Gouernor in
VIRGINIA, which did aduertise that when in Nouember last he ariued
in VIRGINIA, and entred vpon his Gouernment, he found the Country
setled in a peace (as all men there thought) sure and vnuiolable, not onely
Natiue King stamped in Brasse, and fixed to one of his Oakes of note, but
as being aduantagious to both parts; to the Sauages as the weaker, vnder
which they were safely sheltred and defended; to vs, as being the easiest
way then thought to pursue and aduance our proiects of buildings, plant-
ings, and effecting their conuersion by peaceable and fayre meanes. And
such was the conceit of firme peace and amitie, as that there was seldome
or neuer a sword worne, and a Peece seldomer, except for a Deere or Fowle.
By which assurance of securitie, the Plantations of particular Aduenturers
and Planters were placed scatteringly and straglingly as a choyce veyne
of rich ground inuited them, and the further from neighbors held the
better. The houses generally set open to the Sauages, who were alwaies
friendly entertained at the tables of the English, and commonly lodged in
their bed-chambers. The old planters (as they thought now come to
reape the benefit of their long trauels) placed with wonderfull content vpon
their priuate diuidents, and the planting [13] of particular Hundreds and
Colonies pursued with an hopefull alacrity, all our proiects (saith he) in a
faire way, and their familarity with the Natiues, seeming to open a faire
gate for their conuersion to Christianitie.
The Country being in this estate, an occasion was ministred of sending
to Opachankano the King of these Sauages, about the middle of March last,
what time the Messenger returned backe with these words from him, That
he held the peace concluded so firme, as the Skie should sooner fall then it
dissolue: yea, such was the treacherous dissimulation of that people who
then had contriued our destruction, that euen two dayes before the Mas-
sacre, some of our men were guided thorow the woods by them in safety:
and one Browne, who then to learne the language liued among the Warra-
scoyacks (a Prouince of that King) was in friendly manner sent backe by
them to Captaine Hamor his Master, and many the like passages, rather
increasing our former confidence, then any wise in the world ministring
the least suspition of the breach of the peace, or of what instantly ensued;
yea, they borrowed our owne Boates to conuey themselues crosse the
Riuer (on the bankes of both sides whereof all our Plantations were) to
consult of the diuellish murder that ensued, and of our vtter extirpation,
which God of his mercy (by the meanes of some of themselues conuerted to
Christianitie) preuented; and as well on the Friday morning (the fatal
came vnarmed into our houses, without Bowes or arrowes, or other weap-
ons, with Deere, Turkies, Fish, [14] Furres, and other prouisions, to sell,
and trucke with vs, for glasse, beades, and other trifles: yea in some places,
sate downe at Breakfast with our people at their tables, whom immediately
with their owne tooles and weapons, eyther laid downe, or standing in their
houses, they basely and barbarously murthered, not sparing eyther age or
sexe, man, woman or childe; so sodaine in their cruell execution, that few
or none discerned the weapon or blow that brought them to destruction.
In which manner they also slew many of our people then at their seuerall
workes and husbandries in the fields, and without their houses, some in
planting Corne and Tobacco, some in gardening, some in making Bricke,
building, sawing, and other kindes of husbandry, they well knowing in
what places and quarters each of our men were, in regard of their daily
familiarity, and resort to vs for trading and other negotiations, which the
more willingly was by vs continued and cherished for the desire we had of
effecting that great master-peece of workes, their conuersion. And by
this meanes that fatall Friday morning, there fell vnder the bloudy and
barbarous hands of that perfidious and inhumane people, contrary to all
lawes of God and men, of Nature & Nations, three hundred forty seuen
men, women, and children, most by their owne weapons; and not being
content with taking away life alone, they fell after againe vpon the dead,
making as well as they could, a fresh murder, defacing, dragging, and
mangling the dead carkasses into many pieces, and carrying some parts
away in derision, with base and bruitish triumph.
Neither yet did these beasts spare those amongst [15] the rest well knowne
vntthem, from whom they had daily receiued many benefits and fauours,
but spitefully also massacred them, without remorse or pitty, being in this
more fell then Lyons and Dragons, which (as Histories record) haue beene so
farre from hurting, as they haue both acknowledged, and gratefully requited
their Benefactors; such is the force of good deeds, though done to cruell
beasts, as to make them put off the very nature of beasts, and to put on
humanity vpon them. But these miscreants, contrariwise in this kinde,
put not off onely all humanity, but put on a worse and more then vnnaturall
bruitishnesse. One instance of it, amongst too many, shall serue for all.
Deputie of the Colledge lands, sometimes one of his Maiesties Pentioners,
and in one of the principall places of command in VIRGINIA, did so truly
and earnestly affect their conuersion, and was so tender ouer them, that
whosoeuer vnder his authority had giuen them but the least displeasure or
discontent, he punished them seuerely. He thought nothing too deare for
them, and as being desirous to binde them vnto him by his many courtesies,
hee neuer denyed them any thing that they asked him, insomuch that when
these Sauages complained vnto him of the fiercenesse of our Mastiues, most
implacable and terrible vnto them, (knowing them by instinct it seemes, to
be but treacherous and false-hearted friends to vs, better then our selues)
he to gratifie them in all things, for the winning of them by degrees, caused
some of them to be killed in their presence, to the great dis[16]pleasure of the
owners, and would haue had all the rest guelt (had he not beene hindered)
to make them the gentler and the milder to them. Hee was not onely too
kinde and beneficiall to the common sort, but also to their King, to whom
hee oft resorted, and gaue many presents which hee knew to be highly
pleasing to him. And whereas this king before dwelt onely in a cottage,
or rather a denne or hog-stye, made with a few poles and stickes, and
couered with mats after their wyld manner, to ciuilize him, he first, built him
a fayre house according to the English fashion, in which hee tooke such
ioy, especially in his locke and key, which hee so admired, as locking and
vnlocking his doore an hundred times aday, hee thought no deuice in all
the world was comparable to it.
Thus insinuating himselfe to this King for his religious purposes, he con-
ferred after with him oft, and intimated to him matters of our Religion;
and thus far the Pagan confessed, moued by naturall Principles, that our
God was a good God, and better much then theirs, in that he had with so
many good things aboue them endowed vs. Hee told him, if hee would
serue our God, hee should bee partaker of all those good things wee had,
and of farre greater then sense or reason euer could imagine. Hee wonne
vpon him, as hee thought in many things, so as hee gaue him fayre hearing
and good answer, and seemed to be much pleased with his discourse and in
his company. And both hee and his people for the daily courtesies this
good Gentleman did to one or other of them, did professe such outward
loue and respect vnto him, as nothing could seeme more: but all was little
only wilfully murdered him, but cruelly and felly, out of deuillish malice,
did so many barbarous despights and foule scornes after to his dead corpes,
as are vnbefitting to be heard by any ciuill eare. One thing I cannot omit,
that when this good Gentleman vpon his fatall hower, was warned by his
man (who perceiued some treachery intended to them by these hell-
hounds) to looke to himselfe, and withall ranne away for feare of the
mischiefe he strongly apprehended, and so saued his owne life; yet his
Master, out of the conscience of his owne good meaning, and faire deserts
euer towards them, was so void of all suspition, and so full of confidence,
that they had sooner killed him, then hee could or would beleeue they
meant any ill against him. Thus the sinnes of these wicked Infidels, haue
made them vnworthy of enioying him, and the eternall good that he most
zealously alwayes intended to them.
And thus these miserable wretches, not hee, hath lost by it, who to the
comfort of vs all, hath gayned a Crowne of endlesse blisse, and is assuredly
become a glorious Martyr, in which thrice-happy and blessed state we
leaue him. But these miscreants, who haue thus despised Gods great
mercies so freely offered to them, must needs in time therefore be cor-
rected by his iustice: So as those who by the way of mercies would not
be drawne vnto him, shall some of them at length (no doubt) be brought
vnto him by his way of iudgements: to which leauing them, I will knit
againe together now the thred of my Discourse, and proceed to tell you, That
at the time of this Massacre [18] there were three or foure of our ships in
Iames-Riuer, and one in the next Riuer, and daily more to come in, as
three did within fourteene dayes after; one of which they endeuored to
haue surprised, but in vaine, as had also beene their whole attempt, had
any the least fore-knowledge beene in those places where the Massacre
was committed: yet were the hearts of the English euer stupid, and
auerted from beleeuing any thing that might weaken their hopes of speedy
winning the Sauages to Ciuilitie and Religion, by kinde vsage and fayre
conuersing amongst them. Hee, and the whole Councell write further,
That Almighty God (they doubt not) hath his great worke to doe in this
Tragedy, and will thereout draw honor and glory to his great Name;
safety, and a more flourishing estate to themselues, and the whole Planta-
tion there; and the more speedy conuersion of the Children of those Sauages
(there being, God be praysed, about eleuen parts of twelue still remayning)
whose desire to draw those people to Religion by the carelesse neglect of
their owne safeties, seemes to haue beene the greatest cause of their own
ensuing destruction. Yet it pleased God to vse some of them as instru-
ments to saue many of their liues, whose soules they had formerly saued,
as at Iames-Citie, and other places, and the Pinnace trading in Pamounkey
Riuer, all whose liues were saued by a conuerted Indian, disclosing the
plot in the instant (whereof though our sinnes (say they) made vs vnworthy
to be instruments of so glorious a conuersion in generall, yet his infinite
wisedome can neuerthelesse bring it to passe [19] with some more of them,
and with other Prouinces there in his good time, and by such meanes as
wee thinke most vnlikely. For euen in the deliuery of vs that now suruiue,
no mans particular carefulnesse saued any one person, but the meere
goodnesse of himselfe, freely and miraculously preserued whom it pleased
The Letters of Mr. George Sandis a worthy Gentleman and Treasurer
there, likewise haue aduertised (as many others from many particular
persons of note and worth) besides the Relations of many returned in the
Sea-flower (the ship that brought vs this vnwelcome newes) haue beene
heard at large in the publike Courts, that whilst all their affayres were
full of successe, and such intercourse of familiaritie, as if the Indians and
themselues had beene of one Nation, those treacherous Natiues, after fiue
yeares peace, by a generall combination in one day plotted to subuert
their whole Colony, and at one instant of time, though our seuerall Plan-
tations were an hundred and forty miles vp one Riuer on both sides.
But before I goe any further, for the better vnderstanding of all things,
you shall know that these wyld naked Natiues liue not in great numbers
together, but dispersed, and in small companies; and where most together,
not aboue two hundred, and that very rare, in other places fifty or forty,
or thereabouts, and many miles distant from one another, in such places
among the Woods where they either found, or might easiliest make some
cleared plots of ground, which they imploy wholly in setting of Corne,
whereby to sustaine their liues. These small and scattered Companies
(as [20] I haue said) had warning giuen from one another in all their habita-
tions to meete at the day and houre appointed for our destruction, at all
to goe to one place, some to another, all to be done at the same day and
time, which they did accordingly: some entring their Houses vnder colour
of trucking, and so taking aduantage, others drawing our men abroad
vpon faire pretences, and the rest suddenly falling vpon those that were
at their labours.
They certifie further, that besides Master George Thorpe, before mentioned,
Master Iohn Berkeley, Captaine Nathanael Powel, and his wife, (daughter
of Master William Tracy, and great with childe) and Captaine Maycock,
all Gentlemen of birth, vertue, and industry, and of the Councell there,
suffered vnder this their cruelty and treason.
That the slaughter had beene vniuersall, if God had not put it into the
heart of an Indian belonging to one Perry, to disclose it, who liuing in the
house of one Pace, was vrged by another Indian his Brother (who came
the night before and lay with him) to kill Pace, (so commanded by their
King as he declared) as hee would kill Perry: telling further that by such
an houre in the morning a number would come from diuers places to
finish the Execution, who failed not at the time: Perries Indian rose out
of his bed and reueales it to Pace, that vsed him as a Sonne: And thus
the rest of the Colony that had warning giuen them, by this meanes was
saued. Such was (God bee thanked for it) the good fruit of an Infidell
conuerted to Christianity; for though three hundred and more of ours [21]
died by many of these Pagan Infidels, yet thousands of ours were saued by
the means of one of them alone which was made a Christian; Blessed be
God for euer, whose mercy endureth for euer; Blessed bee God whose
mercy is aboue his iustice, and farre aboue all his workes: who wrought
this deliuerance whereby their soules escaped euen as a Bird out of the
snare of the Fowler.
Pace vpon this discouery, securing his house, before day rowed ouer the
Riuer to Iames-City (in that place neere three miles in bredth) and gaue
notice thereof to the Gouernor, by which meanes they were preuented there,
and at such other Plantations as was possible for a timely intelligence to
be giuen; for where they saw vs standing vpon our Guard, at the sight of
a Peece they all ranne away. In other places that could haue no notice,
some Peeces with munition (the vse whereof they know not) were there
as Fame diuulgeth (not without probable grounds) their King hath since
caused the most part of the Gunpowder by him surprized, to bee sowne,
to draw therefrom the like increase, as of his Maize or Corne, in Haruest
next. And that it is since discouered, that the last Summer Opachankano
practised with a King of the Eastern shore (no well-willer of his) to furnish
him with store of poison (naturally growing in his country) for our destruc-
tion, which he absolutely refused, though he sent him great store of Beades,
and other presents to winne him thereunto: which he, with fiue or sixe of
his great men, offered to be ready to iustifie against him. That the true
cause [22] of this surprize was most by the instigation of the Deuill, (enemy
to their saluation) and the dayly feare that possest them, that in time we
by our growing continually vpon them, would dispossesse them of this
Country, as they had beene formerly of the West Indies by the Spaniard;
produced this bloody act. That neuer griefe and shame possessed any
people more then themselues, to be thus butchered by so naked and
cowardly a people, who dare not stand the presentment of a staffe in manner
of a Peece, nor an vncharged Peece in the hands of a woman, from which
they flye as so many Hares; much faster then from their tormenting
Deuill, whom they worship for feare, though they acknowledge they loue
him not.
Thus haue you seene the particulars of this massacre, out of Letters from
thence written, wherein treachery and cruelty haue done their worst to vs,
or rather to themselues; for whose vnderstanding is so shallow, as not to
perceiue that this must needs bee for the good of the Plantation after,
and the losse of this blood to make the body more healthfull, as by these
reasons may be manifest.
First, Because betraying of innocency neuer rests vnpunished: And there-
fore Agesilaus, when his enemies (vpon whose oath of being faithfull hee
rested) had deceiued him, he sent them thankes, for that by their periury,
they had made God his friend, and their enemy.
Secondly, Because our hands which before were tied with gentlenesse and
faire vsage, are now set at liberty by the treacherous violence of the Sausages,
[23] not vntying the Knot, but cutting it: So that we, who hitherto haue
valuable consideration to their owne contentment, gained; may now by
right of Warre, and law of Nations, inuade the Country, and destroy
them who sought to destroy vs: whereby wee shall enioy their cultiuated
places, turning the laborious Mattocke into the victorious Sword (wherein
there is more both ease, benefit, and glory) and possessing the fruits of
others labours. Now their cleared grounds in all their villages (which
are situate in the fruitfullest places of the land) shall be inhabited by vs,
whereas heretofore the grubbing of woods was the greatest labour.
Thirdly, Because those commodities which the Indians enioyed as much
or rather more than we, shall now also be entirely possessed by vs. The
Deere and other beasts will be in safety, and infinitly increase, which
heretofore not onely in the generall huntings of the King (whereat foure or
fiue hundred Deere were vsually slaine) but by each particular Indian
were destroied at all times of the yeare, without any difference of Male,
Damme, or Young. The like may be said of our owne Swine and Goats,
whereof they haue vsed to kill eight in tenne more than the English haue
done. There will be also a great increase of wild Turkies, and other
waighty Fowle, for the Indians neuer put difference of destroying the Hen,
but kill them whether in season or not, whether in breeding time, or sitting
on their egges, or hauing new hatched, it is all one to them: whereby, as also
by the orderly vsing of their fishing Weares, no knowne Country in [24]
the world will so plentifully abound in victuall.
Fourthly, Because the way of conquering them is much more easie then
of ciuilizing them by faire meanes, for they are a rude, barbarous, and
naked people, scattered in small companies, which are helps to Victorie,
but hinderances to Ciuilitie: Besides that, a conquest may be of many,
and at once; but ciuility is in particular, and slow, the effect of long time,
and great industry. Moreouer, victorie of them may bee gained many
waies; by force, by surprize, by famine in burning their Corne, by destroy-
ing and burning their Boats, Canoes, and Houses, by breaking their
fishing Weares, by assailing them in their huntings, whereby they get the
greatest part of their sustenance in Winter, by pursuing and chasing them
with our horses, and blood-Hounds to draw after them, and Mastiues to
teare them, which take this naked, tanned, deformed Sauages, for no other
worse then their old Deuill which they worship, supposing them to be a
new and worse kinde of Deuils then their owne. By these and sundry
other wayes, as by driuing them (when they flye) vpon their enemies,
who are round about them, and by animating and abetting their enemies
against them, may their ruine or subiection be soone effected.
So the Spaniard made great vse for his owne turne of the quarrels and
enmities that were amongst the Indians, as throughly vnderstanding and
following that Maxime of the Politician, Diude & impera, Make diuisions
and take Kingdomes: For thus he got two of the greatest Kingdomes of
the West Indies, Peru and [25] Mexico, by the Princes diuisions, and the peo-
ples differences. After the death of Guainacapa king of Peru, his sonnes
Attabalippa and Gascar falling to war about the kingdom, & each of thẽ
striuing to make the Spaniard to his friend, Francis Pizzarro managing
those their diuisions onely to his owne ends, easily stripped them both of
that rich Kingdome, and became Master of Peru. And so likwise Ferdi-
nando Cortez vanquished King Motezuma, and gained the Kingdome of
Mexico from him, by the aid and furtherance of the neighboring people
of the Prouince of Tascala, being deadly enemies to the Mexicans; for
which seruice they of Tascala are freed by the Spaniards from all Tributes
to this time. In VIRGINIA the many diuers Princes and people there are
at this day opposite in infinite factions one vnto another, and many of
them beare a mortall hatred to these our barbarous Sauages, that haue
beene likely as false and perfidious heretofore to them, as vnto vs of late.
So as the quarrels, and the causes of them, and the different humours of
these people being well vnderstood, it will be an easie matter to ouerthrow
those that now are, or may bee our enemies hereafter, by ayding and
setting on their enemies against them. And by these factions and differ-
ences of petty Princes, the Romans tooke their greatest aduantage to
ouercome this Iland of Great Britayne, of which Tacitus sayes, Ita dum
singuli pugnant vniuersi vincuntur. And Iustin hath the like saying of
the cause of vanquishing the Grecian Cities.
Fiftly, Because the Indians, who before were vsed as friends, may now
most iustly be compelled to seruitude and drudgery, and supply the roome
of men [26] that labour, whereby euen the meanest of the Plantation may
imploy themselues more entirely in their Arts and Occupations, which
digging in mynes, and the like, of whom also some may be sent for the
seruice of the Sommer Ilands.
Sixtly, This will for euer hereafter make vs more cautelous and circum-
spect, as neuer to bee deceiued more by any other treacheries, but will
serue for a great instruction to all posteritie there, to teach them that
Trust is the mother of Deceipt, and to learne them that of the Italian, Chi
non fida, non s'ingamuu, Hee that trusts not is not deceiued: and make
them know that kindnesses are misspent vpon rude natures, so long as
they continue rude; as also, that Sauages and Pagans are aboue all other
for matter of Iustice euer to be suspected. Thus vpon this Anvile shall
wee now beate out to our selues an armour of proofe, which shall for euer
after defend vs from barbarous Incursions, and from greater dangers that
otherwise might happen. And so we may truly say according to the
French Prouerb, Aquelq3 chose malheur est bon, Ill lucke is good for
Lastly, We haue this benefit more to our comfort, because all good men
doe now take much more care of vs then before, since the fault is on their
sides, not on ours, who haue vsed so fayre a cariage, euen to our owne
destruction. Especially his Maiesties most gratious, tender and paternall
care is manifest herein, who by his Royall bounty and goodnesse, hath
continued his many fauors vnto vs, with a new, large, & Princely supply
of Munition and Armes, out of his Maiesties [27] owne store in the Tower,
being gratiously bestowed for the safety and aduancement of the Planta-
tion. As also his Royall fauor is amply extended in a large supply of men
and other necessaries throughout the whole Kingdome, which are very
shortly to bee sent to VIRGINIA.
Neyther must wee omit the Honourable City of London, who to shew their
zeale at this time (as they haue alwayes done vpon all Honourable occasions
to their endlesse praise) are now setting forth one hundred persons, at their
owne charges, for the aduancement of the Plantations. In the furtherance
of which action, as the whole graue Senate of Aldermen haue shewed much
piety and wisedome, so in particular, the Right Honourable Sir Edward
Barkham Knight, the now Lord Mayor, hath demonstrated a most worthy
others at their owne costs are now preparing for VIRGINIA. Neyther is
any man to be deiected because of some such disasters as these that may
seeme to thwart the businesse.
What growing State was there euer in the world which had not the like?
Rome grew by opposition, and rose vpon the backe of her enemies. Marke
but the Spaniard who is in the same Continent with VIRGINIA, and hath
now perfected his worke; Marke and tell mee, if hee hath not had more
counterbuffes farre then wee, as out of their owne histories at large may
be proued.
Columbus vpon his returne from the West Indies into Spaine, hauing left
his people with the Indian in peace, and promise of fayre vsage towards
them, yet [28] at his comming backe againe, hee found no one man aliue of
them, but all by the Natiues treacherously slaine.
After this againe, when the Spanish Colony was increased in great numbers,
the Indians (from whom the Spaniards for trucking stuffe vsed to haue all
their corn) generally conspired together to plant no corne at all, intending
therby to famish them, themselues liuing in the meane time vpon Cassaui
(a root to make bread) onely then knowne to themselues: This plot of theirs
by the Spaniards ouer-sight (that foolishly depended vpon Strangers for
their bread) tooke such effect, and brought them to such misery by the
rage of famine, that they spared no vncleane, no loathsome beast, no not
the poysonous and hideous Serpents, but eate them vp also, deuouring one
death to saue them from another: And by this meanes the whole Colony
well-neare surfetted, sickned, and dyed miserably.
After againe, vpon fresh and great supplyes new made, an infinite company
of them by their incontinency dyed of the Indian disease, that hath now
got a French name, which at first (as being a strange and vnknowne
malady) was deadly vpon whomsoeuer it lighted. Besides (before they
knew the cause and remedy) very many lost diuers parts of their body,
feet and hands principally, by a little vermine lesse then a Flea, and
skipping like it, called Nigua, which got between the skinne and the flesh
before they were aware, and there bred and multiplyed, making swellings
and putrefactions, to the decay and losse of their bodily members.
What should I tell you that the Plantations diuers times were neare
vndone, by the ambition, factions, and malice of the Commanders one
vnto another. Columbus, to whom they were beholding for all, with his
brothers, were sent home from the West Indies into Spaine bound with
chaines: and some other great Commanders killed and murthered one
another. Pizzarro was killed by Almagros sonne, and him Vasco beheaded,
which Vasco was taken by Blasco, and this Blasco was likewise taken by
Pizzarroes brother. Thus by their owne spightfull and auaritious quarrels
did they well-neare shake the mayne pillars of that Plantation.
These and many other calamities and mischiefes, too long to relate now,
hapned vnto them more then euer did to vs. And at one time their planta-
tion was euen at the last gaspe, all their Colony being resolued desperately
to leaue it, had not two ships vnexpected come in with new supplyes:
yet wee see for all these miseries, that they haue attained to their ends at
last, Honor, power, and wealth; In so much as that Countrey, which
(when they were dishartned with disasters) they beganne to be so weary of,
that they were about to forsake it all, in short time after (seeing all stormes
blowne ouer, and fayre weather shining vpon them) they were so in loue
with their great fortunes, that they grew so iealous of them, as made them
shut them vp from the sight of any but themselues. And then they peti-
tioned their King, by an inuiolable Decree to annexe and vnite the West
Indies inseparably for euer to the Crowne of Spaine; which (for their
better securitie and satisfaction) was accordingly performed and ratified, as
it is to be seene in Hereras His[30]tory of the West Indies. And whereas
before, few could be hired to go to inhabite there, now with great suite
they must obtaine it.
Thus haue they in time by industry, patience, and constancy effected
this great worke of theirs, notwithstanding to encrease their difficulties
also, they were to deale with a most populous & numerous nation, which
they ouercame at last: So as Ouiedo in his third Booke of the first Part
of his West Indie History saith, that of a million of Indians at least, that
were in Hispaniola, there were not (in little more than forty yeares space
after the first beginning of the Plantation) fiue hundred of thẽ & all their
children liuing: for the Indians that liued there, after were brought out of
the Continent into that Iland, or out of one Iland to be planted in another.
thin and scattered Nations, as is knowne to all.
Here by the way to make a little Digression, since I haue mentioned Ouiedo
who liued aboue twenty two yeares in the West Indies, I will acquaint
you with his obseruation and iudgement of the nature and disposition of
the Indians there, that you may compare and see in what, and how farre,
it agrees with that of the Natiues of VIRGINIA.
They are (saith hee) by nature sloathfull and idle, vitious, melancholy,
slouenly, of bad conditions, lyers, of small memory, of no constancy or
trust. In another place he saith, The Indian is by nature of all people
the most lying and most inconstant in the world, sottish and sodaine:
neuer looking what dangers may happen afterwards, lesse capable then
children of sixe [31] or seauen yeares old, and lesse apt and ingenious. This
is the generall disposition of most of them, though there be some (sayes he)
that be wise and subtill. And indeede it should seeme so, when they could
ouerreach and goe beyond the Spaniard so much, to put that tricke of
staruing them (as aforesaid) vpon them, to their so great and almost totall
But to come againe to that which I first intended: Since the Spaniard (as
we see) in his Plantations hath gone thorow farre more hazards, and
greater difficulties then euer wee haue had, we therefore in looking to what
is past, vpon great reason ought likewise not to be deterred, but so much
the rather inuited to proceede with constancy and courage. And if
besides wee looke (as most men doe) after the riches of a Countrey to
inuite vs on, aske those that haue beene there, and haue trauelled farre
and neare, and they will tell you, that no Countrey in the world doth
naturally abound with more Commodities then VIRGINIA doth. The
Clymate is knowne to be more temperate, and the soyle more rich then that
of the West Indies is: neyther doth it want mynes of all sorts, no not of the
richest, as is knowne to some now liuing, and shall be manifested when
fit time shall serue. And yet to thinke that Gold and Siluer mynes are
in a Countrey (otherwise most rich and fruitfull) the greatest wealth of a
Plantation, is but a popular error, as is that opinion likewise, That the
Gold and Siluer is the greatest wealth of the West Indies now at this
present time. True it is indeed, that in the first Conquest the Spaniards
had heaped vp together, [32] and in those times the Indians shewed them
entyre and plentifull rich mynes, which by length of time (as is well known
and published to the world by those that haue beene there) are wasted
and exhausted since, so as now the charge of getting those mettals is
growne most excessiue, besides the consuming and spoyling many men of
their liues, which are depriued of them by the vapors that come out of the
Gold and Siluer mynes, which are most pestilent and deadly, as diuers
authors auerre. Amongst others, a late Geographer speaking of the West
Indies, and of those mynes there, saith, Odor ex auri & argenti fodinis noxius
admodum; neq3 tamen prohibuit aëris corruptissimi violentia Hispanos, ne
in aɫio orbe nouum moriendi locum quaeerent. So as all things considered
by these mynes, what by the liues of many men lost in them, and what
with the great charge otherwise in getting them, the cleare gaine to the
Aduenturers from these mettals (the Kings part defrayed) is but small to
them, nothing neere so much I am sure, as is imagined. And were it not
for other rich Commodities there that enable and enrich the Aduenturers,
those of the Contractation house were neuer able to subsist by this. For
the greatest part of their gaine and profit I say consists not in these mynes,
but in their other Commodities, partly natiue, and partly translated from
other parts of the world, and planted in the West Indies: As in their mighty
wealth of Sugars (the Sugar-Canes being transported first from the Ca-
naries,) and in Ginger, and some other commodities deriued from the
East Indies thither: in their Cochanile, their Indico, their Cotton, their
infinite store of Hydes and Skins, [33] their Quick-siluer, and Allom, Woad,
and Brasillwood, &c. And their many other Dyes, Paints, Petacaraua,
Tobacco, Gummes, Balmes, Oyles medecinall, and Perfumes, their Sar-
saparillia, and many other physicall drugs, (for which, learned Physitians
and skilfull Simplers were sent to take a suruey, and make an exquisite
draught of all the Plants in colours.) These I say and other the like com-
modities are the West Indies indeed vnto the Aduenturers, by which they
are inabled to inrich themselues, and to sustaine the mighty charge of
drawing out the Gold and Siluer, to the great and cleare reuenew of their
I had many things of importance to say more, but I will detain the Reader
no longer now. To conclude then, seeing that Virginia is most abundantly
tion then impaire it, let all men take courage, and put to their helping
hands, since now the time is most seasonable and aduantagious for the
reaping of those benefits which the Plantation hath long promised: and
for their owne good let them doe it speedily, that so by taking the prioritie
of time, they may haue also the prioritie of place, in choosing the best
Seats of the Country, which now by vanquishing of the Indians, is like to
offer a more ample and faire choice of fruitfull habitations, then hitherto
our gentlenesse and faire comportment to the Sauages could attaine vnto.
Wherein no doubt but all the fauour that may be, shall be shewed to
Aduenturers and Planters. And for old Aduenturers, there is due vnto
them and their heyres (according to the Orders of the Company) for each
twelue pounds ten shillings formerly paid [34] into the treasury, one hundred
Acres of Land, vpon a first diuision, and as much vpon a second, the first
being planted. And whosoeuer transports himselfe or any other, at his
charge into VIRGINIA, shall for himselfe and each person so transported,
before Midsummer, 1625. haue to him and his heyres foreuer, fifty Acres
of land vpon a first Diuision, and as much more vpon a second: the first
fifty being cultiuated or manured, if such person continue there three yeares,
eyther at once or seuerall times, or dye after hee bee shipped for that Voyage.
Lastly, it is to be wished, that euery good Patriot will take these things
seriously into his thoughts, and consider how deeply the prosecution of
this noble Enterprise concerneth the honor of his Maiestie and the whole
Nation, the propagation of Christian Religion, the enlargement, strength,
and safety of his Maiesties Dominions, the rich augmenting of his Reuen-
nues, the imploiment of his Subiects idle at home, the increase of men,
Mariners and shipping, and the raising of such necessary commoditie, for
the importation of which from forren Countries so great and incredible
summes are continually issued and expended. Some may helpe with their
purses, some with their persons, some with their fauour, some with their
counsell: especially amongst others, let Ministers in their publike and
priuate prayers commend these Plantations to the blessing of Almighty
God: To whom be all honor and glory, for euer and euer, A men.
[35] Here following is set downe a true list of the names of all those that
were massacred by the treachery of the Sauages in VIRGINIA, the
order for the inheriting of their lands and estates there: For which
the Honourable Company of Virginia are ready to doe them all right
and fauour.
At Captaine Berckleys Plantation seated at the Falling Creeke, some 66. miles
from Iames-Citie in Virginia.
Iohn Berkley Esquire. | Robert Horner Mason. |
Thomas Brasington. | Philip Barnes. |
Iohn Sawyer. | William Swandal. |
Roger Dauid. | Robert Williams, his Wife, and Childe. |
Francis Gowsh. | |
Bartholmew Peram. | Giles Bradshawe, his Wife, and Childe. |
Giles Peram. | |
Iohn Dowler. | Iohn Howlet, and his sonne. |
Laurence Dowler. | Thomas Wood, and Collins his man. |
Lewis Williams. | |
Richard Boscough. | Ioseph Fitch Apothecary to Doctor Pots. |
Thomas Holland. | |
Iohn Hunt. |
[36] At Master Thomas Sheffeilds Plantation, some three miles from the
Falling Creeke.
Master Th: Sheffeild, and Rachel his wife. |
Mathew —. |
Iudeth Howard. | |
Iohn Reeue. | Thomas Poole |
William Tyler a boy. | Methusalem — |
Samuel Reeue. | Thomas Taylor. |
Iohn Ellen. | William Tyler. |
Robert Tyler a boy. |
At Henrico Iland about two miles from Sheffeilds Plantation.
— Atkins. | William Perigo. |
— Weston. | Owen Iones, one of Capt. |
Philip Shatford. | Berkleys people. |
Slaine of the Colledge People, about two miles from Henrico-Citie.
Samuel Stringer. | Thomas Cooke. |
George Soldan. | Iohn Clements. |
William Basset. | Iames Faulkoner. |
Iohn Perry. | Christopher Henley. |
Edward Ember. | William Iordan. |
Iarrat Moore. | Robert Dauis. |
Thomas Xerles. | Thomas Hobson. |
Thomas Freeman. | William Baily. |
Iohn Allen. |
[37] At Apo-mattucke Riuer at Master Abraham Pierce his Plantation
some fiue miles off the Colledge People.
William Charte. | Iohn Barker a boy. |
Io: Waterhowse. | Robert Yeoman. |
At Charles-Citie and about the Precincts.
Of Capt. Smiths Company.
Roger Royal. | Edward Heydon. |
Thomas Iones. | Henry Bushel. |
Robert Maruel. |
At other Plantations next adioyning.
Richard Prat, and his Brother. |
Richard a boy. |
Henry Milward, his Wife, his Childe, and his Sister. |
Goodwife Redhead. |
At Mr. William Farrars House.
Master Iohn England and his Man. |
Thomas his Man. |
Iohn Bel. | Iames Woodshaw. |
Henricke Peterson, and Alice his Wife, and William her sonne. |
Mary, and Elizabeth } Maidseruãts |
[38] At Berkley-Hundred some fiue miles from Charles-Citie.
Capt. George Thorpe Esq. one of his Maiesties Pentioners. |
Giles Bradway. |
Richard Fereby. | |
Iohn Rowles. | Thomas Thorpe. |
Richard Rowles, his Wife, and Childe. |
Robert Iordan. |
Edward Painter. | |
Giles Wilkins. |
- Iames English.
- Richard Dash.
At Westouer, about a mile from Berkley-Hundred:
And first, at Cap. Fr: Wests Plantation.
- Christopher Turner.
- Dauid Owen.
At Master Iohn Wests Plantation.
- Michael Aleworth.
- Iohn Wright.
At Capt. Nathanael Wests.
At Lieutenant Gibs his Diuidend.
Iohn Paly. | Richard Wainham. |
Thomas Ratcliffe. | Benomy Reyman. |
Michael Booker. | Thomas Gay. |
Iohn Higglet. | Iames Vpfall. |
Nathanael Earle. | Daniel — Mr. Dombe- lowes man. |
Iohn Gibbes. | |
William Parker. |
[39] At Mr. Richard Owens house.
Richard Owen. | One old Maid called blinde Margaret. |
Stephen Dubo. | |
Francis, an Irishman. | William Reeue. |
Thomas Paine. |
At Master Owen Macars house.
Owen Macar. | Richard Yeaw. |
Garret Farrel. | One Boy. |
At Master Macocks Diuidend.
Capt. Samuel Macock Es- quire. |
Thomas Browne. |
Edward Lister. | Iohn Downes. |
At Flowerdieu-Hundred Sir George Yeardleys Plantation.
Iohn Philips. | Robert Taylor. |
Thomas Nufon. | Samuel Iarret. |
Iohn Braford. | Elizabeth Bennet. |
At the other side of the Riuer opposite to Flowerdieu-Hundred.
Master Hobson, and his Wife. | Thomas Philips. |
Richard Storks. | Richard Campion. |
Iohn Slaughter. | Anne Greene. |
[40] At Mr. Swinhowe his House.
Mistris Swinhow, & Thomas and George Shinhow her sonnes. |
Iohn Larkin. |
William Blyth. | |
Thomas Grindal. | |
Richard Mosse. |
At Mr. William Bikars house.
William Bykar. | Edward Peirce. |
Math: Hawthorn and his Wife. | Nicholas Howsdon. |
At Weynoack of Sir George Yeardley his people.
Nathanael Elie. | Thomas Ap-Richard. |
Iohn Flores. | Henry Haynes. |
Henry Gape. | Iohn Blewet. |
— Buckingham. | Henry Rice. |
William Pusset. | — Hurt. |
William Walker. | Ionas Alport. |
Iohn Gray. | Thomas Stephens. |
Iames Boate. | Samuel Goodwine. |
Iohn Suersby. | Iohn Snow, and his Boy. |
Thomas Euans. | Margery Blewet. |
At Powle-brooke.
Capt. Nath: Powle, Esq. and his Wife, Daughter to Mr. Tracy. |
Thomas Woolcher. |
William Meakins. | |
Mistris Bray. | Robert — |
Adam Rayners Wife. | Peter Iordan. |
Barbara Burges. | Nathanael Leydon. |
William Head. | Peter Goodale. |
[41] At Southampton-Hundred.
Robert Goffe, and his Wife, | Iohn Dauies. |
William Larkum. | William Mountfort. |
At Martin Brandons.
Lieutenant Sanders. | 2 Boyes. |
Ensigne Sherley. | Mathew a Polander. |
Iohn Taylor, and his Wife. |
At Captaine Spilmans house.
- Iohn Basingthwayte.
- Walter Shawe.
At Ensigne Spence his house.
William Richmond | William Fierfax. |
Iohn Fowler. | The Tinker. |
Alexander Bale. |
Persons slaine at Martins-Hundred some seauen miles from Iames-Citie.
Lieutenant Rich: Kean. | Edward How, his Wife, his Childe. |
Master Tho: Boise, & Mistris Boise his wife, & a sucking Childe. |
A child of Iohn Iacksons. | |
4 Men-seruants. | |
4 of his men. | Iosua Dary, his Wife, A Man. |
A Maide. | Ralphe Digginson, his Wife. |
2 Children. | Richard Cholfer. |
Nathanael Iefferies wife. | George Iones. |
Margaret Dauies. | Cisly Cooke, his Wife. |
Richard Staples, his wife, and Childe. |
Dauid Bons, |
Iohn Bennet. | |
2 Maides. | Iohn Mason. |
6 Men and Boyes. | William Pawmet. |
Walter Dauies, & his brother. | Thomas Bats. |
Christopher Guillam. | Peter Lighborrow. |
Thomas Combar. | Iames Thorley. |
3. Seruants. | Robert Walden. |
[42] Master Iohn Boise his Wife. |
Thomas Tolling. |
Iohn Butler. | |
A Maide. | Edward Rogers. |
4 Men-seruants. | Maximilian Russel. |
Laurence Wats, his Wife. | Henry a Welchman. |
2 Men-seruants. | |
Timothy Moise, his Man. | |
Henry Bromage, his Wife, his Daughter, his Man. |
At Mr. Thomas Peirce his house ouer against Mulberry Iland.
Master Tho: Peirce, his Wife, and Childe. |
Iohn Samon. |
A French boy. | |
Iohn Hopkins. |
At Mr. Edward Bennets Plantation.
Master Th: Brewood his Wife, his Childe, 2 Seruants. |
Richard Lewis. |
Edward Towse. | |
Thomas Ferris. | Remember Michel. |
George Cole. | — Bullocke. |
[43] Robert Gray. | Richard Chandler. |
Iohn Griffin. | Henry Moore. |
Ensigne Harrison. | Nicholas Hunt. |
Iohn Costard. | Iohn Corderoy. |
Dauid Barry. | Richard Cockwell. |
Thomas Sheppard. | Iohn Howard. |
Henry Price. | Mistris Harrison. |
Robert — | Mary Dawks. |
Edward Iolly. | Anne English. |
Richard — | Rebecca — |
Alice Iones. | Master Prowse. |
Thomas Cooke. | Hugh — |
Philip Worth. | Iohn — |
Mathew a maid. | Edward — |
Francis Winder. | Mistris Chamberlen. |
Thomas Couly. | Parnel a maid. |
Richard Woodward. | Humfrey Sherbrooke. |
Humfrey Cropen. | Iohn Wilkins. |
Thomas Bacon. | Iohn Burton. |
Euan Watkins. | |
Iohn Scotchmore | |
Edward Turner.} Mr. Iohn Pountis his men. | |
Edward Brewster, Lieutenant Peirce his man. | |
Thomas Holland, Capt. Whittakers man. |
At Master Walters his house.
Master Edw: Walters his Wife, |
a Maid. |
a Boy. | |
a Childe, |
The whole number is 347.
A Treatise of the Northwest Passage to the South Sea, through
the Continent of VIRGINIA AND BY Fretum Hudson
The noble Plantation of VIRGINIA hath some very excellent Prerogatiues
aboue many other famous Kingdomes, namely, the temperature of the
ayre, the fruitfulnesse of the soile, and the commodiousnesse of situation.
The ayre is healthfull and free both from immoderate heate, and from
extreame cold; so that both the inhabitants and their cattell doe prosper
exceedingly in stature and strength, and all Plants brought from any other
remote climate, doe there grow and fructifie in as good or better manner,
then in the soyle from whence they came. Which though it doe manifestly
proue the fruitfulnesse of the soile, yeelding all kinds of graine or plants
committed vnto it, with a rich and plentifull encrease, yet cannot the
fatnesse of the earth alone produce such excellent effects, vnlesse the tem-
perature of the Ayre bee likewise so fauourable, that [46] those tender
sprouts which the earth doth abundantly bring forth, may bee cherished
with moderate heate and seasonable moisture, and freed both from scorching
drought, and nipping frost.
These blessings are so much the more to bee esteemed, because they are
bestowed vpon a place situated so conueniently, and at so good a distance
both from Europe, and the West Indies, that for the mutuall commerce
betwixt these great and most rich parts of the habitable world, there
cannot bee deuised any place more conuenient for the succour and refresh-
ing of those that trade from hence thither: whether they be of our owne
nation, or of our neighbours and friends; the multitude of great and naui-
gable Riuvers, and of safe and spacious harbours, as it were inuiting all
Nations to entertaine mutuall friendship, and to participate of those bless-
ings which God out of the abundance of his rich Treasures, hath so
gratiously bestowed some vpon these parts of Europe, and others no lesse
desired vpon those poore people: which might still haue remained in their
old barbarous ignorance, without knowledge of their owne misery, or of
Gods infinite goodnesse and mercy; if it had not pleased God thus gratiously
both to draw vs thither with desire of such wealth as those fruitfull Coun-
tries afford, and also to grant vs so easie, certaine, and safe a meanes to
goe vnto them: which passage is in mine opinion made much more secure
doth reach out vnto vs. The coasts of Florida to the West, being not so har-
borous; and of New England to the East, somewhat more out of the way,
amongst so many [47] Flats and small Ilands not so safe. Neither is the com-
modiousnesse of VIRGINIAS situation onely in respect of this west Atlan-
ticke Ocean, but also in respect of the Indian Ocean, which wee commonly call
the South Sea, which lyeth on the West and North west side of VIRGINIA,
on the other side of the Mountains beyond our Fals, and openeth a free and
faire passage, not onely to China, Iapan, and the Moluccaes; but also to
New Spaine, Peru, Chila, and those rich Countries of Terra Australis, not
as yet fully discouered. For the Sea wherein Master Hudson did winter,
which was first discouered by him, and is therefore now called Fretum
Hudson, doth stretch so farre towards the west, that it lieth as farre
westward as the Cape of Florida: So that from the Fals aboue Henrico
City, if we shape our iourney towards the Northwest following the Riuers
towards the head, we shall vndoubtedly come to the Mountaines, which
as they send diuers great Riuers Southward into our Bay of Chesepiock, so
likewise doe they send others from their further side Northwestward into
that Bay where Hudson did winter. For so wee see in our owne Country,
from the ridge of Mountaines continued from Derbishire into Scotland,
doe issue many great Riuers on both sides into the East Germane Ocean,
and into the Westerne Irish Seas: in like sort from the Alpes of Switzerland
and the Grizons, do runne the Danubie Eastward into Pontus Euxinus, the
Rhene into the North Germane Ocean, the Rhosne west into the Mediterrane
Sea, and the Po South into the Adriatike Sea. This Bay where Hudson
did winter, strecheth it selfe Southward into 49. degrees, and cannot be in
probability so farre dis[48]tant from the Fals as 200. Leagues; part of
the way lying by the Riuers side towards the mountaines from whence
it springeth: and the other part on the other side cannot want Riuers
likewise, which will conduct vs all the way, and I hope carry vs and our
prouisions a good part of it. Besides that Bay, it is not vnlikely that the
Westerne Sea in some other Creeke or Riuer commeth much neerer then
that place: For the place where Sir Thomas Button did winter, lying more
Westerly then Master Hudsons Bay by 190. Leagues in the same Sea, doth
extend it selfe very neere as farre towards the west as the Cape of California,
which is now found to be an Iland stretching it selfe from 22. degrees to 42.
Iland which I haue seene here in London, brought out of Holland; where the
Sea vpon the Northwest part may very probably come much nearer then
some do imagine: who giuing too much credit to our vsuall Globes and Maps,
doe dreame of a large Continent extending it selfe farre Westward to the
imagined Straight of Anian, where are seated (as they fable) the large
Kingdomes of Cebola and Quiuira, hauing great and populous Cities of
ciuill people; whose houses are said to bee fiue stories high, and to haue
some pillars of Turguesses. Which relations are cunningly set downe by
some vpon set purpose to put vs out of the right way, and to discourage
such as otherwise might bee desirous to search a passage by the way afore-
said into those Seas.
Gerardus Mercator, a very industrious and excellent Geographer, was
abused by a Map sent vnto him, of foure Euripi meeting about the North
Pole; which [49] now are found to be all turned into a maine icie Sea. One
demonstration of the crafty falshood of these vsuall Maps is this, that Cape
Mendocino is set in them West Northwest, distant from the South Cape of
California, about seuenteene hundred Leagues, whereas Francis Gaule that
was imployed in those discoueries by the Viseroy of New Spaine; doth in
Hugo Linscotten his booke set downe their distance to bee onely fiue hundred
Besides this, in the place where Sir Thomas Button did winter in 57. de-
grees of latitude, the constant great tides euery twelue houres, and the in-
crease of those tides whensoeuer any strong westerne wind did blow, doe
strongly perswade vs that the maine Westerne Ocean is not farre from
thence; which was much confirmed vnto them the Summer following;
when sayling directly North from that place where they wintered, about
the Latitude of 60. degrees, they were crossed by a strong Currant running
sometimes Eastward, sometimes Westward: So that if wee finde either
Hudsons Bay, or any Sea more neere vnto the West, wee may assure our
selues that from thence wee may with great ease passe to any part of the
East Indies: And that as the world is very much beholding to that famous
Columbus for that hee first discouered vnto vs the West Indies; and to the
Portingall for the finding out the ordinary and as yet the best way that is
knowne to the East Indies, by Cape Bona-Speranza. So may they and all
both much nearer, safer, and farre more wholesome and temperate through
the Continent of VIRGINIA, and by [50] Fretum Hudson, to all those rich
Countries bordering vpon the South Sea, in the East and West Indies. And
this hope that the South Sea may easily from VIRGINIA be discouered ouer
Land, is much confirmed by the constant report of the Sauages, not onely of
VIRGINIA, but also of Florida and Canada; which dwelling so remote one
from another, and all agreeing in the report of a large Sea to the West-
wards, where they describe great Ships not vnlike to ours, with other cir-
cumstances, doe giue vs very great probability (if not full assurance) that
our endeuours this way shall by Gods blessing haue a prosperous and happy
successe, to the encrease of his Kingdome and glory amongst these poore
ignorant Heathen people, the publique good of all the Christian world, the
neuer-dying honour of our most gracious Soueraigne, the inestimable
benefit of our Nation, and the admirable and speedy increase and aduance-
ment of that most noble and hopefull Plantation of VIRGINIA; for the good
successe whereof all good men with me, I doubt not, will poure out their
prayers to Almighty God.
A Memoriall of Religious Charitie Exercised on Virginia to the Glory of
God and Good Example of Men, These Three Last Yeares, 1619. 1620.
l. | s. | d. | |
Mistris Mary Robinson by her Will gaue towards the building of a Church in VIRGINIA,} |
200. | 0. | 0. |
A Person vnknowne gaue for that Church a Communion-cup with a Couer, and a Plate for the bread of siluer guilt: a silke damaske Carpet, a linnen damaske Table-Cloth, and other Ornaments, all valued at} |
20. | 0. | 0. |
A person vnknowne gaue for the vse of the Colledge, a Communion- cup with a Couer, and a Plate for the bread, of Siluer guilt: a crimson veluet Carpet with gold lace and fringe, and a linnen damaske Table- cloath: all valued at} |
30. | 0. | 0. |
[52] | |||
A person vnknowne sent a Letter, the Copy whereof is registred; directed thus, To Sir Edwin Sandys, the faithfull Treasurer of VIR- GINIA: and subscribed, Dust and Ashes: And afterwards by an vnknowne person sent a box to the house of Sir Edwin Sandys with the same direction: which being opened in Court, therein was found in gold 550. pounds, to be disposed of for the education of children of the Infidels, in Christian religion and ciuility.} |
550. | 0. | 0. |
Master Nicholas Farrar of London, deceased, hath by his Will giuen, 300 li. to the Colledge in VIRGINIA, to bee paid when there shall be ten of the Infidels children placed in it: and in the meane time 24. pounds by the yeare to bee disbursed vnto three discreete and godly men in the Colonie, which shall honestly bring three of the Infidels children in Christian Religion, and some good course to liue by.} |
300. | 0. | 0. |
A person refusing to be named, hath giuen to the benefit of the Plantation} |
10. | 0. | 0. |
The Gentlemen and Mariners that came in the Royall-Iames from the East Indies, beeing at Cape Bona-Speranza, homeward bound, gaue towards the building of a Free Schoole in VIRGINIA, to be called the East Indie Schoole.} |
70. | 8. | 6. |
[53] | |||
Towards the furtherance of the East Indie Schoole, an vnknowne per- son hath added the summe of} |
30. | 0. | 0. |
A person refusing to be named, hath giuen the summe of 40. shillings per annum for euer, for a Sermon, to be preached before the VIR- GINIA Company.} |
40s. | per | an. |
At the Quarter Court held the 30. of Ianuary 1621. by a person not willing as yet to be knowne, was sent in gold 25 li. to helpe forward the East Indie Schoole,} |
25. | 0. | 0. |
At the same Quarter Court a small Bible with a Couer richly wrought, a great Church-Bible, the Booke of Common Prayer, and other bookes were presented to be sent to Virginia, in the name of a person who had the yeare before sent for the vse of the Colledge at Henrico; S. Augustine De ciuitate Dei, Master Perkins his workes, and an exact Map of America: the giuer is not known, but the books are valued} |
10. | 0. | 0. |
at Giuen by Master Thomas Bargraue, a Minister in VIRGINIA deceased, for the vse of the Colledge, a Library valued at} |
100. | marks | |
[54] | |||
There is a Contribution made by the Inhabitants in VIRGINIA for the building of a house of entertainment for new commers, at Iames- Citie: amounting to the value of} |
1500. | 0. | 0. |
The Gentlemen and Mariners that came lately home from the East Indies, in the two Ships called the Hart and Roe-Bucke, being at the Cape of Bona Speranza, homeward bound, gaue towards the building of the aforesaid Free-Schoole in VIRGINIA the summe of} |
66. | 13. | 4. |
[List of Requisites.][276]
The Inconveniencies that have happened to some persons which have
transported themselves from England to Virginia, without prouisions to
sustaine themselues, hath greatly hindred the Progresse of that noble
Plantation: For preuention of the like disorders heereafter, that no man
suffer, either through ignorance or misinformation; it is thought requisite
to publish this short declaration: wherein is contained a particular of
such necessaries, as either priuate families or single persons shall haue
cause to furnish themselues with, for their better support at their first
landing in Virginia; whereby also greater numbers may receiue in part,
directions how to prouide themselues.
li. | s. | d. | |
One Monmouth Cap | 00 | 01 | 10 |
Three falling bands | — | 01 | 03 |
Three shirts | — | 07 | 06 |
One waste-coate | — | 02 | 02 |
One suite of Canuase | — | 07 | 06 |
One suite of Frize | — | 10 | 00 |
One suite of Cloth | — | 15 | 00 |
Three paire of Irish stockins | — | 04 | — |
Foure paire of shooes | — | 08 | 08 |
One paire of garters | — | 00 | 10 |
One doozen of points | — | 00 | 03 |
One paire of Canuase sheets | — | 08 | 00 |
Seuen ells of Canuase, to make a bed and boulster, to be filled in Virginia 8.s} |
— | 08 | 00 |
One Rug for a bed 8.s. which with the bed seruing for two men, halfe is |
— | 08 | 00 |
Fiue ells coorse Canuase, to make a bed at Sea for two men, to be filled with straw, iiij.s} |
— | 05 | 00 |
One coorse Rug at Sea for two men, will cost vj.s. is for one |
— | — | — |
04 | 00 | 00 |
li. | s. | d. | |
Eight bushels of Meale | 02 | 00 | 00 |
Two bushels of pease at 3 .s | — | 06 | 00 |
Two bushels of Oatemeale 4.s. 6.d | — | 09 | 00 |
One gallon of Aquauitæ | — | 02 | 06 |
One gallon of Oyle | — | 03 | 06 |
Two gallons of Vinegar 1 .s | — | 02 | 00 |
03 | 03 | 00 |
One Armour compleat, light | — | 17 | 00 |
One long Peece, fiue foot or fiue and a halfe, neere Musket bore |
01 | 02 | — |
One sword | — | 05 | — |
One belt | — | 01 | — |
One bandaleere | — | 01 | 06 |
Twenty pound of powder | — | 18 | 00 |
Sixty pound of shot or lead, Pistoll and Goose shot |
— | 05 | 00 |
03 | 09 | 06 |
— | — | — | |
Fiue broad howes at 2.s. a piece | — | 10 | — |
Fiue narrow howes at 16.d.a piece | — | 06 | 08 |
Two broad Axes at 3.s. 8.d. a piece | — | 07 | 04 |
Fiue felling Axes at 18.d. a piece | — | 07 | 06 |
Two steele hand sawes at 16.d. a piece | — | 02 | 08 |
Two two-hand-sawes at 5.s. a piece | — | 10 | — |
One whip-saw, set and filed with box, file, and wrest |
— | 10 | — |
Two hammers 12.d. a piece | — | 02 | 00 |
Three shouels 18.d. a piece | — | 04 | 06 |
Two spades at 18.d. a piece | — | 03 | — |
Two augers 6.d. a piece | — | 01 | 00 |
Sixe chissels 6.d. a piece | — | 03 | 00 |
Two percers stocked 4.d. a piece | — | 00 | 08 |
Three gimlets 2.d. a piece | — | 00 | 06 |
Two hatchets 21.d a piece | — | 03 | 06 |
Two froues to cleaue pale 18.d | — | 03 | 00 |
Two hand-bills 20. a piece | — | 03 | 04 |
One grindlestone 4.s | — | 04 | 00 |
Nailes of all sorts to the value of | 02 | 00 | — |
Two Pickaxes | — | 03 | — |
li. | s. | d. | |
06 | 02 | 08 | |
— | — | — | |
One Iron Pot | 00 | 07 | — |
One kettle | — | 06 | — |
One large frying-pan | — | 02 | 06 |
One gridiron | — | 01 | 06 |
Two skillets | — | 05 | — |
One spit | — | 02 | — |
Platters, dishes, spoones of wood | — | 04 | — |
— | — | — | |
01 | 08 | 00 | |
For Suger, Spice, and fruit, and at Sea for 6 men | 00 | 12 | 06 |
So the full charge of Apparrell, Victuall, Armes, Tooles, and houshold stuffe, and after this rate for each person, will amount vnto about the summe of |
12 | 10 | — |
The passage of each man is | 06 | 00 | — |
The fraight of these prouisions for a man, will bee about halfe a Tun, which is |
01 | 10 | — |
— | — | — | |
So the whole charge will amount to about | 20 | 00 | 00 |
Nets, bookes, lines, and a tent must be added, if the number of people be greater, as also
some kine.
And this is the usuall proportion that the Virginia Company doe bestow vpon
their Tenant: which they send.
Whosoeuer transports himselfe or any other at his owne charge vnto
Virginia, shall for each person so transported before Midsummer 1625.
haue to him and his heires for euer fifty Acres of Land vpon a first, and
fifty Acres vpon a second diuision.
Imprinted at London by Felix Kyngston. 1622.
The copies in the John Carter Brown Library and the Newberry Library contain, folded in,
the broadside "The Inconveniencies that have happened", etc. (List of Records No. 292; see
p. 577, post.) The New York Public Library has it in separate form.
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||