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[God of unfathomable love!]


God of unfathomable love!
Whose bowels of compassion move
Towards Adam's helpless race;
See, at Thy feet, a sinner see!
In tender mercy look on me,
And all my sins efface.
O let Thy love to me o'erflow,
Thy multitude of mercies show,
Abundantly forgive!
Remove the' insufferable load;
Blot out my sins with sacred blood,
And bid the sinner live.
Take all the power of sin away,
Nor let in me its being stay;
Mine inmost soul convert:


Wash me from all the filth of sin,
Come, Lord, and make me throughly clean,
Create me pure in heart.
For, O, my sins I now confess,
Bewail my desperate wickedness,
And sue to be forgiven:
I have abused Thy patient grace,
I have provoked Thee to Thy face,
And dared the wrath of Heaven.
Thee, only Thee, have I defied:
Though all Thy wrath on me abide,
And my damnation seal,
Though into outer darkness thrust,
I'll own the punishment is just,
And clear my God in hell!
Cast in the mould of sin I am,
Corrupt throughout my ruin'd frame,
My essence all unclean;
My total fall from God I mourn;
In sin I was conceived and born,
Whate'er I am is sin!
But Thou requirest all our hearts,
Truth rooted in the inward parts,
Unspotted purity:
And, by Thy grace, I humbly trust
To learn the wisdom of the just,
In secret taught by Thee.


Surely Thou wilt Thy grace impart,
Sprinkle the blood upon my heart
Which did for sinners flow;


The blood that purges every sin,
The blood that soon shall wash me clean,
And make me white as snow!
Thou wilt the mournful spirit cheer,
And grant me once again to hear
Thy sweet forgiving voice;
That all my bones and inmost soul,
Broken by Thee, by Thee made whole,
May in Thy strength rejoice.
From my misdeeds avert Thy face,
The strength of sin,—by pardoning grace,—
Of all my sin, remove;
Forgive, O Lord! but change me too,
And perfectly my soul renew
By sanctifying love.
My wretchedness to Thee convert;
Give me a humble, contrite heart,
My fallen soul restore:
Let me the life Divine attain,
The image of my God regain,
And never lose it more.
Have patience till, by Thee renew'd,
I live the spotless life of God;
Here let Thy Spirit stay;
Though I have grieved the gentle Dove,
Ah! do not quite withdraw Thy love,
Or take Thy grace away!
The comfort of Thy help restore,
Assist me now as heretofore;
O lift Thou up my head!


The Spirit of Thy power impart,
'Stablish and keep my faithful heart,
And make me free indeed.
Then shall I teach the world Thy ways,
Thy mercy mild, and pardoning grace,
For every sinner free;
Till sinners to Thy grace submit,
And fall at their Redeemer's feet,
And weep and love like me.


O might I weep, and love Thee now,
God of my health, my Saviour Thou!
Thou only canst release
My soul from all iniquity:
O speak the word, and set me free,
And bid me go in peace!
So shall I sing the Saviour's name,
Thy gift of righteousness proclaim,
Thine all-redeeming grace:
Open my lips, almighty Lord,
That I Thy mercy may record,
And glory in Thy praise!
No creature-good dost Thou desire,
No costly sacrifice require;
Thy pleasure is to give:
Thou only seekest me, not mine;
Thou wouldst that I should take of Thine,
Should all Thy grace receive.
A wounded spirit, by sin distress'd,
A broken heart that pants for rest,—
This is the sacrifice


Well pleasing in the sight of God;
A sinner crush'd beneath his load
Thou never wilt despise.
Then hear the contrite sinner's prayer,
And every ruin'd soul repair;
Remember Sion's woe;
Show forth Thy justifying grace,
And for Thyself vouchsafe to raise
A glorious church below.
When Thou hast seal'd Thy people's peace,
Their sacrifice of righteousness,
Their gifts, Thou wilt approve;
Their every thought, and word, and deed,
That from a living faith proceed,
And all are wrought in love.
Laid on the altar of Thy Son,
Pleasing to Thee through Christ alone,
The dear peculiar race
Their grateful sacrifice shall bring,
And hymn their Father and their King
In endless songs of praise.