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Lastly, I bethóught me, of that Great Párliament-House;
With shut-to doors, which had I left unviewed;
And terrace-chambers, ón that fúrther part.
But the Inner-voice forbade, which in my breast,
Me to range thither: saying, Eléct dream-spirits
Inhabited there; which ábsent from their flesh:
Converse with Shining-Ones, whích descend from God.
Nor it might be revealed, what Light that is,
Which on them shines; nor could in speech be taught;
Nor such might comprehend my simple thought.
The aspirations, ín their several Faiths,
Of mens dream-spirits, those Shining Ones receive,
In fiery censers; whích borne forth on height:
They seven tímes purge, in a celestial flame;
From blind Worlds several darknesses; óf all dross.
What then may rest, acceptable in Heavens sight;


They, in theír celestial courses, offer up;
Before the Throne Divine.
Thus said the Voice.
And I, being come to énd now of the térrace:
My feet trod many thence descending steps;
To Dreamsoul-Citys league-large lower Court;
Which ceiled steep Gulf, of heavens vast azure firmament.
Whose pavement all, with gem-stones, was inset,
Like a mosaic-work: figuring Worlds wide Face;
Lands of mens sons, plains, hills, floods, Ocean-streams:
In Hollow all hólden, of Almighty Hand:
Amidst Illimitable Universe.
There great resort was; ebb and flow of spirits,
From all Worlds Coasts. Whiles I admired; disperse
I saw a fleecy shining cloud, anon.
And stood revealed, amidst, a Temple-House,
High lifted up! Not of Mans handiwork;
Búilded; but growén from ground úp, ás tree doth.
That ín its symmetry, of crýstal walls and pinnacles:
Of things on Eárth, móst líkeneth, ín Mans sight,
Some clear frostwork.
Environed on each part,


The Sánctuary, great ground-sills of jásper-rock;
On whose stepped banks, dream-citizens' Nations sate,
In their degrees: awaiting, wíth eyes fixt;
The opening óf the Temple-gates.
I marked
The Temples dedication ón the frieze.
And read there, lightning-bright, with awe of heart;
Large written, as seemed me bý the Finger of HEAVEN.
To the Thrice-Holy All-only Eternal Fatherhood
Which hath revealed Himself in all the Earth.