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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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The Heart of mighty England art thou, and
Thy pulses beat unto the Ocean's shore,
Waking tenthousand Hearts that slept before,
Bound with the electric chain of Mind: from Land
To Land thy strong Voice shouts, and Freedom's brand,
Bequeathed us by the glorious race of yore,
Is handed onward, brightening more and more,
Thro' Time's stillchanging mists, by Truth's breath fanned!
O God, grant that this mighty Heart for thee
And Truth alone may beat: that thus for aye,
In every Land and Clime, the good and free
May turn to England her best praise to say,
«Thence was the dawn of Liberty, and we
Walk in the light of a reflected Day!»