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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CLXXXVII. 2 Kings, Chap. IV. from Ver. 38. to the End.

Elisha heals the Pottage. Feeds a hundred Men with twenty Loaves.

To Gilgal did the Saint agen repair,
The Prophets Sons attend their Master there:
Jehovah call'd, and loe! at his Command,
A dreadful Famine plagu'd the guilty Land:
Nor he who bounteous Heav'n so oft had try'd,
Cou'd doubt but Heav'n wou'd for his Guest provide:
The Servants range the Woods and search the Fields,
For what uncultivated Nature yields:
Herbs of unwholsom Juices thence they bear,
And for themselves and for the rest prepare,
Who urg'd by Hunger taste the deadly Fare:
Their Error known, they to the Prophet cry'd,
Who taught by Heav'n, did soon a Cure provide:
The Flow'r of Wheat amid the Cauldron throws,
And what was Death before, a Banquet grows,
Its pois'nous Nature alter'd and subdu'd,
A salutary and delightful Food:


Nor did their Benefactor's Bounty stay,
Their Wants reliev'd, 'twas now a festal Day:
From Baal-Shalisha's Fields a Stranger sent,
With new Refreshments did the Saint present:
The Famine press'd, he wou'd not hoard his Store,
But dares on Providence rely for more:
With Holy Fruits he bids the Board be spread,
Nor wanted there his small Reserve of Bread:
His Servitor replies—Alas, in vain!
Can we with these an hundred Men sustain?
Dispute not, but obey, his Lord replies,
It shall for all, with over-plus suffice:
They eat,—Behold the wond'rous Store renew,
And larger than the whole the Fragments grew.
Thus Hospitality's the greatest Gain,
And thus a Little bless'd can num'rous Wants sustain.