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Come, and let us sweetly join
Christ to praise in hymns divine;
Give we all with one accord
Glory to our common Lord:
Hands, and hearts, and voices raise,
Sing as in the ancient days,
Antedate the joys above,
Celebrate the Feast of Love.
Strive we, in affection strive:
Let the purer flame revive,
Such as in the martyrs glow'd,
Dying champions for their God.
We, like them, may live and love;
Call'd we are their joys to prove;
Saved with them from future wrath,
Partners of like precious faith.
Sing we then in Jesu's name,
Now as yesterday the same,
One in every age and place,
Full for all of truth and grace.
We, for Christ, our Master, stand
Lights in a benighted land;
We our dying Lord confess,
We are Jesu's witnesses.


Witnesses that Christ hath died,
We with Him are crucified:
Christ hath burst the bands of death,
We His quickening Spirit breathe.
Christ is now gone up on high;
(Thither all our wishes fly;)
Sits at God's right hand above,
There with Him we reign in love!


Come, Thou high and lofty Lord,
Lowly, meek, incarnate Word;
Humbly stoop to earth again,
Come, and visit abject man.
Jesu, dear, expected Guest,
Thou art bidden to the feast;
For Thyself our hearts prepare,
Come, and sit, and banquet there.
Jesu, we the promise claim,
We are met in Thy great name:
In the midst do Thou appear,
Manifest Thy presence here;
Sanctify us, Lord, and bless,
Breathe Thy Spirit, give Thy peace,
Thou Thyself within us move;
Make our feast a feast of love.
Let the fruits of grace abound,
Let in us Thy bowels sound;
Faith, and love, and joy increase,
Temperance, and gentleness:
Plant in us Thy humble mind;
Patient, pitiful, and kind,


Meek and lowly let us be,
Full of goodness, full of Thee.
Make us all in Thee complete,
Make us all for glory meet,
Meet to' appear before Thy sight,
Partners with the saints in light.
Call, O, call us each by name
To the marriage of the Lamb;
Let us lean upon Thy breast;
Love be there our endless feast.


Let us join, ('tis God commands,)
Let us join our hearts and hands;
Help to gain our calling's hope,
Build we each the other up.
God His blessing shall dispense,
God shall crown His ordinance,
Meet in His appointed ways,
Nourish us with social grace.
Let us then as brethren love,
Faithfully His gifts improve,
Carry on the earnest strife,
Walk in holiness of life.
Still forget the things behind,
Follow Christ in heart and mind,
Toward the mark unwearied press,
Seize the crown of righteousness.
Plead we thus for faith alone,
Faith which by our works is shown;
God it is who justifies,
Only faith the grace applies,—


Active faith that lives within,
Conquers hell, and death, and sin,
Hallows whom it first made whole,
Forms the Saviour in the soul.
Let us for this faith contend,
Sure salvation is its end;
Heaven already is begun,
Everlasting life is won:
Only let us persevere
Till we see our Lord appear,
Never from the Rock remove,
Saved by faith which works by love.


Partners of a glorious hope,
Lift your hearts and voices up;
Jointly let us rise and sing
Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King.
Monuments of Jesu's grace,
Speak we by our lives His praise,
Walk in Him we have received,
Show we not in vain believed.
While we walk with God in light,
God our hearts doth still unite,
Dearest fellowship we prove,
Fellowship of Jesu's love;
Sweetly each with each combined,
In the bonds of duty join'd,
Feels the cleansing blood applied,
Daily feels that Christ hath died.
Still, O Lord, our faith increase;
Cleanse from all unrighteousness:


Thee the' unholy cannot see;
Make, O, make us meet for Thee.
Every vile affection kill,
Root out every seed of ill;
Utterly abolish sin,
Write Thy law of love within.
Hence may all our actions flow,
Love the proof that Christ we know;
Mutual love the token be,
Lord, that we belong to Thee:
Love, Thy image love, impart,
Stamp it on our face and heart;
Only love to us be given,
Lord, we ask no other heaven.


1 Peter i. 3, &c.

Father, hail, by all adored,
Father of our bleeding Lord!
God of mercy, Thee we praise,
Saved by Thy abundant grace:
To a lively hope begot,
Into second being brought,
Quicken'd by, and with, our Head,
Raised in Jesus from the dead.
Raised to' inherit glorious joys,
Happiness that never cloys,
Happiness without allay,
Joys that never fade away;
Manna such as angels eat,
Pure delights for spirits fit,


All to us through Jesus given,
All for us reserved in heaven.
There we shall in glory shine,
Kept on earth by power Divine;
Power Divine through faith received:
We the promise have believed;
Confident that Christ shall come,
Make the faithful souls His home,
Here in part Himself reveal,
Stamp us with the Spirit's seal.
This we now rejoice to know,
Sorrowful howe'er we go,
Exercised, if need require,
Purged in the refining fire:
Faith the trial shall abide,
Shine, as gold, when fully tried,
Glory, honour, praise receive,
Which the Righteous Judge shall give.
Him we love, as yet unseen;
(Flesh is interposed between;)
Only faith's interior eye
Darkly can its Lord descry:
Gladden'd by the partial sight,
Swells our soul with vast delight,
Glorious and unspeakable;—
Heaven begun on earth we feel.
Here the sinner that believes
Everlasting life receives;
Here angelic bliss we find,
Bliss the same with theirs in kind,—


Only differing in degree:
Lengthen'd out it soon shall be;
All our heaven we then shall prove,
All the' eternity of love.