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The Prophesie.

When the K. leaves of S**ly, & holds to the Queen
And B**wick has fought as many Battles as he's seen,
Then Cl**ford shall look like a Lass of fifteen,
And Popery out of this Nation shall run.


When M--- shall leave off his Lust and his Pride,
And C---wall his Pimp, which none but his breed,
Then M--- Letchery shall be deny'd.
And Popery, &c.
When B---ly the Cynick leaves being Satyrick,
And of his Wifes Vertue writes a large Panegyrick,
Then his Manners shall fight for his good Natures Merit,
And Popery, &c.
When R--- gives up his 12 s. i'th' Pound,
And the Army does B--- Generosity sound,
Then D--- refusing of Bribes shall be found;
And Popery, &c.
When G--- his Conscience shall fly in's face,
And rather than Vote 'gainst, the the Test leav's place,
And S--- likewise shall have no more Grace;
And Popery, &c.
When C--- and D--- for Religion dye Martyrs,
And C--- refuses to be Knight of the Garter.
Then the Country no longer shall the Dragoons Quarter;
And Popery, &c.
When the K. from the Word he hath given does swerve,
And the Judges the Oath they have taken observe,
Or for breaking have but what they deserve;
And Popery, &c.
When Archbishop of York we see Dr. Ken,
And Compton made Bishop of London agen,
And Herbert Rule, as before, on the Main;
And Popery, &c.
When N**folk grows Rich, and P**is grows poor,
When N--- is humble S---cer demure,
When the Town can love one, & the other endure;
And Popery, &c.


When T---l's turn'd out, and an Ormond put in,
When the Groom of the Stool thinks declaring a Sin,
Then Oxford shall have his Regiment agen;
And Popery, &c.
When the P--- of Denmark leaves W--- direction,
And is suff'red to bring what she breeds to perfection,
And a Parliament's call'd by a legal Election,
And Popery, &c.
When Fe**hams Conduct a Souldier shall prove him,
And the Chancellour beggs that the King would remove him,
Oh, then we shall see how the People will love him;
And Popery, &c.
When Petres and P--- Council shall fail,
And if what the Q. goes with shou'd prove a Female,
Lord! How wou'd the Romish Religion prevail,
That out of this Nation it might not turn.