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CCIX. Patrick Copland. "A Declaration how the monies (viz, seuenty pound eight shillings sixe pence) were disposed, which was gathered by M. Patrick Copland, ... (towards the building of a free Schoole in Virginia ...)"
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CCIX. Patrick Copland. "A Declaration how the monies (viz,
seuenty pound eight shillings sixe pence) were disposed,
which was gathered by M. Patrick Copland, ...
(towards the building of a free Schoole in Virginia ...)"

Percy Papers (Courtesy of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, at Alnwick
Castle), Volume XII, Folio 113
Printed Document in Public Record Office
List of Records No. 289

A Declaration how the monies (viz. seuenty pound eight shillings sixe
pence) were disposed, which
was gathered (by M. Patrick Copland,
Preacher in the Royall Iames) at the Cape of good hope, (towards the


building of a free Schoole in Virginia) of the Gentlemen and Marriners in the
said Ship: A list of whose names are under specified, for Gods glory, their
comfort, and the incouragement of others to the furthering of the same, or the
like pious worke.



li.  s.  d. 
Captaine Martin Prinℯ  13 
Patrick Copland, Preacher 
George Baal 
Adam Denton Merchants 
Thomas Iohns 
Ieremy Shuker 
Iohn Leman, Master 
Thomas Adison 
Iames Slade 
Rich. Wedmore 
Iames Dauice Masters
Iames Burgesse  10 
Thom. Hartnell  13 
Samuel Butta  10 
Will. Massam  10 
Edward Hewet  10 
Henry Ienings 
Ioseph Bowry  10 
Robert Blanchard  10 
Iohn Butler 
Anthony Fensham 
Rober Smith 
Iohn Austed 
Richard Fewater 
Richard Langford 
Rowland Shepherd 
Iames Searles 
Thomas Croome 
Iohn Dring 
Iohn Sarier 
Philip Wood  10 
Iohn Stauely 
William Burrouse 
Robert Eldred 
Thomas Griffin 
Thomas Iohnes 
Iohn Seabrooke 
Francis Browne 
Henry Bennet 
Iohn Daniel 
Thomas Hall 
George Gresham 
Richard Hayward 
Iohn Elliot 
Thomas Read 
Marke Robinson  10 
Charles Nuttal  10 
Edward Turner 
Henry Smith, Purser 
Arthur Suffield, Pursers mate 
Tobias Parice, Steward 
Steuen Goad, Boatswaine 
Philip Worgan, Carpenter  10 
Andrew Dawson 
Thomas Burch 
Thomas Badger 
Iohn King 
Iohn Feny  15 
Ioseph Kiduile  18 
Giles Whitehead 
Dauid Hailes 
William Tod 
William Chandler  10 
Iohn Coker 
George Paulet 
Iohn Fletcher 
Frances Terry 
Iohn Siluer 
Robert Thack[e]r 
Luke Browne  10 
Iohn Mason 
Robert Moore 
Iohn Hilles 
Iames Newcomb 
Thomas Alredge 
Iohn Tachus 
William Bishop  10 
Thomas Haget 
Thomas Hughes  10 
Thomas Russell 
Henry Blake 
William Baly 
Iohn Grant 
Iohn Winter 
Arthur Dauice 
Richard Elrye 
Henry Hanfield 
Nicholas Cage 
Thomas Woolman 
Austen Bernard 
Samuel Basse  10 
William Yeomans 
Robert Owen  10 
Thomas Vrine 
George Browne 
Fabian Hopkins 
Iohn Pindleton 
Rouse Waller 
Henry Rothermaker 
Iohn Roe 
Iohn Carman 
William Ashly 
Iohn Pearson 
Iohn May 
Iohn Doule 
Alexander Cunningham 
Roger Falwood 
Ieremy Lampin 
Iames Mitten 
William Coulston  10 
William Stoke 
Thomas Samson 
William Mousley 
Nicholas Medland 
Christopher Isop 
Nicholas Smith 
Humfrey Stanfield 
William Constable 
Robert Geyton 
George Blades 
Iohn Pauy 
Christopher Read 
Michael Hazard 
Iohn Garrets 
Christopher Tiffen 
Iohn Walter 
William Walker 
William Wilie Surgeons 
John Long  10 
Thomas White 
Iohn Wilcocke 
Nathaniel Grosse 
Thomas Wood 
Thomas Hutchins 
Ieremy Eliard  10 
Hugh Roberts 
Iohn Went 
Thomas Wylicocke  10 
Hans Martin 
George Read 
William Chambers 
Richard Thomas 
An vnknowne person  30 

Which 70. pound 8. shillings 6. pence, together with 30. pound added
thereunto by an vnknowne person, for the furtherance of the said free
Schoole, was paid vnto the Right honourable Henry Earle of Southamp-
ton, for the honourable Company of Virginia, at their great and generall
Quarter Court, held the 21. of Nouem. 1621. And the said Court, for the
better maintenance of the said Schoole, Schoolemaster, and Vsher intended


there to be placed, granted 1000. acres of land to the said free Schoole,
to bee at Charles Cittie, as the most commodious place for health, security,
profit, and conueniency: And appointed that with the said 100. pound 8.
shillings 6. pence, there should be sent ouer presently an Vsher, for the
instructing of the children there, in the principles of Religion, ciuility of
life, and humane learning: as also that fiue persons (besides an ouerseer
of them) should be foorthwith sent in the condition of Apprentices, to
manure and cultiuate some part of the said land, for the vse and benefit
of the said Vsher, till God stirred vp the hearts of others to be further
helpefull to the said Schoole.

Likewise the said honourable Virginia Court, thought fit in honour of
the said East-India Benefactors, the said free Schoole should bee built,
and the said 1000 acres set out in Charles Citie, to be called The East-
India Schoole:
And that the East-India Companies seruants, should haue
precedence before any other, to preferre their children thither, to be
brought vp in the rudiments of learning.

They thought fit also, that this (as a Collegiat or free Schoole) should
haue dependance on Henrico Colledge in Virginia, which should be made
capable to receiue Schollers from the Schoole, into such Schollerships and
Fellowships as the said Colledge shall be endowed withall, for the aduance-
ment of Schollers, as they shall rise by degrees and desert in learning.

There was since by a person refusing to be named, sent in to the great
and generall Quarter Court held for Virginia, the 30. of Ianuary 1621. 25
pound toward the furtherance of this godly worke: So that now there is
in all 125. pound 8 shillings 6. pence.

They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament; and they
that turne many to righteousnesse, shall shine as the Stars for euer and euer
Dan. 12. 3. For publike actions of vertue, besides that they are presently
comfortable to the doers, are also exemplary to others; and as they are
more beneficiall to others, so are they crowned in vs: our principall care
should bee, that while our soules liue in glory in heauen, our good actions
may liue vpon earth, and that they may be put into the banke and multiply,
while our bodies lie in the graue and putrifie. Whosoeuer shall receiue
such a little child in my name, receiueth me
, Mat. 18. 5.

Imprinted at London by Felix Kyngston. 1622.