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8. Pleading and Practice.

Professor Graves.

In this class the subjects are Pleading and Practice at common law,
and under the Virginia Statutes; and Federal Jurisprudence and Procedure.
These are all confined to civil cases at law; criminal procedure and
equity jurisdiction and procedure being taught elsewhere in the course.

An outline of the instruction in this class may be given as follows:

(1) The principles and rules of pleading at common law—an intimate
acquaintance with the common law rules and principles being insisted
upon as essential to a proper knowledge of pleading under any system.

(2) The organization and jurisdiction of the Virginia courts, and
the proceedings in a law suit from beginning to end, including appellate
proceedings; and the law of attachments, executions, homestead exemptions,


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(3) The organization and jurisdiction of the Federal courts; removal
of causes from State to Federal courts; the conformity or non-conformity
of the procedure at law in the Federal courts with that in the courts of
the State wherein they are held; and appellate proceedings in the Federal
courts.—September 14 to March 8—Three times a week.

Text-Books.—Andrews's Stephen on Pleading; Hughes's Jurisdiction and Procedure
of the United States Courts; The Professor's Printed Notes on Pleading, and
Printed Questions; Burks's Printed Notes on Pleading.