University of Virginia Library

I passed thence-further ón the Colonnade;
By diverse Nations' companies óf dream-spirits;
Which reasoned and conversed: and came in sight,
Where a bright arc, made of some substance rare
Of changeful rainbow-hews, as none on Earth;
(Lifting and lowering,) spans that marble terrace:


So lówly, it sóuls I saw might hardly pass,
Save on their bénded knees. Those thenceforth walk
Left there their former fleshly seeing; that cloak
Was on their inward sight, by light of Faith.
Upon that Pylon, súperscribed, I read;
Humility; and hárdly have crept through ón my breast:
And came mongst some, in óne poor livery clad,
Of frieze; that meekly worshipped as they went;
Folding their hands towards Héaven, unto HÍM, in WHOM,
They live, they move and have their humble being:
Intoning pious ántique lítanies.
Whom by that noble tongue, which they professed;
I guessed to be, of Worlds Italic parts:
(Loved Land benign, of an ambrosial breath!)
Brothers of lowly Francis, saint of GOD:
Théy, in thát now fórlorn Country óf the Christ;
Receivers of poor pilgrims are to lodge:
Whom they, full of the Love of God, refrésh,
With almes of wine and bread devout; and wash
Their way-bruised feet.
Exalted were their looks;


Whose conversation, wíth thanksgíving, was
Already, with All-Father in Heaven; left
All worlds desires, and malice of Mans heart.
Whose only part of this Worlds goods, was that
Poor worsted frock; which shóuld be their grave-cloth.