University of Virginia Library


Take again all you gave as the proofs of your love,
Take them back for their value is gone;
They were dear to me once, but with others you rove,
I am left to weep o'er them alone.
Since the heart you gave with them no longer is mine,
Since my tears and entreaties are vain,
Fare thee well! each remembrance I proudly resign,
They are worthless—receive them again.
Take the harp so long used to the songs of your choice
When your taste was content with my skill;
Take it back, since you now find no charm in my voice,
Though I sing your old favourites still.
Take the garlands you sportively taught me to twine,
Take the steed that you led by its rein;
Fare thee well! each remembrance I proudly resign,
They are worthless—receive them again.