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Occasional verse, moral and sacred

Published for the instruction and amusement of the Candidly Serious and Religious [by Edward Perronet]

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Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. C. P. Who departed this Life, on February 5, 1763, aged Seventy-five Years.

Here lies interr'd, from every dross refin'd,
Her ashes number'd, and her dust enshrin'd,
A soul, emerg'd from all that once detain'd
Its hands in fetters, and its heart enchain'd;
Whose wearied feet at length their course have run,
Their warfare ended, and their race have won;
Whose end approach'd, the end of all her care,
Her legal labours, and her meek despair,
He saw, who lov'd, and call'd His favourite home,
He saw, who loves, and guards the sacred tomb:
Ripe for her rest, but patient of delay,
She heard, “Arise, my fair one, come away.”
Thither, where Saints with joy celestial glow,
Soft as the shade, and whiter than the snow,
Silent as night, she glides from Earth's abode,
And waking found her spirit safe with God!