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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Nota quod ascensionis domini ix sunt fructus siue vtilitates.


Nota quod ascensionis domini ix sunt fructus siue vtilitates.

The first frut of all is this,
to won with God hit mad vs able
& to loue him treuely in this,
he to vs more merciable.
For Crist said er he vp went,
‘bot if I go, ȝe moun not knowe
ȝour consailour that shal be sent,
the Holi Gost to comfort ȝow.’

Iohannis xvio: Nisi ego abiero, paraclitus non veniet ad vos.

Then tretes Austain opon this
& sais, ‘if that we fleschely drow
to God, in that we done amys,
noght gode discipuls by his sawe,
‘But ȝif [we] gostly wilne his grace
and desiren hit for to winne,
we mouen be able to that place
that he stegh to and now is in.’

Augustinus: si carnaliter mihi adheseritis, capaces spiritus non eritis.

the secounde prophete witerly
ys forto haue the mor knowing
of his godhede, as preues herby
that sayn Iohn sais vs showing,

Iohannis xiiijo: si diligeretis me, gaudiretis vtique, quia vado ad patrem.

‘yff ȝe louet me tenderly,
ȝe schuld haue tho mor likyng
That I go to my fader in hye,
that in heuen is heghest keng.’


thenne says Austyn glosing this
in Goddes nome, as ȝe schun her,
in Latyn furst as wreten ys,
and aftre in Englis mor cler:

Augustinus: Ideo subtraho formam istam serui, in quo pater maior me est, vt Deum spiritum aliter videatur.

be-cause that is apostels alle
Seghen him her as werray mon
and do as to a mon schuld falle,
Saue synne might none put hym opon,
and als he told oft befor
that werray Goddes son was he,
therfor to dwelle as mon euermor
whit hom by skil hit might not be.
ny in-as-meche as he God was
to duelle in erthe hit semet ewel,
therfor to his proper place
He most go to ouercome the deuel.
and whil he was in erthe her
seruant he was from heuen sent,
From his fader of fulle power
to forbye mon obedient,
therfor to preue that he God was
as wele as mon, him nedet to go
bothe God and mon in-to that place
that he befor for mon come fro,
And fourme of seruand put awaye
steghyng in-to heuen blisse,
that his discipuls mighten say,
‘werray God our maistre is’.


Therfor saynt Austyn by his witte
in Cristes nome sais sothele this,
‘fourme [of seruant] away I putte
that ȝe moun knowe me God i-wis.’