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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath
Heath, Robert (fl. 1636-1659)
Occasional POEMS
On the Death of the young and pious Ladie Mrs C. P.
Epicedium On the beautiful Lady Mrs A. K. unfortunately drowned by chance in the Thames in passing the Bridge.
On the Death of the excellent fair Lady, the Lady A.R.
On the losse of Mr N.W. his three finggers cut off at the battel of Edgehil, he being both a Poet and a Musitian.
Nænia Upon the death of my dear friend T.S. Esquire, slain at the first fight at Newbery, 1645.
Upon the lingring death of the Virtuous Mrs L.H.
Upon the Death of the truly valiant Sir Bevil Grenvil slain.
Upon the unfortunate death of the truly gallant and noble Gent. Ed. Sackvil, Esquire.
Elegie Upon the death of that thrice valiant Lord, the Lord Bernard Stewart, slain in the fight neer VVest-Chester.
On the Death of that most famous Musician Mr VV. Lawes, slain in this unhappy Civil Warr.
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a Painter.
askt how he could paint a maid?
Find mee but one! I'l paint her then he said.