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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken
5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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Second Version.


[MS. B.M. Adds 36983, leaves 262 to 263.


A knyght that is hardy as a lyon,
Ner a squyer that is amerous,
Ner a goshawke that ffleeth for the heron,
Ner a grehounde on bores corageous,
Ner he that forto stryue is desirous,
None of all these, I doo yow well assure,
Off kyndely ryght may no while endure.


Ner a womman that sellith her beaute,
Ner a glotton ner a chydresse,
Ner a theeffe abyding in oo contre,
Ner a murdrer ner a felonesse,
Ner a waster that spendith by excesse


None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Off kyndely right may no while endure.


Ner he that is a comune cut purs,
Ner he that vseth to ryott long on nyght,
Ner he that hathe of eche man Goddes curs,
Ner he that dothe to euery man vnright,
Ner an owell that ffleeth by dayes light,
None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Off kyndely right may no whyle endure.


Ner he that vseth of custome for to lye,
Ner he that fforgeth tydyngges ay vntrewe,
Ner he that drynketh tyll slepe falle in his ye,
Ner he that loueth euery day a newe,
Ner these vynters that her wynes brewe,
None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Of kyndely right may no while endure.


Ner he that ioyeth to wyueth hym on a wich,
Ner he that ioyeth to horse hym on a mare,
Ner he also that houndeth hym on a bich,
Ner he that lyst no warayne for to spare,
Ner he that holdeth bothe with hounde & hare,
None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Of kyndely right may no while endure.


Ner he that is withholde with euery lorde,
Ner he that can nat a-byde in noo contre,
Ner he that vseth to make folke att discorde,
Ner he that can not sey well in noo degre,
Butt lete his tung iangle att libertee,
None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Of kyndely right may no while endure.



Ner he that vseth to bryng folke in deffame,
Ner he that can haue no paciense,
Ner he that vseth to hynder mannes name,
Ner he that hathe no man in reuerense,
Ner he that passeth his wynnynges by dispense,
None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Off kyndely right may no whyle endure.


Ner he that boroweth, and caste hym neuer to pay,
Ner he that swereth falsely forto wynne,
Ner he that beheth and allway dothe delaye,
Ner he that neuer lyst schryve hym of his synne;
There as I lefft, I will ayen begynne,—
None of all these, I do yow well assure,
Of kyndely right may no while endure.